Volume 2024 Volume 2023 Volume 2022 Volume 2021 Volume 2020 Volume 2019 Volume 2018 Volume 2017 Volume 2016 Volume 2015 Volume 2014
Vol. 7, Issue 12, PP. 414-421, December 2020
In the last decade, the number of mobile subscription all over the world growing at a magnificent pace and providing connectivity to everyone around the globe is indispensable, which led to an increasing number of mobile base stations (BSs). In urban community mobile operator has easy access to grid electricity and they can easily installed BTS in these locations in a cost-effective way. But the rural areas face huge problem of electricity and grid electricity is not spread out in all the region, so, mobile operator face a huge problem while deploying BTS. Most of the rural region of Pakistan facing the problem of load shedding, power failure and no grid electricity access, so, mobile operator usually employed diesel generator to cater these issues, but due to escalating price of diesel oil and global warming it’s very costly in term of energy production and is environmentally unfriendly too. So, mobile operator needs some alternative ways of energy production in these locations. To power up BTS in remote areas, renewable energy sources are the best solution and incorporation with diesel generator make the system further efficient and reliable. This study furnishes the design and simulation of stand-alone HRES along with their feasibility report and economic analysis using HOMER. Another aim of this work is the comparison of the existing system and the proposed hybrid system for the telecommunication site. A sensitivity analysis is also carried out to observe and analyze the effect of variation in different parameter on the COE and NPC. It is evident from the optimization results that the integration of solar energy along with battery bank is the most optimum. Furthermore, due to the integration of renewable energy emission of greenhouses gases get abated.
Farhan ullah: Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E), UET Peshawar
Naveed Malik: Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E), UET Peshawar
Dawood Shah: Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E), UET Peshawar
Amir Khan: Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E), UET Peshawar
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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Vol. 7, Issue 12, PP. 422-428, December 2020
Solar energy is one of the most promising and sustainable energy suppliers among other energies. Geologically Pakistan is residing in the territory of highest solar radiation fall in the world. The average radiation falls is range from 4.656 - 4.864 kWh/m2/day daily on Pakistan. It shows the high potential solar energy exists in Pakistan, but still Pakistan is unsuccessful to trap solar energy in abundant manner due to many reason. Pakistan is facing energy crisis for many years and still many of the regions are not electrified due to accessibility and other issues. So the local people are using the standalone solar system for fulfilling the basic need but the survey found very bad quality solar panels selling in the market which are imported from china and other countries. However, it discourages indirectly the local people by using such panels by getting the low output. So this research is carried to conduct the life cycle assessment (LCA) of solar module. It is a technique that quantifies the product impact on the environment and identifies other important factors which ensure the quality and market development. In this research the LCA found the processes and operation used in manufacturing the solar module, which contribute larger part in the emission and energy consumption. The transformation of metallurgical grade silicon to solar grade silicon and panels assembly is the two main processes which consumed more than 70% of energy and take part in higher emission. The results showed 1416 MJ/panel and about 79 kg of equivalent CO2/panel generated. So it is proposed that Pakistan should start their manufacturing.
Malik Amad Khalil: US:-Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
Majid Ullah: US:-Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
Wisal Muhammad Khalil: Electrical Department, University of Engineeing & Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 12, PP. 406-413, December 2020
Energy is the key driver and frequently assume their role play as a catalyst for the sustainable development. Universally the per capita consumption of energy is frequently utilized as a guage for the economic and sustainable development of any country. Sustainable Energy plays a critical part being an imperative segment for the social values, energy poverty eradication and economic development, The huge inadequacy of power because of substantial dependence on imported fuels has turned into a noteworthy obstacle to economic and sustainable growth of any developing country in general and to particular in Pakistan. This situation makes an expansion in nearby fuel costs and cutoff points possibilities in the foundation of new industries. The ongoing gap between the demand and supply of power in Pakistan is around 7000-8000 MW with a consistent increment of 6-8% per annum. Consequently, hence to overcome this situation, sustainable power sources are intensely required to conquer the current issue Pakistan is blessed with enormous sustainable power source assets, for example, wind, sunlight based, hydro, and bio-mass. These resources have the tendency to be major contributors of future energy creation framework, climate change minimization, energy decarboniztion, energy independency, sustainable growth and development of the country. This research narrates the alternative energy resources like renewables, to inrease energy efficiencies and related possibilities for full-scale advancement which can be viable for sustainable development.
Majid Ullah: US:-Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
Sayed Kamal: US:-Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
Malik Amad Khalil: US:-Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
Sheraz Khan: US:-Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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Vol. 7, Issue 12, PP. 401-405, December 2020
The virtual simulation of organic solar cell is carried in General purpose Photovoltaic Device Model (GPVDM) software. In this work performance of Organic solar cell is investigated. Organic solar cell is composed of 3-hexyl thiophene (P3HT:PCBM) a polymer as an active layer. The poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxy thiophene) poly (styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) is added as an electron blocking layer and Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) film is used as top layer because of its high conductivity and very low resistance to transmission of light in visible range. GPVDM is used for light harvesting device simulations. It works on basis of Poisson’s Equations to equate the device internal parameters that may be electrical or optical. Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) formulations are used to calculate recombination and carrier trapping or mobility. In this study the temperature, band gap and active layer thickness is studied, how they affect the performance of organic solar cell. Variation in temperature inversely affects the efficiency. With increase in Band Gap efficiency also increase till band gap reaches 1.6eV, moreover increase in band gap increases efficiency but open circuit voltage value gets negative. The optimum value of active layer we got is 20nm which gives high efficiency.
Wahid Amin: Renewable Energy Engineering USPCAS-E UET, Peshawar, Pakistan
Zulfiqar Ali: Renewable Energy Engineering USPCAS-E UET, Peshawar, Pakistan
Muhammad Babar Iqbal: Renewable Energy Engineering USPCAS-E UET, Peshawar, Pakistan
Muhammad Arsalan Wahid: Renewable Energy Engineering USPCAS-E UET, Peshawar, Pakistan
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 11, PP. 394-400, November 2020
Apart from many other factors the overall performance of PV depends on temperature and solar irradiance because as the day progresses the energy received by PV panels from the sun changes and temperature also changes throughout the day. In this paper effects of temperature and solar irradiance variation were studied on a 240V PV panels maximum power, efficiency, and fill factor. The model is designed in Simulink/Matlab software which has two variable inputs in the form solar irradiance and temperature and three output parameters i.e. efficiency, fill factor and maximum power. First the performance parameters are observed under STC conditions and then one of the input is changed from STC whereas the other one is kept constant. At the end the second input is varied whereas the first one is held at STC. Simulations were performed and results obtained in terms of maximum power, efficiency and fill factor shows percent variation from its reference value for every one degree centigrade change in temperature and for every 20W/m2 change in the solar irradiance.
Muhammad Azaz: Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (US-PCASE), UET Peshawar.
Sajad Ullah: Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (US-PCASE), UET Peshawar.
Jawad Ul Islam: Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (US-PCASE), UET Peshawar.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 11, PP. 390-393, November 2020
In this study we present optimized shape, size and material of plasmonic nanoparticles in thin film solar cell. For this purpose, we chose silicon active layer solar cell, on the top of active layer another layer of silicon dioxide was used as antireflection coating. Thickness of ARC layer was kept 71nm. On the top of ARC layer metallic nanoparticles were placed. Parameters of NP’s such as shape, size and material were varied. Respective variations in the absorption of light in the active silicon layer were observed respectively. Absorption patterns were plotted against wavelength range of 400nm to 1400nm of incident light radiation using Finite Element Method (FEM). Results revealed the most optimized size and shape of nanoparticles that can contribute to the absorption of light in the active layer of the solar cell. Results also distinguished the best material for nanoparticle.
Asadullah: University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan, U.S Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E)
Fazal E Hilal: University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan, U.S Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E)
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 10, PP. 384-389, October 2020
Reliability and long term performance of photovoltaic (PV) system is of vital importance in switching from conventional sources to sustainable one. Design, study and analysis of key components in a photovoltaic power system starting from generation of power to withstands number of climatic stresses and uninterrupted power supply plays a key role. One of the key elements in photovoltaic system is photovoltaic module. Also power generated in photovoltaic system is dependent on a source of energy that changes in every instant and with the passage of time during its operation .Hence it is paramount to build a long lasting photovoltaic module and analyze characteristics of the PV module under various conditions. This paper presents an efficient PV module based on PV equivalent circuit model using MATLAB/Simulink, and compared the simulated model results with manufacturer’s specifications like peak current, peak voltage, open circuit voltage and short circuit current .Also the performance of the module under variation of series resistance, irradiation, and temperature are analyzed. Data from five different areas across KP are noted and the results were Simulated and compared with the rated data.
Jawad Ahmad: MSc. Student EESE UET Peshawar
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 10, PP. 379-383, October 2020
A field work was conducted to evaluate the response maize yield parameters to different inter row spacing and sowing methods in district Mardan of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, in 2019. A Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used for setting the experiment. All the treatments were replicated three times in the experiment. Five treatments i.e. S1 (Flat sowing with inter row spacing 0.60 m), S2 (Ridge-Furrow sowing with inter row spacing 0.60 m), S3 (Ridge-Furrow sowing with inter row spacing 0.75 m), S4 (Bed sowing with inter row spacing 0.60 m, in two row sowing, bed width 0.60 m) and S5 (Bed sowing with row spacing 0.75 m, in two row sowing, bed width 0.60 m) were evaluated. After performing the statistical analysis of the recorded data, it was noted that flat treatment S1 produced statically significant (P<0.05) higher kernel number (4.74 × 107 ha-1). While S5 produced minimum (3.52 × 107 ha-1) kernel number. Statistically no difference was observed in kernel number for S2, S3 and S4. Similarly, no significant difference was examined for number of rows per ear, number of kernels per row and number of kernels per ear among the different sowing methods. Therefore, it was concluded that to maximize maize kernel number (yield) it is suggested to use the flat method of sowing keeping the inter row spacing 0.60 m.
