Linking the Researchers, Developing the Innovations
A file oriented unstructured data collected and transformed into the data warehouse .Two or more records identified separately actually represent same real world entity, detection and prevention to improve data quality. The proposed technique introduces smart tokens of most representative attributes by sorting those tokens identical records are bring into close neighborhood, record duplicates are identified and removed from the data. Clean consistent and non duplicated data loaded into warehouse. The technique is a mile stone for cleaning data as with the explosive amount of data recording it is the need of time that more corrected data to be provided to the data mangers for effective decisions making.
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Vol. 11, Issue 09, PP. 153-159, September 2024
Fossil fuels supply about 85% of global energy but are nonrenewable and harmful to health and the environment. Solar cells (SC) convert solar power to electricity, and due to their ubiquity, low cost, ecological benefits, and rapid production, they have seen significant growth in research. Solar cells are categorized into four groups, each with unique components and benefits. First-generation silicon panels dominated for over 30 years but are declining due to high production costs and energy waste. CZTSSe is a promising third-generation material, offering abundance, low cost, non-toxicity, and efficiency compared to cadmium telluride (CdTe). With a high absorption coefficient and ideal semiconductor structure, CZTSSe shows potential as a novel photovoltaic material, achieving efficiencies up to 12.6%. The SCAPS 1-D modeling tool helps researchers optimize solar cell efficiency by simulating various structures. The study reveals that different ETMs significantly impact CZTSSe solar cell performance, with PCEs of 7.65% and 6.79% using n-CdS and n-ZnSe, respectively. In contrast, using n-TiO2 reduced PCE to 4.37%.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 11, Issue 08, PP. 146-152 August 2024
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are a promising technology for clean and efficient electricity generation. However, their performance is intricately linked to various physical and chemical processes. This study employs COMSOL Multiphysics 6.3 simulation software to examine the impact of electrode kinetics on SOFC performance. The simulation covers electrode kinetics, activation overpotential, ohmic losses, and mass transport, offering key insights into SOFC behavior. Critical parameters, including electrode potential, electrolyte potential, and current density, are analyzed to identify optimization opportunities, particularly in controlling current density distribution and enhancing the H2 mole fraction on the anode surface. The findings underscore the significant influence of electrode kinetics and activation overpotential on SOFC performance, guiding the design and optimization of these fuel cells for sustainable energy solutions.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 11, Issue 08, PP. 138-145, August 2024
Pakistan faces significant energy challenges, particularly in remote areas of Baluchistan, despite abundant renewable resources. This study evaluates the techno-economic viability of hybrid renewable systems for two locations in Baluchistan: Jiwani and Sibi. Using Homer Pro Software, we model and optimize various hybrid configurations combining solar, wind, and conventional energy sources for both on-grid and off-grid scenarios. The study aims to provide electricity to these sites at lower costs than current rates. Homer Pro simulates multiple load-satisfying solutions, employing two algorithms to compute the lowest feasible cost. The software analyzes system performance over time, providing outputs including Cost of Electricity (COE), Net Present Cost, Operating Cost, annual energy production and consumption, excess electricity, losses, and model lifetime. Results indicate that hybrid systems offer the most reliable and cost-effective solutions for remote areas without access to transmission lines. The most feasible solutions for each site are selected based on these outputs, demonstrating the potential of renewable hybrid systems to address Pakistan energy crisis in remote regions.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 11, Issue 07, PP. 124-137, July 2024