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Vol. 7, Issue 10, PP. 375-378, October 2020
Efficiency and stability are the main challenges of organic solar cells. In this research novel structure is investigated for organic solar cell which has improved efficiency and improved stability. Blend of PTB7 and PCBM elements was used for the active layer of cell. Thickness of this layer was varied from 80nm to 200nm and selected the optimized thickness of 90nm. On which the cell has maximum efficiency of 12.24 %. The influence of window layer material such as Zinc oxide (ZnO) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) with various electrode materials including Indium tin oxide (ITO), Fluorine tin oxide (FTO), aluminum (Al) Silver (Ag) and Gold (Au) with different combinations have been investigated with the objective to enhance the absorption and PCE of the cell. Also varied the thicknesses of these different layers and selected the optimized thickness on which the cell had maximum efficiency. The structure of the proposed scheme was observed with ITO/Al as top and bottom electrode with thicknesses of 125nm and 100nm respectively and found that this holds the highest performance parameters including Jsc=0.130(mA/m2), Voc= 1 (V), FF=94.1% and ƞ=12.24% respectively as compared to different electrode combination and window layers with the same photoactive absorber material PTB7: PCBM. This indicates that the proposed structure can be a good choice for replacing less efficient in-organic cell.
Muhammad Zeeshan: Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar
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Vol. 7, Issue 10, PP. 369-374, October 2020
Oil reclamation is a transformer insulation reconditioning technique which may be used as on-line or off-line. However, there is a need of evidence showing the effect of this process on conditions of the paper insulation, which indeed affects the life span of a transformer. This research work focuses on oil reclamation experiment on an old retired distribution transformer. Electrical testing and post-mortem analysis of the transformer were conducted, aimed at investigating the design aspects and collecting information on the insulation conditions prior to the oil reclamation. Temperature and moisture sensors were installed to monitor the conditions within the transformer during the oil reclamation [2]. The experimental process of transformer Oil reclamation was performed into two phases, with regular oil sampling to analyze the changes in key oil parameters, namely acidity number (AN), moisture and breakdown voltage (BV). This was accompanied by paper sampling at the end of each reclamation cycle to study the effects of oil reclamation on properties, particularly moisture, LMA and degree of polymerization. The transformer which was used for the entire experimental process was about 45 years old, 200kVA, 1100 / 415-240V distribution transformer. In order to study the long-term effect of oil reclamation, oil samples were collected from an on-site reclamation exercise performed in a laboratory-accelerated thermal ageing experiment. Oil samples collected before and after the reclamation were aged alongside new oils for comparison [4]. Through the regular monitoring and measurement of oil parameters (AN, moisture and BD strength) over 144 hours and paper parameters (LMA, moisture and DP) at specific stages of phase 1, it was observed that the transformer oil-paper insulation system was significantly improved.
The entire research work was performed into two phases (phase 1 and phase 2). The “phase 1” was aimed to improve and restore the oil parameters comparable to the parameters of new oil as specified in “IEC-60296” and its effect on the paper insulation. “Phase 2” was aimed to compare the life span of reclaimed oil filled transformer with the transformer in which aged oil has been replaced by new oil[6]. Effective study of oil reclamation was analyzed through laboratory accelerated aging experiment and real time application on a 45 years old transformer. Through the regular monitoring and measurement of oil parameters (AN, moisture and BD strength) over 144 hours and paper parameters (LMA, moisture and DP) at specific stages of phase1, it was observed that the transformer oil-paper insulation system was significantly improved [15].
Yasir Khan: Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
Muhammad Iftikhar Khan: Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 10, PP. 361-368, October 2020
In this research paper design, analysis and comparison of single stage and two stages Photovoltaic inverter connected to weak grid system is executed in terms of their maximum power point tracking, DC link voltage regulation, power factor and overall efficiency. Majority of the commercial and industrial loads are inductive in nature and result in a very low lagging power factor. However renewable energy sources have no reactive power generation and lagging power factor results in a weak grid system. For this purpose control mechanism comprises of three objectives is proposed in this research paper. These objectives are to obtain highest amount of power from photovoltaic array, the power must be deliver from photovoltaic array into the utility grid at unity power factor and to maintain desired voltage at the input of the inverter. In order to achieve these objectives nonlinear control mechanism of Photovoltaic inverter connected to weak grid system is established and implemented based on accurate mathematical modeling and by using Backstepping technique and Lyapunov Stability analysis. PI controller is used for the purpose to maintain desired voltage at input of the inverter according to the requirement of inverter. Both single stage and two stage models are developed and simulated in Simulink/Matlab environment.
Naveed Malik: Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy(USPCAS-E), UET, Peshawar
Sami Ullah: Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy(USPCAS-E), UET, Peshawar
Amir Khan: Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy(USPCAS-E), UET, Peshawar
Farhan Ullah: Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy(USPCAS-E), UET, Peshawar
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 10, PP. 356-360, October 2020
This paper present a method for detecting collision occurs in the robot manipulator and reacting according to collision direction. An experiment was conducted to read the joints speed during collision of the UR3 robot at static position, where the joints speeds are supposed to be zero. The experiment showed that when collision occurs within the manipulator there is oscillatory speed produced in joints, which is suggested to be duo to the stiffness of the harmonic drive. The harmonic drive is a flexible transmission generates stiffness behavior, as a spring, between the motor and the link. The collision is determined from the oscillatory speed produced in robot joints at static position. The method successfully identified the collision impact at joints, and reacted according to the collision direction. The experimental setup and the results are presented in this paper.
Omar Abdelaziz: Hefei Institute of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Science, Hefei 230031, China, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Egyptian Russian University, Egypt, Institute of Intelligent Manufacturing Technology, Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute, Nanjing, 211800, China.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 10, PP. 350-355, October 2020
The research has been lead relating the use of carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets in retrofitting and strengthening of the reinforced concrete member. The present research was conducted by using the epoxy to reinforced concrete beams retrofitted and strengthened for flexural strength by using CFRP sheet. The selected cross-section of the beam having 2400 mm length with 150 mm width and 225 mm height and the beam tension reinforcement on the bottom was set on 2#4bar@1.5" with the 38.1 mm clear cover was set to the main flexural reinforcement. The studied beam was focused on flexural behaviour. The experimental study has shown that while the using of CFRP with epoxy will improve the rigidity and durability of the concrete beam. Their great deformability greatly improves the seismic properties of the beam structures. Under the reinforced RC beams showed a very large deflection by control beam before their failure. By using CFRP externally the rigidity of retrofitted and strengthened beams can be improved.
Ismail Shah: School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Yunnan Agricultural University, 650000, Kunming China.
Li Jing: School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Yunnan Agricultural University, 650000, Kunming China.
Shahid Ayaz: MSCE scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Abasyn University, Peshawar Pakistan.
Waqas Ali: US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Study in Energy, National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Abdullah: Department of Civil Engineering, Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar Pakistan.
Nauman Khan: School of Civil Engineering, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Jiangsu China.
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Vol. 7, Issue 10, PP. 342-349, October 2020
Transportation plays an essential role in our everyday lives. Transportation planners often looking for systems that are efficient, reliable, and safe. One of the most significant factors in road accidents and public safety is the behavior of drivers. The Driver Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ) has not been used in Peshawar to find driver behavior. The dream of a secure and effective transportation network seems to exacerbate these conditions. The complete DBQ method is essential to find the effectiveness of the DBQ. The Driver Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ) was split into four separate sections. There were three major categories of driver behavior: mistakes, slips and lapses, violations, and unintentional violations. The respondents had to rate themselves on a scale of 1 to 3, how good they think they are, how healthy they think they are. The report concludes with a list of recommendations on how drivers can improve their behavior. Survey was performed at colleges and public buildings in parking lots. Drivers were questioned directly in the parking lot. 250 questionnaires were filled out in total. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was mainly used for the analysis of the data. Almost 64% of people do not have a driving license. 62% consider the process of getting a license difficult while 29% consider it of no use, and they believe they do not need it. Drivers with no driving license do more speeding than those who have a license. Most of the respondents were of the opinion to have strict enforcement of traffic rules, mandatory training before issuing a driving license.
Wajidullah: National Institute of Urban Infrastructure Planning, University of Engineering & Technology Peshawar
Safiullah: National Institute of Urban Infrastructure Planning, University of Engineering & Technology Peshawar
Muhmmad Adil Khan:National Institute of Urban Infrastructure Planning, University of Engineering & Technology Peshawar
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 10, PP. 338-341, October 2020
The Hydraulic conductivity (K) of soil, is an important parameter that is used to predict the movement of water and the dissolved contaminants, if any, through it. It can be determined through different in-situ and lab methods; however, it can also be determined easily, using the PSD models or empirical equations developed for this purpose. These equations specifically utilize the particle size distribution (PSD) data of the soil, as movement of water, and hence the hydraulic conductivity depends upon the types and sizes of the soil particles. Most of these equations have been developed for the coarse-grained soil only like the sand and gravel, and some of them only consider the fine-textured soil. In actual condition, soil is not present only as the sand or gravel or as fine-textured only but is the combination of three important particles, which are sand, silt, and clay, due to which the permeability of the soil is affected. This research work is based on the hypothesis that the formulas developed for the estimation of K, the hydraulic conductivity of the soil, may not work properly due to the presence of other particles. For this, different empirical models were considered for only four textural classes of the soil i.e., sand, loamy sand, sandy loam, and silt loam. It was found that as the number of fine particles increases in the sand the formulas do not give a good estimate of the K value.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 10, PP. 333-337, October 2020
Demand side management (DSM) is of the most important feature of modern smart grids, enable the utility companies and customers to efficiently use the available power. Load are shifted from peak demand hours to off peak hours, that minimize the pressure on grid and make it most efficient and reliable. In this paper the reliability of a distribution network is tested for different scenario. In first scenario, base case the reliability is tested without demand side management in term of different reliability parameters. In second case part of load which is noncritical load, is shifted to off peak hour and reliability is tested that shows improvement in reliability. In third scenario the percentage of load shifted is increased and reliability is calculated. Similarly, the reliability of system is tested for different percentage of noncritical load shifted to off peak hours. Based on calculation of different scenarios, the best DSM scenario is evaluated that gives the best reliability and high efficiency of the system.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 10, PP. 326-332, October 2020
In reaction to the impacts of global warming, individuals are becoming increasingly conscious of their homes unchecked power usage, particularly the use of electrical energy for cooking, heating, refrigeration, dish-washing and drying. There is an increased concern about idle losses, expended by devices when not in use, which not only add to utility bills but also add to the waste of energy. Monitoring and controlling end-use electricity demand in residential buildings can have a significant impact on reducing peak demand and optimizing energy consumption that can be achieved in smart households with residential load control systems. This study benchmarked eight Machine learning based algorithms: Linear, Ridge and LASSO regression; Support Vector Machine; Multilayer Perceptron; Nearest Neighbor regression; Extra-Trees and XG-Boost on a pre-collected “appliance energy” data-set. The specified algorithms were benchmarked on error metric of: training and testing set R-squared statistic; MAE; RMSE and also training time. Data-preprocessing and visualization was done to yield insight into data used. Firstly, un-tuned version of the eight algorithms were benchmarked, then model tuning via Grid-Search was carried for five algorithms and finally the effects of inclusion of certain features and varying parameters was tabulated and graphed. The least scores, on the specified error metrics, were obtained by the regression algorithms. The best scores were obtained by Extra-Trees and XG-Boost, which belong to ensemble algorithms of which Extra-Trees obtained best variance explanation (R-squared) scores of 98.94% on training set and 60.21% on testing set along with least scores on above specified error metrics.
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Vol. 7, Issue 10, PP. 318-325, October 2020
The Thin film technology is one of the fastest growing technologies because of the increase in energy demands and scarcity of energy materials. In thin film solar PVs PSC & CZTS are two of the most promising, abundant and efficient thin film solar PVs. They offer tunable band-gaps that can be adjusted for maximum PCE. Perovskite is one of the efficient solar PV material with a band-gap ranges between 1.55 to 2.3 eV which is too much close to the optimum photovoltaic conversion material. But it is less stable and vulnerable to environment while CZTS is more stable but have less band-gap as compared to perovskite. So, we make a tandem of perovskite & CZTS to utilize their efficiencies and durability. We simulate different thickness of layers and band-gaps of this tandem using SCAPS-1D, which is one of the best utilities for efficiency calculations of thin film solar PVs. We performed different simulations for that tandem while changing the allowable thickness of absorber layers & their band-gaps to obtain an optimum solution. During multiple simulations I obtained a better efficiency of 22.61% which was the greater efficiency during my simulations.I have used SCAPS-1D for modeling and simulations of thin film Perovskite and CZTS solar cells, calculated their I-V curve QE (quantum efficiency) for different thickness whose ranges are 200-500 nm for perovskite and 200nm to 1.2um for CZTS with step-length thickness of 25nm. I selected the best configuration for my simulations for better performance, on which I performed further simulations and chose model with efficiency of 22.61%. Which shows that a handsome amount of conversion efficiency is achievable for tandem solar cells consist of Perovskite and CZTS.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 09, PP. 312-317, September 2020
Amidst the prevailing energy crisis have thus pulled the thermal power plants to come into strike inorder to overcome the aforementioned issue seriously have invited ecological problem in parallel and is swelling day by day. Economic load dispatch (ELD) and economic emission dispatch (EED) are the Bi-objective opposite natured functions to each other which are brought into a single function with the aid of scaling factor (SF) and price penalty factor (PPF) to overcome the contradictory natures of fuel cost and emission levels at the same instant while keeping the alternators in their rated constraints of inequality in terms of maximum and minimum power levels and power balance constarint as well as including/excluding the phenomena of valve point loading effects (VPLE). Thus both the functions are balanced at specific single point which not only cuts down the fossil fuel cost but also keeps in parallel the emission level of gaseous products at minimum. Hybridized optimization technique is proposed in this research that carries the capability to combine the nature inspired Whale optimization algorithm with the three specific local search techniques i-e interior point algorithm (IPA), sequential quadratic programming (SQP) and active set (AS) and have been applied on two test cases for cost effective solution.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 09, PP. 305-311, September 2020
Language has always played a significant role in Human to Human communication. In case of not knowing someone else’s language, one can use hand gestures for communicating crudely but still be able to convey the message. Other than not knowing someone else’s language there are millions of people in the world who have hearing or speaking disability. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it has been estimated to be a population of 436 million (5% of the total world’s population) people in the world who have hearing disabilities. Deaf people cannot use oral languages for communicating with other people. The source of their communication is Sign Language (SL) that conveys the message to the other person. In Computer Vision, there are different algorithms, which are used to interpret gestures and recognize them. The Deaf community of Pakistan uses its SL, like any other country in the world i.e., Pakistan Sign Language (PSL). There are around 60 local languages that are spoken in Pakistan including Hindko. Hindko and many other local languages spoken by minorities in Pakistan are on the brink of being endangered as the amount of research done on these languages is almost negligible. In this paper Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used for the recognition of Hindko Sign Language (HSL). Furthermore, we examine and analyze the recognition based on prediction to evaluate the efficiency of the utilized CNN. The methodology developed in this research work achieved an accuracy rate of 99.98%.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 09, PP. 298-304, September 2020
The complex nature of the modern power system is because of the interconnection of the generating units and day by day increased load demand. The main purpose of the power system is to tantalize the load needs and generate reliable and cheap energy i.e. cost of generation should be optimum i.e. operating every generating unit in such a way to optimize the cost. The cost function of every generating unit is different from other generating unit, so load has to be divided among various generating units to obtain optimum generation. The optimization of power system is done by Economic load dispatch (ELD). ELD is of immense importance in power system operation and planning (PSOP). The primary purpose of ELD is to pacify the load needs at lowest cost while satiating all kind of equality and inequality constraints. Power system has highly non-linear input output characteristics because of different generation constraints. In ELD cost function of each and every generating unit is equated as quadratic function. Numerous methods have been devised to figure out ELD problem incorporating conventional methods like Lambda iteration method and Gradient method, and artificial intelligent method like Particle Swarm Optimization, Generic Algorithms etc. In this thesis optimization of generating units is done through General Algebraic Modelling System (GAMS). GAMS is a modelling system used for mathematical programming and optimization on a large scale. It helps to develop a mathematical model similar to their corresponding mathematical expression and gives more accurate results.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 09, PP. 293-297, September 2020
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 08, PP. 286-292, August 2020
Pakistan is an energy stressed nation and is currently facing short-fall of power output around 6500 MW and is among those countries which are mostly affected from climatic changes in the past ten past years i.e. from 1998 to 2017. To cater the aforementioned energy and environmental concerns, this research study is fabricated to (1) figure out the awareness level of females in regards to energy management (2) women behavior towards utilization of renewable energy resources in the households (3) females response to the changing energy conditions as a result of power outages in the household setting and (4) energy management strategies conducted at the households. The scope of the study is Peshawar district, Pakistan. To investigate the queries discussed above, a research questionnaire with a random sample of (n=121) is devised and analysed. Major conclusions drawn from this survey are (1) About (54.5%) of women are aware of energy savings by doing proper management (2) Females are also wise in decision making at households. (3) About (55.3%) of the womens are aware of peak hours unit and (48.4%) of females are aware of hours of electricity and gas load shedding and in lieu of waiting for electricity and gas recovery, women know how to manage routine chores but yet 52.6% gap leaves a pace for policy makers to integrate social and behavioral aspects of energy consumers and move toward energy efficient and sustainable solutions of energy management at residential sector.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 08, PP. 282-285, August 2020
Citrus peel belongs to orange and lemon plant that contains concentrated oils. Oil from citrus peel is widely used in foods, perfumes and pharmaceutical industry worldwide. In this study, the advantages of citrus concentrated oil extracted by conventional and novel techniques were studied. Microwave extraction techniques have come out as new alternatives to conventional techniques (hydro distillation) for extraction of oils. This paper reviews the novel separation technique with the conventional techniques in terms of extraction time, yields and energy. Extraction of oils with solvent free microwave extraction (SFME) was comparatively better in terms of extraction time that is 50 minutes while for microwave assisted hydro distillation (MAHD) is 60 minutes and for hydro distillation (HD) it is 3 hours. Yields percentage was almost same for the three processes that are 1.67%. Energy savings were greater in both MAD and SFME that is 0.4 kWh while in Hydro distillation it is 1.3 kWh. Overall MAD was better in performance than other techniques.