Solar water heating technology is one of the cost-effective ways of heating water in domestic as well as commercial and industrial sectors. The use of Solar Water Heating (SWH) systems is motivated by the desire to reduce the conventional energy consumption (fossil fuels) and especially to reduce a major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The purposes of the present paper consist in: assessing the solar potential; analysing the possibility of using solar energy to heat water for residential applications in Pakistan; investigating the economic potential of SWH systems; and their contribution to saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions. SWH installations and economic analysis of the proposed model was done by using System Advisor Model (SAM) software tool for Renewable Energy (RE) projects analysis. An empirical model is used for estimating the CO2 reductions due to SWH system implementation by replacing conventional water heating system. The result showed that if a SWH system replaces electricity, it can save 3741 KWh of electrical energy, similarly, by replacing natural gas, it can save 12.7549 MMBTU and reduces 1982.73 kg of CO2, 1.87 kg of SO2 as well as 3.37 kg of NOx. The annual mitigations of GHGs emissions by a single residential SWH system installation are also estimated for coal and crude oil used for electricity production in the country. This research also surveyed different single-family households in the study area with installed SWH system for real time observation and analysis.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 11, Issue 06, PP. 111-123, June 2024
With the increase in globalization and population there is an increase in the supply and demand gap in the electricity sector. This gap is increasing day by day and expected to be considerably more in the foreseeable future. The conventional sources used for generation of electricity are depleting and hazardous to environment. Third world countries such as Pakistan are facing a huge problem to lessen the demand and supply gap. There is need to find an alternative that can provide remedy for this alarming situation. Solar renewable energy and biogas are the two sources that are available in abundance in this part of the world which can be used for good effects. Solar renewable energy is relatively new and is adequate to provide electrical energy to the entire world. Pakistan is one of the luckiest countries in the world where sun has the highest numbers of radiations hence lots of solar energy potential. Major components of solar PV system comprise of solar panels, inverters, charge controller, cables and batteries. It is very easy to install and can be upgraded based on the change in the load demand. Bio gas has also lots of potential in this part of the world. This research is focused on the making a system that is economically and environmentally feasible to tackle the load shedding problems in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Peshawar is selected for this research study and Homer is software used for simulation. Results generated from Homer shows that there is a considerable advantage of using a mix of solar renewable energy system, batteries, bio gas plant along with generator to turn the gas produced into electrical energy. There is also a section on the environmental benefits of renewable energy system and according to simulations obtained from Homer the mixture of solar energy and bio gas is much more environmental friendly than the conventional sources.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 11, Issue 05, PP. 105-110, May 2024
Solders have a vast potential market and are involved in almost every manufacturing and engineering process, such as electronic circuit boards, automobile repair processes, and pipeline soldering. Lead-free solder alloy in the form of Tin-Silver Sn-3.5Ag is considered an excellent alternative to conventional Tin-Lead solder because of its good mechanical properties and less harmful environmental effects. However, some problems, like the formation of large intermetallic compounds associated with Sn-3.5Ag, need high attention. Hence, the growth of intermetallic compounds in the tin matrix is enhanced further at high temperatures; therefore, its effect on the mechanical properties becomes more substantial. Scanning electron microscopy was used to examine the microstructure of intermetallic compound particles. The elemental composition was confirmed using an energy-dispersive X-ray. The results were analyzed to study the effects of adding cerium in different compositions to Sn-3.5Ag, including its effect on making the microstructure more refined and coarser regarding IMCs existence and subsequent effects on mechanical properties. To overcome this problem, this study examines rare earth elements like cerium doping (0.1, 0.3, and 0.6) wt.% into Sn-3.5Ag to study the microstructure and subsequent mechanical properties. The study includes the examination of the microstructure and mechanical properties of novel alloys, namely Sn-3.5Ag, Sn-3.5Ag-0.1Ce, Sn-3.5Ag-0.3Ce, and Sn-3.5Ag-0.6Ce, to ensure the requirement for a green environment and make electronic materials, products, and processes as environmentally benign as possible.
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[15] I. Muhammad Aamir, Muhammad Waqas, Muhammad Iqbal, Muhammad Imran Hanif, Riaz Muhammad,, "Fuzzy logic approach for investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of Sn96.5-Ag3.0-Cu0.5 lead free solder alloy," Soldering & Surface Mount Technology, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 191-198, 2017, doi: doi:10.1108/SSMT-02-2017-0005.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 11, Issue 04, PP. 61-104, April 2024
Electromagnetic wave absorption materials play a vital role in the medical materials field. On the other hand, due to the various adverse effects on humans and other species by military applications and environmental factors, electromagnetic pollution management and interference of electromagnetic have received much attention recently. Specifically, EM-wave absorbers (EMWAs) could minimize the Radar Signature of Structures (RCS), hence decreasing the likelihood of radar detection. The interaction of electromagnetic (EM) waves of various sources can cause machine malfunction owing to data misinterpretation or accidental deletion. Because of the thickness and weight constraints, structural materials that are both light and strong, improved possibilities for electromagnetic absorption are required. In this work, the progression, characterization, and process technology of polymer composite materials used in EMI shielding or EM wave absorption applications were sought. Characterization of EM wave absorption potential was conducted using all the methods and theories. Single and multilayered combinations of surface-modified polymers, EM wave interaction features, and design ideas for efficient broadband EM wave absorption were studied. Polymer composite materials have been reviewed for the past 10 years in overseas and domestic(China) articles. To anticipate EM wave transmission, reflection, and therefore absorption, a computer-aided method has also been presented. Estimated results were verified and compared by reviewing process methods and material performance analysis.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 11, Issue 04, PP. 56-60, April 2024
The research purpose is to examine the impact of Systematic and non-Systematic risk on stock returns (Oil & Gas Sector) in Pakistan. The research design is based on quantitative and longitudinal research in which Secondary data is used to determine the cause and effect of the Systematic and non-Systematic risk on stock returns (Oil & Gas Sector). There were interest rate risk, inflation risk, liquidity risk and credit risk that considered panel least square methodology to examine top 10 companies (listed in KSE-100 Index) data ranging from 2013-2019 in which only privately owned companies were taken which had the same size of business in nature. With respect to the category of the privately owned scheduled commercial oil and gas industries operating in Pakistan. The findings explained that deposits do not have any significant impact upon Stock Return whereas rest of variables interest rate risk, inflation risk, liquidity risk and credit risk were found significant. Top two systematical private commercial companies in Pakistan (KSE-100 Index) are consider in this study, future research can be carried out on large sample size. Although, to avoid uncertainty OGDCL needs to provide deposit stock return on the bases of risk either systematic or non-systematic. Profitability is significant to stock in this study, so policy makers and senior managers need to have systematic risk management strategies in the operations of the company limited. Company Size has been found significant to stock return in this study, so policy makers and C.E.O need to maintain higher stock return by ensuring and creating customer relationships with depositors and investors to attract more returns in terms of profits.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 11, Issue 09, PP. 153-159, September 2024
Fossil fuels supply about 85% of global energy but are nonrenewable and harmful to health and the environment. Solar cells (SC) convert solar power to electricity, and due to their ubiquity, low cost, ecological benefits, and rapid production, they have seen significant growth in research. Solar cells are categorized into four groups, each with unique components and benefits. First-generation silicon panels dominated for over 30 years but are declining due to high production costs and energy waste. CZTSSe is a promising third-generation material, offering abundance, low cost, non-toxicity, and efficiency compared to cadmium telluride (CdTe). With a high absorption coefficient and ideal semiconductor structure, CZTSSe shows potential as a novel photovoltaic material, achieving efficiencies up to 12.6%. The SCAPS 1-D modeling tool helps researchers optimize solar cell efficiency by simulating various structures. The study reveals that different ETMs significantly impact CZTSSe solar cell performance, with PCEs of 7.65% and 6.79% using n-CdS and n-ZnSe, respectively. In contrast, using n-TiO2 reduced PCE to 4.37%.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 11, Issue 08, PP. 146-152 August 2024