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Vol. 7, Issue 08, PP. 274-281, August 2020
In this paper the resiliency improvement of micro inverter is considered. Its life degrades mainly due to failure of DC link capacitor. The inherent 100 Hz ripples from inverter stage causes excess heat in capacitor. Consequently, the electrolyte dries out quickly and its lifespan decreases. The objective of this paper is to mitigate such AC harmonics on DC link capacitor. A compensator or active power decoupling circuit, APD, is designed in PSIM. The APD circuit is a combination of film capacitor, H-bridge and control circuit. Second frequency AC ripples are converted into DC by actively controlling the capacitor. In this manner AC harmonics are mitigated at the DC link capacitor. Firstly, a benchmark micro inverter is designed and simulated without using APD circuit. Secondly, active power decoupling is used by designing APD circuit. The simulation results show that there is a decrease in AC ripples from 9.4% to 3.2% by using series voltage compensator as compared to passive power decoupling i.e. only a bulk capacitor. The capacitor life is increased up to 19 years and hence of micro-inverter. The total harmonics distortion (THD) analysis shows that by using active power decoupling, system injects 2.7% THD as compared to passive decoupling which is 1.69%. which is still in bellow the IEEE standard of allowable 5% THD.
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Vol. 7, Issue 08, PP. 268-273, August 2020
The instructions are this thesis is the cost analysis of different sources of electricity for an educational institute in Peshawar. The technical and cost analysis of different system is done for the case study so that a system could be recommended for the site which can fulfill the demand requirement by least net present cost. By using HOMER software load profile is created and cost analysis is done for a project life time of 15 years. Five different configurations is studied in this thesis for techno economic analysis of the system. These configurations are made by selected different combination of solar, generator, battery storage and diesel generator. HOMER software simulate these configuration find out a system which have least net present cost. By analysis of result obtain from different configuration a hybrid system consists of solar photo voltaic cells of 77 Kw, diesel generator of 50kva, a battery storage of 8 strings of 4 batteries can fulfill our need a least net present which is the recommended system to be install for our system. The system will have a net present cost of 24.6 million, level zed cost of energy is 29.04Rs.
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Vol. 7, Issue 07, PP. 264-267, July 2020
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Vol. 7, Issue 07, PP. 259-263, July 2020
Pakistan is in phase of increasing economic growth which is also giving people to raise their standard of living which is growing in building construction. This is further rising the demand of electricity which is a big challenge for Pakistan. The energy savings made at load sites are nowadays regarded as energy generation. Taking all this parameter into account, there is an urge for alternative way to minimize the energy consumption in order to overcome the electricity shortfall in Pakistan. A detailed analysis has been conducted to lower the annual energy requirements of the test site. The optimization strategy mainly involves (i) energy audit, (ii) retrofitting technique .An important finding is that the payback period of all technique is less than seven years. The results indicate that when 3 inch polystyrene insulation is internally employed along with the energy efficient appliances, an electricity saving up to 22% with a payback period of 4.96 years can be achieved.
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Vol. 7, Issue 07, PP. 255-258, July 2020
Provision of affordable and environmental friendly energy is a national concern. Pakistan is not endowed sufficiently with energy resources and has to import energy resources from the gulf countries mainly from the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Energy policy has been the less researched field in Pkaistan. It is believed to be a ministerial subject with least or no input from other stakeholders like academia, industry and general populace. Under this research we have conducted a detailed survey amongst all the above mentioned stakeholders. The survey comprised of the following five aspects, that were focused in detail i.e. thermal power generation capability and suitability with refrence to Pakistani energy and climate scenarios, legislation capability and local capacity, social awareness and subsidy, energy efficiency and energy audit, industry academia collaboration. Regular policy making was started in mid 1990s. before that there has been no regular power policy and major mpart of the electric power came through the hydel power generation. Since only hydel was not enough to cater to the needs of a growing economy, injection of thermal became necessary. Afterwards i.e the first formal power policy of 1994 the power generation shifted more towards thermal power mode and by this day Pakistan has 62% of power generating from thermal power i.e. fossil fuels like oil, coal and natural gas. Pakistan is one of the most seriously affected country with climate change effects. Climate change effects and availability of power should be traded off to have a workable solution.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 07, PP. 251-254, July 2020
In this project patch antenna has been used for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) applications. Due to the advancement in the field of wireless communications day by day, RFID is the most attractive technology being used as an identification technology and is far better than other sources of identification and tracking i.e. Bar code technology. Different frequency bands are assigned for RFID antenna. But in this project work has been made in Microwave band ranging from (2.400- 2.483) GHz and (5.7250- 5.8750) GHz due to a number of applications and due to the higher transfer rate. In order to design slotted dual band patch for RFID 2.45GHz and 5.800 Ghz applications, a 1.58 mm thicker RT/duroid-5880 is selected for substrate material having a relative permittivity and loss tangent of Ɛr=2.2 and δ=0.0009 respectively. To achieve dual band response different techniques can be adopted. First a conventional patch for 2.45GHz has been designed and then with the help of slotting techniques another frequency band was achieved that was radiating at 5.8 GHz. The dual band frequency of the antenna has been achieved by introducing the slot in the upper most layer patch with coaxial feed. The gain, efficiency and bandwidth of the antenna at (2.45 and 5.80) GHz are {6.661 dB, 89 %, 36 MHz} and {6.661 dB, 97 % and 341MHz}, respectively. The antenna can be potentially use for RFID and WLAN applications. All the simulations are carried out using CST MWS. The prototype has been fabricated to validate the results.
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Vol. 7, Issue 06, PP. 247-252, June 2020
Coking plant wastewater is well-known for its excessive NH3-N and COD content, for which it is difficult to meet emission standards even by using the biological treatment process. In this paper, a fast and efficient BYW-01 was prepared and used to remove NH3-N and COD in coking plant wastewater from different biological treatment processes.Combined with the characterization of XRD, BET, FTIR, SEM etc, it was found that the abundant –OH and C=O functional groups on the surface of the mesoporous structure absorbent was beneficial to NH3-N and COD capture. The NH3-N and COD removal rate could reach about 50 %, 66 % respectively in 5 minutes. The possible adsorption mechanism was proposed.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 06, PP. 238-246, June 2020
Now a days, the load demand of the world is dramatically increasing day by day. This situation creates a big gap between the energy production and the energy consumption. The conventional energy sources are depleting globally. So it is a global phenomenon to restore the power energy and to look forward the other means of energy production. The load demand and power production gap can be reduced by Micro Grid. Micro grids is a group of localized electricity units and load that operates both in islanded mode/ autonomously or in grid connected mode. Grid connected mode is a small power generating unit that is connected with conventional grid system. Grid connected mode is a small power generating unit that is being connected with conventional grid system. Micro grid mostly utilizes the renewable sources of energy such as solar energy, wind energy, geo thermal energy and the other sources of distributed generation. While operating a power system in micro grid, the maintenance and flow of electricity is not simple task as compared to the unidirectional power flow in case of conventional grid station. Another problem is the identification of fault in power system in case of micro grids detection of fault location and its recovery is not an easy task. In this research work, I have developed a SCADA module through which fault location is detected automatically, by observing the power at different feeders and its dial recovery is done by supply the power from other nearby power generating station. This is only possible when the system has ability to operate in ring main system, but it normally operates in radial configuration.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 06, PP. 233-237, June 2020
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Vol. 7, Issue 05, PP. 228-232, May 2020
Ad hoc network is a type of network in which there is no center node or center entity. So, there are two type of ad hoc network MANET and VANET. MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc Network) is a type of ad hoc network in which the nodes are connecting wirelessly and have some random mobility. But VANET (Vehicular Ad Hoc Network) are different in traditional MANET due to high mobility of nodes but the realistic vehicle can’t be traced by using random mobility model and way point mobility model. So, for this purpose SUMO (Simulation of Urban Mobility) tool is used for vehicular mobility models and we successfully implement that model in NS3 and use a device to device feature (proximity sensor) of LTE module in NS3 for connected nodes (Vehicles) directly. And the aim of this project is to reduce the overload on infrastructural network and overhead in vehicular communication to avoid infrastructure and by connecting vehicles directly.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 05, PP. 221-227, May 2020
Delays are one of the major issues in the development venture. Because of this, projects surpass projected time and cost. Retardation in the project can be reduced only when its reasons are determined and evaluated. The main focus of this research study was to determine the delaying causes in the establishment of FATA University. The study follows a quantitative approach where a well-defined questionnaire was distributed among the experts directly managing the construction project of FATA University, i.e. the consultant, the contractor, and the client for the data collection. Relative Important Index (RII) was employed in the research methodology to determine the significance of each delaying factor. Top five delaying causes in the establishment of FATA University project were recorded as (1) client having risk attitudes, (2) Lack of coordination between client, contractor, and consultant, (3) slow decision effects, (4) consultant supervisory staff size and (5) frequent changes in design documents by the consultant. The efficient management and planning of these delaying factors will positively affect the project completion time and its overall cost.
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Vol. 7, Issue 04, PP. 217-220, April 2020
The ever-growing demand of air conditioning system in commercial and household applications emphasis on long-term material’s stability. Material’s failure in air conditioning system due to temperature variance and heat flow causing reduction in cooling effect of the system. Considerable amount of heat waste in evaporator coil as a result of low thermal transitions through coils material resulting reduction in overall efficiency of the system. This paper provide a CES Granta’s design software-based approach being followed to select appropriate material for evaporator coil in air conditioning system. Cast iron, pure titanium, copper, low alloy steel, Stainless steel, and nickel-chromium alloys are the shortlisted candidate for evaporator coil based on design and functional requirements. Low alloy steel, titanium, and stainless steel are the top suitable candidate among which stainless steel shows promising attributes for evaporator coil in air conditioning system. This paper will help the researchers, engineers, and designers to better understand the methodology of selecting a stainless steel in evaporator system to control corrosion and provide high- temperature-resistance.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 04, PP. 211-216, April 2020
Power transients faults on high voltage lines are prominently due to high frequency transients. These transients affect the predicted life and efficiency of equipment. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is helpful in analysing the effect of high frequencies and Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) provide support in diagnosis and detection of deformation in a transformers. The major aim of this study is to analyse the incorporation of frequencies based on resonating core of a particular transformer. Using transfer function method an impedance change in transformer has been observed when equipment is subjected to high voltage transients. The effect of change in impedance is that it degrade the life of a core with respect to time. In this paper, research that has been done already on Transformers of different ratings i.e. 100, 50 and 30 kVA are studied and then an experiment is performed on 50-kVA transformer. It was concluded that the core of a transformer having rating equal or less than 50 kVA practically shows single resonance behavior while above 50 kVA for instance 100-kVA transformer core resonates twice. In actual, result defines the core deviating frequency with respect to the rating of a transformer.
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Vol. 7, Issue 04, PP. 207-210, April 2020
Knowledge of temperature and rainfall periodicity is needed for urban and rural land-use and infrastructure planning, and their flood protection. In this study temperature and rainfall data from Climatic Research Unit Time Series version 4.03 (CRU TS4.03) was downloaded and inverse distance weighted (IDW) were made to analyze the temperature and precipitation variations in Kabul river basin (KRB). Interpolation maps were made using ArcMap 10.4.1. Analysis was done for period from 2004 to 2018. Annually for 15-year period, mean temperature variation can be noted as, upper part of the basin has minimum temperature of -1.2 °C while part of the study basin that lies in Pakistan has maximum temperature of 19 °C. Rainfall varies from 380 mm to 793 mm annually for 15-years. Due to increasing trend of both temperature and rainfall for KRB suitable methods should be applied for water management and flood risk reduction.
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Vol. 7, Issue 04, PP. 203-206, April 2020
Our world has been changed a lot over the past few years. Only a few decades back and you will see that communication among people was not an easy task at all. Thanks to the advancement in technologies especially the networking techniques that have made the lives of the people so comfortable. Now due to these computer networks, communication with your family, friends, and colleagues is so easy all across the globe. This communication is not only limited to the entertainment or information anymore. Wireless Body Area Networks has made it possible for the doctors to keep in touch with their patients and check their health conditions while staying miles away from them physically. This application of Computer Networks is impacting so many lives in the world in a very positive way. This technology is helping people in getting better health services without taking the time to go to their doctor or changing their daily routine. This application has so many benefits but at the same time it is also facing challenges and secure transfer of the data is one of the challenges and researchers are working to make sure to keep data of the patients secure.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 04, PP. 197-202, April 2020
CIGS is a better replacement of Si solar cell having low possibility of damage different layers is used for CIGS cell which decreases short current losses. CIGS solar cell technology is a very highly competitive and also need less raw material as well as low cost of fabrication. As compared to C-Si (~11000C) thermal budge is very low for the production of CIGS modules about (~550 0C approximately). The comparison of weight C-Si solar panels have lesser weight than CIGS because in CIGS solar panels there are two glass panes and in C-Si there is only one pane of glass are used. The absorption coefficient of CIGS is high as compare to C-Si because CIGS solar cells using direct band gap materials and C-Si included in indirect band gap material and having lower absorption coefficient property (104/cm) that’s why CIGS solar cell thickness is 100 times lesser than as compare to C-Si solar cells. There are a lot of techniques to increase the efficiency and decrease transmission losses but the scope of this work covers how to use DBR (Distributed Bragg Reflector) as a back reflector and also examining its effect on decreasing thickness of the absorber layer. In real world it is not possible to reduce the transmission losses approximately equal to zero because some part of the light is absorbed and lost in metal used at the rear surface of the cell in the form of heat but reflection losses can be reduced up to zero. It is seen that mostly in conventional thin film solar cells thick metal plate is used at the rear surface of the solar cell for increasing reflection and decreasing transmission losses at the back surface of the cell. A huge proportion of heat is lost due to the collision of incident photons with metallic surfaces. However, DBR is tested in CIGS solar cell for increasing back surface reflection and increasing light trapping by this research work.
Muhammad Awais: Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, U.S Pakistan Center for Advance Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Saddam Hussain: Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, U.S Pakistan Center for Advance Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Muhammad Babar Iqbal: Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, U.S Pakistan Center for Advance Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 03, PP. 189-196, March 2020
This paper deals with exploration by team of multi-robots in unknown, unstructured and dynamic environments at the same time. The goal of the research is to minimize the total exploration time taken by team of robots to complete the mission and to achieve faster re-planning of their planned path in case of sudden changes in the environment as robots move through the environment. The proposed exploration approach is fully distributive in the sense that all robots are assigned separate regions in an unknown environment with each robot exploring its assigned region. As a first step the environment is partitioned into different regions as available number of robots and then each robot in a team is assigned its separate region for exploration. The proposed approach has been tested in different simulation environments with varying number of robots. Comparison with another approach proves the superiority of the approach in terms of reduction of exploration time in unstructured and changing environments.
Saad Javed: Institute of Mechatronics Engineering, UET Peshawar, Pakistan
Muhammad Tahir Khan: Institute of Mechatronics Engineering, UET Peshawar, Pakistan
Yasim Ahmad: Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Air University Islamabad, Pakistan
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Vol. 7, Issue 03, PP. 183-188, March 2020
Power system stable operation requires, generating power of the system equivalent to the sum of all losses and affiliated load. Therefore, excess of load needs to be shed especially in islanding mode because generators are running at rated capacity. Different factors e.g. over current, low voltage level and frequency affect system performance but among them constant frequency is imperative for the steady functioning of power system because frequency is constant at every voltage level and hence, a dependable and reliable parameter to show imbalance situation. Additionally, active power deficit. System frequency is very sensitive to disturbance specially in islanding mode and is severely affected by the power imbalance between power generation and load which leads to overload or power generation loss. To shed excess load, U.F.L.S. (Under Frequency Load Shedding Scheme) is implemented. This research here presents Under Frequency Load Shedding Scheme for islanded distribution network. This proposed adaptive U.F.L.S scheme use swing equation to find power imbalance. It takes into consideration ROCOF (rate of change of frequency) and power imbalance and based on this data load is shed in single step which is better than cascading as other traditional U.F.L.S implements cascading steps and the response time to any magnitude of disturbance is also better than others. The adaptive U.F.L.S scheme is tested in Simscape Power System and Simulink (Software Packages in MATLAB) and the results shows that it stabilized the frequency thus stabilizing the system by shedding the right amount of imbalance load.
Nauman Ahmed: PG Research student, Dept. of EEE, University of Engineering and technology Peshawar, KP, Pakistan
Dr. Muhammad Naeem Arbab: Research scholar, Dept. of EEE, University of Engineering and technology Peshawar, KP, Pakistan
Hammad Israil Awan: PG Research student, Dept. of EEE, University of Engineering and technology Peshawar, KP, Pakistan
Shehla Noor: PG Research student, Dept. of EEE, University of Engineering and technology Peshawar, KP, Pakistan
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 03, PP. 178-182, March 2020
The reliable and quality power supply is vital for power system operation. Its importance become significant when dealing with sensitive load areas like hospitals, banks, airports, radar system, military offices and data centers. Their proper operation depends on uninterrupted and reliable power supply. In this regard, there is an emergent need to provide generator backup capacity in the events of power failure or blackout. These Generators can only be effective if they are maintained and operated properly. Problems like the remote monitoring of fuel tank, total load and the battery voltage of the generator are of main concern for better operation. To prevent these problems, the advance IOT based monitoring system is designed using an Arduino controller board. This system uses the fuel gauge for sensing the fuel level and a current transformer measures the load on generator, giving real time analogue data to the controller. The data is converted into digital through an ADC convertor and the instructions are programmed for every parameter in an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). This data can also be monitored on an android app or on laptop using esp8266 WIFI module as an interface between controller and clouds. A hardware based prototype is developed and installed on real generator. Results show real time remote monitoring of generator ensuring its reliable operation and timely indication of need of maintenance.
Jawad Ul Islam: Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Muhammad Azaz: Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Syed Abuzar Bacha: Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Sajad Ullah: Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
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Naeem Khan, Syed Abuzar Bacha, Shahrukh Ahmad, Afrasiab, “Improvement of compensated closed-loop Kalman filtering using autoregressive moving average model”, Measurement 134(2019) 266-279.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 03, PP. 173-177, March 2020
In this paper a review on power quality is discussed. Power quality is becoming a significant issue because of many reasons; few of these reasons are many instruments that are gaining familiarity in use to enhance the performance of energy system like advance power electronics and drivers of adjustable-speed motor. But the problem of using these instruments is that they enhance the level of harmonic components in distribution network.The control dependent devices and loads that relay on the microprocessor and microcontroller are most prone to problem of quality issue. Due to distortion in the system of energy there is severe effect on the interconnected networks that are common today. The reason behind it is the failure of an entire component. There is increasing growth of problems of voltages as voltage harmonics, over voltage, under voltage, etc. are causing awareness of issues in the power quality. So, the need of both better and high quality of power is increasing extremely among end users. Considering different cases any suitable option can be selected for power quality improvement.