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are a promising technology for clean and efficient electricity generation. However, their performance is intricately linked to various physical and chemical processes. This study employs COMSOL Multiphysics 6.3 simulation software to examine the impact of electrode kinetics on SOFC performance. The simulation covers electrode kinetics, activation overpotential, ohmic losses, and mass transport, offering key insights into SOFC behavior. Critical parameters, including electrode potential, electrolyte potential, and current density, are analyzed to identify optimization opportunities, particularly in controlling current density distribution and enhancing the H2 mole fraction on the anode surface. The findings underscore the significant influence of electrode kinetics and activation overpotential on SOFC performance, guiding the design and optimization of these fuel cells for sustainable energy solutions.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 11, Issue 08, PP. 138-145, August 2024
Pakistan faces significant energy challenges, particularly in remote areas of Baluchistan, despite abundant renewable resources. This study evaluates the techno-economic viability of hybrid renewable systems for two locations in Baluchistan: Jiwani and Sibi. Using Homer Pro Software, we model and optimize various hybrid configurations combining solar, wind, and conventional energy sources for both on-grid and off-grid scenarios. The study aims to provide electricity to these sites at lower costs than current rates. Homer Pro simulates multiple load-satisfying solutions, employing two algorithms to compute the lowest feasible cost. The software analyzes system performance over time, providing outputs including Cost of Electricity (COE), Net Present Cost, Operating Cost, annual energy production and consumption, excess electricity, losses, and model lifetime. Results indicate that hybrid systems offer the most reliable and cost-effective solutions for remote areas without access to transmission lines. The most feasible solutions for each site are selected based on these outputs, demonstrating the potential of renewable hybrid systems to address Pakistan energy crisis in remote regions.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 11, Issue 07, PP. 124-137, July 2024
Solar water heating technology is one of the cost-effective ways of heating water in domestic as well as commercial and industrial sectors. The use of Solar Water Heating (SWH) systems is motivated by the desire to reduce the conventional energy consumption (fossil fuels) and especially to reduce a major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The purposes of the present paper consist in: assessing the solar potential; analysing the possibility of using solar energy to heat water for residential applications in Pakistan; investigating the economic potential of SWH systems; and their contribution to saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions. SWH installations and economic analysis of the proposed model was done by using System Advisor Model (SAM) software tool for Renewable Energy (RE) projects analysis. An empirical model is used for estimating the CO2 reductions due to SWH system implementation by replacing conventional water heating system. The result showed that if a SWH system replaces electricity, it can save 3741 KWh of electrical energy, similarly, by replacing natural gas, it can save 12.7549 MMBTU and reduces 1982.73 kg of CO2, 1.87 kg of SO2 as well as 3.37 kg of NOx. The annual mitigations of GHGs emissions by a single residential SWH system installation are also estimated for coal and crude oil used for electricity production in the country. This research also surveyed different single-family households in the study area with installed SWH system for real time observation and analysis.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 11, Issue 06, PP. 111-123, June 2024
With the increase in globalization and population there is an increase in the supply and demand gap in the electricity sector. This gap is increasing day by day and expected to be considerably more in the foreseeable future. The conventional sources used for generation of electricity are depleting and hazardous to environment. Third world countries such as Pakistan are facing a huge problem to lessen the demand and supply gap. There is need to find an alternative that can provide remedy for this alarming situation. Solar renewable energy and biogas are the two sources that are available in abundance in this part of the world which can be used for good effects. Solar renewable energy is relatively new and is adequate to provide electrical energy to the entire world. Pakistan is one of the luckiest countries in the world where sun has the highest numbers of radiations hence lots of solar energy potential. Major components of solar PV system comprise of solar panels, inverters, charge controller, cables and batteries. It is very easy to install and can be upgraded based on the change in the load demand. Bio gas has also lots of potential in this part of the world. This research is focused on the making a system that is economically and environmentally feasible to tackle the load shedding problems in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Peshawar is selected for this research study and Homer is software used for simulation. Results generated from Homer shows that there is a considerable advantage of using a mix of solar renewable energy system, batteries, bio gas plant along with generator to turn the gas produced into electrical energy. There is also a section on the environmental benefits of renewable energy system and according to simulations obtained from Homer the mixture of solar energy and bio gas is much more environmental friendly than the conventional sources.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 11, Issue 05, PP. 105-110, May 2024