Muhammad Aamir: Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 03, PP. 168-172, March 2020
Environmental and economic demands prompt to transportation agencies to increase in the use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) in asphalt pavements. The use of RAP in pavements often require a rejuvenator to reduce the cracking. Estimating a best rejuvenator dosage is crucial to increase its advantages. Large quantity of waste oils from automobiles and restaurants can inflict adverse impact if it is not properly disposed. Recycling of these waste oils can be a suitable option, to reduce the use of natural resources and economic benefits. In this study, three rejuvenators were explored such as Waste Engine Oil (WEO), Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO) and Waste Brown Grease (WBG) with dosages of 5%, 10% and 15%. Physical testing (i.e. penetration, softening point, flash & fire point and ductility) were conducted in the lab on virgin and RAP binder with rejuvenators. WEO and WVO helps in softening when mixed with RAP binder. According to the results, both WEO and WVO can improve the properties of the RAP binder but WBG gives a little bit improvement.
Sameer Ahmed Mufti: Department of Civil Engineering, Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
Qaiser Iqbal:Department of Civil Engineering, Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
Fazli Kareem: Department of Civil Engineering, Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
Muhammad Babar Ali Rabbani: Department of Civil Engineering, Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
Muhammad Alam: Department of Civil Engineering, Abasyn University Peshawar Campus
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 03, PP. 161-167, March 2020
Environment is basic and most important thing we have in our life if it is being ruined then it is our responsibility to prevent it. Since the leftover (wrappers, bottles and plastic packaging etc.) of non-green products cannot be disposed after the products are consumed; in that case they are buried, burnt and thrown into the sea; in all the cases, they pollute the environment, harm earth or poison our water. These three things (water, earth and air) are necessary for healthy life on earth. In order to prevent this the consumers are needed to buy the products which can be easily disposed with any harm. In this regard, this study has been conducted to analyze the buying behavior of consumers towards the green products. Data was collected by the help of questionnaire adopted from the literature. Data was collected online (by sending the link of Google form in email), at superstores, marts, supermarkets and shopping malls of Hyderabad Pakistan. The number of valid responses collected from the respondents was 200. Data analysis was conducted in the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 22. Internal consistency of data was check by using the cronbach`s alpha test. Frequency distribution of demographic characteristics of the respondents was taken out along with descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis). Skewness and kurtosis were calculated to indicate the normality and when it was revealed that the data was normal, the developed hypothesis were tested by Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. Furthermore, the Pearson correlation of demographic characteristics (age, income and qualification) was calculated with Consumer`s interest, will and buying behavior towards the green products. On the same time Pearson correlation between the various constructs was also calculated. In last regression analysis was conducted on the various constructs. It was concluded that demographics were not in any association with the consumer`s interest, will and buying behavior but consumers` will, interest and buying behavior towards green products were weakly correlated with one another.
Kanwal Bai: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan
Muhammad Saad Memon: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan
Sonia Irshad Mari: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 02, PP. 154-160, February 2020
The traditional energy sources used from decades for the purpose to generate electricity and fossil fuels depletion fear are the factors making world to search for the alternative energy resources. Pakistan is located in such a region have blessed with high potential of solar energy but due to the expensive initial cost and unpredictable nature of solar energy makes it uneconomical. Shortfall in most of the rural areas because of no access to grid energy. Although some remote communities serve only by fuel generators for a time being, but increase in the price of fuel makes the system non-economical, also the fuel generators have harmful effect by emiting carbon dioxide and carbon mono oxide gases. To decrease dependency on hydrocarbon base generator the Solar systems are used to overcome the shortage as a best solution for harnessing the carbon free energy. To increase the output of the Solar system the dual axes tracker is presented in the research, which is designed, to track the solar energy along both of the axes for a solar PV module. The PV module operates efficiently at maximum power point as Sun light is incident perpendicularly on it. The tracker will keep the PV module just at angle perpendicular to the solar energy to harness it at best possible amount to use for different purposes.
Lutf ur Rahman: US Pakistan Center For Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
Shafi ur Rehman: US Pakistan Center For Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
Muhammad Raheel: US Pakistan Center For Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 02, PP. 161-166, February 2020
Pakistan has been blessed with one of the highest direct solar radiation in the world. This provides great opportunity for harvesting clean energy. The rapid urbanization leads to higher energy demand per capita. This in conjunction with the global commitment to curb environmental impacts of conventional energy calls for investing and exploring the renewable energy resources. To study the concentrated solar power (CSP) based technology for Pakistan, a 20 MW of parabolic trough concentrated solar power plant with six hours thermal energy storage (TES) has been designed and simulated in this study. Quetta has been chosen for the technical feasibility of proposed power plant where annual direct normal irradiance (DNI) is 2206 kWh/m2. The power plant consists of 33 numbers of loops each one has aperture area 5248 m2 with a solar multiple of 2. VP-1 is chosen as heat transfer fluid (HTF) due to its high thermal stability and high melting point. The proposed CSP plant can generate annual electricity of 58.4 GWH with a capacity factor of 37.1 %. The simulation results indicate that proposed power plant can produced high amount of energy and such power plant can be installed to overcome the energy crisis of Pakistan.
Muhammad Raheel khan: U.S Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E),University of Engineering and Technology Peshawarr Pakistan
Muhammad Arif khattak: U.S Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E),University of Engineering and Technology Peshawarr Pakistan
Muhammad Yousaf: U.S Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E),University of Engineering and Technology Peshawarr Pakistan
Abidullah: U.S Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E),University of Engineering and Technology Peshawarr Pakistan
Lutf ur Rahman: U.S Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E),University of Engineering and Technology Peshawarr Pakistan
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 02, PP. 149-153, February 2020
In this paper , Tungsten Disulfide is utilized for the development of an efficient model, using SCAPS one dimensional Simulator. Performance of the developed model is compared with other thin film solar cells currently under study. An efficient solar cell model with comparable photovoltaic parameters to the recent thin film models is obtained. Taking ZnO window layer material, ZnSe as buffer layer material, WS2 as absorption layer material and Mg as back surface field with back reflector a 20% efficient, design with 0.9Voc, 25 mA/cm2 current density and fill factor of 85% is developed.
Sobab Khan: Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, Center.For. Advanced.Studies.in. Energy University of Engineering and Tecnology.Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
Mudasar Rashid: Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, Center.For. Advanced.Studies.in. Energy University of Engineering and Tecnology.Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
Waqas Rahim: Department of Electrical Engineering, CECOS University of IT and Emerging Sciences
Muhammad Aitezaz Hussain: Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, Center.For. Advanced.Studies.in. Energy University of Engineering and Tecnology.Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
Ahtasham Rahim: Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, Center.For. Advanced.Studies.in. Energy University of Engineering and Tecnology.Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 02, PP. 143-148, February 2020
Delay-tolerant Networks (DTN) are wireless networks destined to serve places or functions with minimal or not well-established infrastructure. The DTNs are challenged by an intermittent connectivity between the adjacent nodes, and disconnections may occur due to power outages, technical issues or insufficient architecture. To address the transmitting phenomena of relatively large delays and error rates, an interest-based routing approach, in which different interests and data relay to each node will enhance the DTN capacity. The use of throw-boxes will increase the performance of the networks, and an efficient buffer management policy shall be administered to improve the performance of the network. In this paper, a hybrid buffer management policy is enacted in throw-boxes for increasing the performance and energy efficiency of the network. When the buffer becomes full, data with TTL less than 5 hours will be deleted first, and then the interest type with the most copies diffused or the more popular one in the network with a high hop count will be deleted from the throw-boxes so that the data would flow between nodes and other throw-boxes to reach the destination. Of course, the interest with less popularity can also reach the destination by utilizing this approach. Results show that the buffer management policy improves the performance of challenged networks by increasing the delivery probability, the overhead ratio and the delay are decreased and the average remaining energy has better performance compared to other routing protocols.
Abdul Basit: UET Peshwar
Safi Ullah Khan: PTCL
Omair Sabir: Muhammadi Autos Corporation
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 02, PP. 138-142, February 2020
Due to the fact that conventional resources are gradually decreasing day by day, scientists are working hard to find other sources to produce energy. Solar energy is also used in the form of electricity as it is clean & evergreen accessible energy. Due to high population rate rapidly, electricity demands vary day by day as it is part of our lives. We are using electricity in every aspect of our lives i.e. from houses to offices, industries, transportation, agriculture etc. our country Pakistan is passing through electricity crises from many several years. Average load shading in our country is minimum 8 hrs/day, which is very high number in undeveloped country. Nowadays government of Pakistan is working on other sources of electricity i.e. solar energy & wind energy. Recently with the help of tremendous investment our government (Pakistan) has built a solar park with the capacity of 100MW at Bahawalpur. Most favorable source of electricity is solar energy, which we got through PV cells but these PV cells are expensive and has less efficiency, due to these factors following are obstacles in its use, the cost per kWh of power can be reduced by improving the efficiency of the PV panel system. Economical reflectors, lenses & condenser concentrators can be used. These mirrors focus the light intensity on the entire surface of the panel; it increases the output of the solar cell module because more electrons are generated. However, the temperature of the panel rises due to the increased optical radiation over a longer period of time, which is turn lowers the open circuit voltage (Voc) & decreases its efficiency. For resolving the issue, a cooling system is required to maintain efficiency of P.V panel & P.V system. Sunlight can be converted into electricity via photovoltaic cells, moreover major drawback of photovoltaic PV cells are non economical, less energy conversion, ability, & frequency. Current-Voltage curve of P.V cell depends upon the temperature & amount of electromagnetic energy strikes on the panel. The highest power point on the current-voltage curve of PV cell where system production is high is called maximum power point (MPP). Due to temperature & isolation level, the M.P.P on current-voltage curve changes. To improve the efficiency/working of P.V panel, the efficient & cost effective charge controller with M.P.P.T is formed. This M.P.P.T controller is able to harvest maximum power from solar through irradiation & temperature. It increases the battery life by protecting it from overcharging. In the midst of diverse maximum power point tracker of different approaches, perturb and observe (P&O) approach with some modifications provide excellent results. Physical implementation of proposed technique is done by designing M.P.P.T using DC-DC buck converter and microcontroller. The advantages and the need of such M.P.P.T controller are discussed and the design of M.P.P.T charge controller is checked with P.V charging system. The outcome represent that, this type of M.P.P.T controller performs more controlled functions than any other conventional charge controller.