Solders have a vast potential market and are involved in almost every manufacturing and engineering process, such as electronic circuit boards, automobile repair processes, and pipeline soldering. Lead-free solder alloy in the form of Tin-Silver Sn-3.5Ag is considered an excellent alternative to conventional Tin-Lead solder because of its good mechanical properties and less harmful environmental effects. However, some problems, like the formation of large intermetallic compounds associated with Sn-3.5Ag, need high attention. Hence, the growth of intermetallic compounds in the tin matrix is enhanced further at high temperatures; therefore, its effect on the mechanical properties becomes more substantial. Scanning electron microscopy was used to examine the microstructure of intermetallic compound particles. The elemental composition was confirmed using an energy-dispersive X-ray. The results were analyzed to study the effects of adding cerium in different compositions to Sn-3.5Ag, including its effect on making the microstructure more refined and coarser regarding IMCs existence and subsequent effects on mechanical properties. To overcome this problem, this study examines rare earth elements like cerium doping (0.1, 0.3, and 0.6) wt.% into Sn-3.5Ag to study the microstructure and subsequent mechanical properties. The study includes the examination of the microstructure and mechanical properties of novel alloys, namely Sn-3.5Ag, Sn-3.5Ag-0.1Ce, Sn-3.5Ag-0.3Ce, and Sn-3.5Ag-0.6Ce, to ensure the requirement for a green environment and make electronic materials, products, and processes as environmentally benign as possible.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 11, Issue 04, PP. 61-104, April 2024
Electromagnetic wave absorption materials play a vital role in the medical materials field. On the other hand, due to the various adverse effects on humans and other species by military applications and environmental factors, electromagnetic pollution management and interference of electromagnetic have received much attention recently. Specifically, EM-wave absorbers (EMWAs) could minimize the Radar Signature of Structures (RCS), hence decreasing the likelihood of radar detection. The interaction of electromagnetic (EM) waves of various sources can cause machine malfunction owing to data misinterpretation or accidental deletion. Because of the thickness and weight constraints, structural materials that are both light and strong, improved possibilities for electromagnetic absorption are required. In this work, the progression, characterization, and process technology of polymer composite materials used in EMI shielding or EM wave absorption applications were sought. Characterization of EM wave absorption potential was conducted using all the methods and theories. Single and multilayered combinations of surface-modified polymers, EM wave interaction features, and design ideas for efficient broadband EM wave absorption were studied. Polymer composite materials have been reviewed for the past 10 years in overseas and domestic(China) articles. To anticipate EM wave transmission, reflection, and therefore absorption, a computer-aided method has also been presented. Estimated results were verified and compared by reviewing process methods and material performance analysis.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 11, Issue 04, PP. 56-60, April 2024
The research purpose is to examine the impact of Systematic and non-Systematic risk on stock returns (Oil & Gas Sector) in Pakistan. The research design is based on quantitative and longitudinal research in which Secondary data is used to determine the cause and effect of the Systematic and non-Systematic risk on stock returns (Oil & Gas Sector). There were interest rate risk, inflation risk, liquidity risk and credit risk that considered panel least square methodology to examine top 10 companies (listed in KSE-100 Index) data ranging from 2013-2019 in which only privately owned companies were taken which had the same size of business in nature. With respect to the category of the privately owned scheduled commercial oil and gas industries operating in Pakistan. The findings explained that deposits do not have any significant impact upon Stock Return whereas rest of variables interest rate risk, inflation risk, liquidity risk and credit risk were found significant. Top two systematical private commercial companies in Pakistan (KSE-100 Index) are consider in this study, future research can be carried out on large sample size. Although, to avoid uncertainty OGDCL needs to provide deposit stock return on the bases of risk either systematic or non-systematic. Profitability is significant to stock in this study, so policy makers and senior managers need to have systematic risk management strategies in the operations of the company limited. Company Size has been found significant to stock return in this study, so policy makers and C.E.O need to maintain higher stock return by ensuring and creating customer relationships with depositors and investors to attract more returns in terms of profits.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.