Hammad Israil Awan: PG Research student, Dept. of EEE, University of Engineering and technology Peshawar, KP, Pakistan
Dr.Amjad Ullah: Research scholar, Dept. of EEE, University of Engineering and technology Peshawar, KP, Pakistan
Shehla Noor: PG Research student, Dept. of EEE, University of Engineering and technology Peshawar, KP, Pakistan
Nauman Ahmed: PG Research student, Dept. of EEE, University of Engineering and technology Peshawar, KP, Pakistan
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 02, PP. 129-137, February 2020
In this article, energy policies of Pakistan is weighed against efforts made by global community for sustainable energy. Comparison of the planning and its execution for green energy between Pakistan and other nation is discussed in detail. Pakistan is passing through a phase wherein the policy maker and executor are determined to overcome the shortfall of energy in country. Economic growth of nation is majorly relying on energy because of firm relation between energy consumption and gross domestic product. As the future of world in general and nation in particular is dependent on sustainable energy, therefore, the policies for energy generation should properly directed to ensure its sustainability. Future prospect of renewable energy in Pakistan, which is sustainable at large, have potential of 167.6 GW, is more enough to meet the energy demand of Pakistan. The goal set by United Nation to safeguard the sustainability of energy aiming to ensure the affordable, reliable and modern energy by 2030 for all has been discussed in detail. In compliance with these targets set by international community, the diversification of reliance on conventional energy resources and exploiting the naturally existing renewable energy is imperative to have a sustainable power development in Pakistan.
Mudasar Rashid: Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy University of Engineering and technology, Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
Ahtasham Rahim: Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy University of Engineering and technology, Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
Sobab Khan: Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy University of Engineering and technology, Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
Muhammad Aitezaz Hussain: Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy University of Engineering and technology, Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 02, PP. 116-128, February 2020
The main driving force to run any country is the energy department, as we know that the worlds natural energy reservoirs are depleting day by day so for the energy security of our upcoming generation and for our survival and also for the protection of our environment we have to move towards the biomass utilization especially for the developing countries like Pakistan. We have to improve our technology and gain the knowledge about the current energy system for the efficient use of naturally available biomass resources. Now a day some steps have been taken and some technologies are under the improvement to shift the dependency from non-renewable resources to the renewable resources. This report gives the literature review of the potential of biomass based energy in Pakistan based on the present situation and future perspectives. This report also highlights the natural and local biomass resources and also discuss the probable biomass conversion techniques to convert such natural resources to bioenergy. The potential impact of bioenergy on different sectors like household and industrial sector. Importance of bioenergy over fossil fuel for Pakistan economy and also the challenges to bioenergy production from biomass and will suggest the optimum solution for them.
Ahtasham Rahim: Center for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
Muhammad Aitezaz Hussain: Center for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
Mudasar Rashid: Center for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
Sobab Khan: Center for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
Waqas Rahim: Department of Electrical Engineering, CECOS University of IT and Emerging Sciences Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
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Vol. 7, Issue 02, PP. 109-115, February 2020
The perovskite solar cell has been analyzed by through mechanism and its equivalent circuit model. The software which is used in the simulation of an IV characteristic of Perovskite solar cell was developed by the GPVDM software .The increase in Power Conversion efficiency (PCE) has been shown through numerical modelling and is caused by when we increase the thickness of the absorbing or active layer. Hence efficient charge separation occurs. Apart from that effect of the electrical parameters such as series resistance Shunt resistance, band gap etc. on its I-V characteristics, Jsc and Voc is also simulated and its effect of efficiency has been noted.
Muhammad Aitezaz Hussain: Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy (CAS-E), University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Sobab Khan: Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy (CAS-E), University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Ahtasham Rahim: Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy (CAS-E), University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Azam Jan: Department of Mechatronics Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Mudasar Rashid: Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy (CAS-E), University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
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Vol. 7, Issue 02, PP. 98-108, February 2020
When we study about, analyze & understand the basic needs of human beings, we come to know that energy is the most primitive need of human being. The developed countries of Asia, Europe Africa & Australia, the standard of life of the inhabitants is high because of per capita consumption of these countries is high. In short status of energy in a country defines the high standard of living within a country. When we analyze the energy condition of Pakistan, we come to know that, Pakistan right now is facing a huge energy crisis, lowering down the economy of the country. This is because of the dependency of power plants on conventional sources of energy such as coal, diesel & other thermal resources, lack of proper policy making & the implementation of existing policy. The study I carried out will point out the problems related to policies & problems within the departments that hider the development of energy power plants for non-conventional & renewable energy sources. We’ll find out, how to get rid of the problems we face regarding the development of renewable energy projects in general & solar energy projects in particular in policy prospective. We need to know that despite of huge potential of energy why are we lacking behind? What are the steps forward to counter the problems? I will try to sort out the problem keeping policy prospective in mind particularly of solar energy.
Many of the developed countries in Europe, Australia & Asia utilize energy from the sun for the generation of electrical & thermal energy, have developed solar energy policies. United States, China & Germany are the most successful countries, generating most of the energy from solar & wind power. The reason behind the successful utilization of energy from the sun by these countries is because of their up-to-date policies, planning & strategies. These policies, planning & strategies includes immunity from tax, subsidizations of the projects, convincible bills & tariff, & provision of incentives & many more profit oriented steps that had been defined in the literature below. The renewable energy policies in general & solar energy policies in particular implemented by the above mentioned countries provide us with huge amount of motivations & tactics to develop a framework to develop solar energy projects, both of solar thermal & photovoltaic in the urban as well as in the rural areas of the country. Moreover, the framework for off grid & on grid system, rooftop system, onshore & offshore systems presented by these developed countries can also be followed if comparable to the conditions of our country.
Sobab Khan: Center.For.Advanced.Studies.In.Energy University of Engineering and Tecnology, Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
Mudasar Rashid: Center.For.Advanced.Studies.In.Energy University of Engineering and Tecnology, Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
Muhammad Aitezaz Husain: Center.For.Advanced.Studies.In.Energy University of Engineering and Tecnology, Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
Ahtasham Rahim: Center.For.Advanced.Studies.In.Energy University of Engineering and Tecnology, Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
Sami Ullah Shah: Center.For.Advanced.Studies.In.Energy University of Engineering and Tecnology, Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 02, PP. 93-97, February 2020
There is abounded wind available to entertain our energy requirements if it could be utilized in an effective manner.Wind turbines are able to generate enough power thus decreasing the need for expensive power generators that cause pollution. In comparison to horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs) the vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) are much more efficient and reliable because of its simplisity and cost effectiveness.This study in vestigates that wind energy is able to cope with the energy crisis we are currently having all over the globe. Although the use of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) in today’s world is more than the Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) but they have some issues as they require higher wind speed as compared to VAWT to generate enough mechanical work to produce electrical power. Peshawar highways wind profile was implemented in this experiment. The wind on highways is not constant all the time as it is dependent on the moving vehicles and varies time to time. The project can be theoretically implemented in the light of Peshawar highways wind profile. Wind energy could be valuable source of energy because of its importance of environmental friendly and free of cost once it is installed. The main goal of this research is to model such type of VAWT for high-ways to get kinetic energy produced by the air flow of moving vehicles and to transfer that energy into mechanical energy furthermore that mechanical energy will be converted to electrical with the help of generator. This vertical axis wind turbine is feasible on high ways due to its unique structure. It can capture the wind in both directions on highways. The project is tested in both theoretically and experimentally and it outclassed all previous models.
Rafiullah Qazi: Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Science & Information Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Muhammad Babar Iqbal: Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Waleed Zubair: Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Science & Information Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Muhammad Shadab Alam Khan: Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Science & Information Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 02, PP. 84-92, February 2020
For reducing the consequences of global warming and fuel scarcity, we need to change dilemma in terms of cooking. For resolving this issue, the solar cooking offers the best alternative. There are various designs of solar cookers. Different types of solar cookers are presented by a number of researchers over the decade that includes the box type solar cookers and parabolic type solar cookers. However, these types of solar cookers have limited performance in terms of tracking and operating during night time. An evacuated tube solar geyser is converted into a solar cooker which is obsolete from tracking and cooking can also carried out during night time having a thermal storage unit (TSU). The performance of the system is observed during clear days and nights of August and September 2019 in Peshawar, Pakistan. The maximum temperature attained by the system is recorded 98.5 oC. From the observed experimented data, the results indicate that the system is faithfully performing under the required climate conditions.
Muhammad Babar Iqbal: Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Suhail Zaki Farooqui: Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Muhammad Arsalan Wahid: Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 02, PP. 80-83, February 2020
Living in the 21st century and having huge potentials of renewable energy resources, people in this part of the world are still deprived of the basic needs of life, among those clean sources of energy is one. Renewable systems have direct local environment benefits in terms of substituting for existing diesel-based power generation. The efficiency of a turbine is highly influenced by its runner. The focus of the study is to design and optimize the Kaplan turbine runner. First, a theoretical design was performed for determining the main characteristics where it showed an efficiency of 4%. theoretical equations are generalized and simplified and also, they assumed constants of experienced data and hence a theoretical design will only be approximate. This was confirmed as the same theoretical design showed only 57% of efficiency when CFD simulation was run on the model. Then, the theoretically proposed design was further analyzed, inlet/outlet tangential velocities of the blades were analyzed and corrected with CFD Fluent to improve the efficiency of power generation. The original design could be improved to achieve an efficiency of 86%. In the end, more suitable and appropriate method was suggested to optimize the design.
Zahid Masood: College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Hohai University, Changzhou 213022, China
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 01, PP. 74-79, January 2020
Designing, fabrication, testing and evaluation of vertical axis straight bladed Darrius type wind turbine are done. Calculations are carried out for a specified load, then Darrius type wind turbine, having the capacity to drive that load is designed. The airfoils of turbine are symmetrical with good lift to drag ratio. Initially turbine with fixed blade is designed, fabricated and its performance evaluated in lab with real wind. Efficiency has been calculated by testing the turbine with and without load.
Bilal Anwar: Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
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Vol. 7, Issue 01, PP. 68-73, January 2020
The heating, ventilation and Air conditioning (HVAC) system in Pakistan consumes more than 50% of total energy utilized by the building sector. Due to current energy crises in Pakistan there is a need renewed focus on energy optimization in building sector. The aim of this research paper is to reduce building HVAC system energy consumption by implementing chiller plant management system to control on electrical energy consumption in existing primary HVAC system (Chillers, Pumps, Boilers and Cooling towers). The Johnsons control international building automation protocol has been implemented with weather load profile of Pakistan (Islamabad). The chiller plant management system has improved plant performance and decreased annual energy consumption. The results of implemented modern chiller plant management system shows at least 12.57% of energy saving. It is also observed that the chiller plant management system closely follow outdoor dynamic weather profile and indoor load profile.
Muhammad Waseem Khan: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
Dr.Umar Ibrahim: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
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Vol. 7, Issue 01, PP. 62-67, January 2020
The scope of this research work is the analysis and study of the rechargeable batteries. During this research, battery testbeds are developed for all under study battery technologies. A few hundreds of charging, discharging experimentation has been performed under a variety of charging profiles and discharging load patterns. These observations have been critically analyzed to capture the behavior of the batteries comprehensively. These behavioral profiles of these batteries have been utilized for developing an accurate battery model. The proposed model is a hybrid model composed of Diffusion model and combined electric circuit-based model, which accounts for nonlinearities of rate capacity effect, recovery effect, capacity fading, storage runtime and open circuit voltage, current-, temperature-, dependency to transient response. This proposed model would be a great help for energy aware circuit designing, because it’s an equivalent circuit model that could be co-simulated in circuit simulation environment, like Matlab Simulink. A quantitative figure of merit for the selection of battery system for a specific microgrid application has been devised on the bases of important battery parameters.
Alamgir Ahmad Khattak: Department of Electrical Energy Systems Engineering, US Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Muhammad Safdar: Department of Electrical Energy Systems Engineering, US Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Asad Nawaz Khan: Department of Electrical Energy Systems Engineering, US Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Adil Nawaz Khan: CECOS University of IT and Emerging Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan
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Vol. 7, Issue 01, PP. 58-61, January 2020
During operation of coal-based power plants, frequent calorific Value measurement is necessary. Previously, Artificial Intelligence based models have been developed for instant calorific value calculation based on proximate analyses or ultimate analyses or combination of both. In this paper, random forest was used for comparison of all the three methods and computing relative analyses parameters importance. This study uses well known USGS coal qual dataset. In this work, 10-fold validation strategy and R-squared was used as validation strategy and performance metric respectively. Ultimate analyses (R-squared = 0.9984) performed slightly better than proximate analyses (R-squared = 0.9861) or combination of both (R-squared = 0.9982). Lastly, carbon was found to be the most important feature in all models.
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Vol. 7, Issue 01, PP. 48-57, January 2020
Recent decades have seen an incline in integration of wind energy in to power systems across the world. This invariably leads to lower share of conventional power plant which subsequently reduces the grid’s inertia as a consequence of the decoupling rotational mass of the variable speed turbines and grid through power electronic converters. Accordingly, the overall system inertia is lowered leading to more frequent and intense frequency variations concomitant with the variation in the load. This research focuses on alleviating the rotational mass and inertia related problems caused by increasing wind power integration by adding an inertial loop to compensate the impact of frequency deviations due to abnormal transient conditions. The virtual inertia, thus added, reduces maximum rotational speed deviation while at the same time making the system slower and more oscillatory. The simulation consists of addition of synchronous generator capable of adapting its power output to the fluctuations in grid loads. A load step has been added for analyzing the performance improvement of the system as a result of the virtual inertia addition. The simulation has been modeled in Simulink MATLAB. The addition of the inertial power results in the improving the frequency drop from 58.42 to 59.31 Hz. This stabilization of 0.9 Hz carries a lot of significance for improving grid stability. In addition the angular speed of the turbine has also been enhanced as a result of the virtual inertia. These findings will prove extremely helpful in offsetting the drawbacks of greater wind energy addition to grid. The analysis needs to be further replicated with other transient conditions before being implemented in the grid.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 7, Issue 01, PP. 39-47, January 2020
In this study, an inclusive effect of economy, gross domestic product (GDP) and other socio-economic terms are deeply taken into account for long lasting and future projection of electricity usage in Pakistan. The explaining variables considered in this study are gross domestic product GDP, per capita GDP, electricity consumption price/kwh and population, to develop the different regression models. The historical data considered for time period of past 47 years from 1970-2016. This paper is divided into two parts, in first part estimation of income, price and GDP elasticities are evaluated for residential, non-residential and total electricity consumption models. These elasticities showed that long-run and short-run price elasticities for domestic model are -0.30 and -0.32, for non-domestic model 0.42 and 0.64 where-as for total electricity consumption model price elasticities are 0.50 and o.93. In addition GDP/per capita and GDP resulted higher values. In second part, different statistical models are presented by using linear regression, which are based on the stationary or co-integrated time series data. Moreover for checking the validity of proposed models different statistical tests are conducted. A comparison with available national forecasts, which are proposed through different econometric models, like support-vector model or Pakistan’s long range-energy alternative plaining (LEAP) model was exmined, resulting that proposed regression model has compatibility with national projections, with deviation of ±2% to ±12% for the best and worst case, these deviations are acceptable in the time span taken into account.
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Vol. 7, Issue 01, PP. 31-38, January 2020
A hybrid type solar tunnel dryer is designed and fabricated for the commercial scale drying of different fruits and vegetables. A biomass burner box along with heat exchanger is used as backup heat source, which ensure continuous drying process during night and unfavorable weather conditions. Unidirectional forced convection is developed with a volumetric flow rate of 0.11m3/s, by using two DC exhaust fans installed at both sides of the drying chamber. A DC blower is used to push the hot air with a volumetric flow rate of 0.02m3/s, generated in either biomass burner or additional solar collector. The ultraviolet rays are blocked by covering the drying chamber by UV treated transparent polyethylene sheet, it also protect the product from birds, insects, dust, wind and rain. An additional solar collector ensure the attaining of suitable drying temperature inside the drying chamber. A PV system is installed which fulfills the power requirements, makes this solar tunnel dryer new and smart.The solar tunnel dryer is installed at US - Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy located in Peshawar, latitude and longitude of 34.0151° N, 71.5249° E. The experiments are performed on this dryer, while six solar tunnel dryers are installed at Swat to harness the great potential of different fruits.The experiments for the performance evaluation of this dryer are performed during the month of June, 2019.The performance parameters attained during experimentations are: collector efficiency is 28%, drying efficiency is 22% and drying rate is 1.46kg/hr for 50 kg of load. These parameters are in the range of international standards, indicating that this solar tunnel dryer is feasible and sustainable.
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Vol. 7, Issue 01, PP. 27-30, January 2020
This work put forward the use of Lithium ion batteries as an energy storage medium with the existing uninterrupted power supplies, design for lead acid batteries by introducing an interface which takes care of different necessary parameters of Lithium Ion batteries is proposed. Li-ion battery has different voltage level per cell and demands more sophisticated control and safety measures as compare to Lead Acid battery. The interface will take its input from the UPS and will accordingly adjust its output for the Li-ion battery. The interface consists of a converter and a battery management system (BMS) for safe charging and discharging of Li-ion battery. A Li-ion battery pack topology is also proposed in the work, which ensures maximum energy extraction from the battery pack being used in UPS without compromising the life of battery pack and other constraints.
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Vol. 7, Issue 01, PP. 22-26, January 2020
This paper present the extended evaluation in different reverberant scenarios for different mixtures of speech having interfere at one of the six angles {150, 300, 450, 600, 750, 900 } of the model which implementing spatial covariance with interauralaparameter for improving the performance of MESSL. Thetbinaural spatialtparameters, such as interauralaphase difference IPD and interauralalevel difference ILD and spatialacovariance areamodeled in the short-timeaFourieratransform. The parametersaof the model areaupdated with the expectation-maximization algorithm. The performance of the model is checked in term of Signal-to-distortion ratio (SDR) and the perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ), and the results confirmed that the performance of this proposedamodel is improved in highly reverberant rooms.
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