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ISSN E 2409-2770
ISSN P 2521-2419

Design Analysis of Mini/Micro Hydro Power Generation Plants in Northern Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Muhammad, Tahir Junaid ,Zafar Ullah, Najeeb Ullah

Vol. 8, Issue 01, PP. 68-72, February 2021


Keywords: Pump Power, accessibility, Fore bay, Remote Location

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Energy access in global challenge faced by more than 1 billion people. Pakistan, to address the challenge, has developed access strategy of decentralized energy system. In northern hilly areas of country, Hydel resource has been tapped through mini-micro hydro projects.  However, the sites are remotes located in hilly terrain, making transportation of machinery a challenging task increasing initial cost. Similarly, loss of head caused by slope in water channels and laborious construction of concrete channel in rigid and sharp rocks further aggravates the situation.  This study undertakes case studies of mini-micro Hydel power projects and looks for technically feasible solutions. New design techniques have been revealed relying on piping and pumping of water and construction composition. Concrete channel is replaced by piping structure and water is pumped from intake to fore bay at different angles of inclination and pipe diameters and accordingly the pump power is observed. Due to variation in slope, the net head also varies which has a direct impact on the output power from the plant. The power of pump is subtracted of the power generated by the plant which results in net power. Two actual design examples are considered from a rural area of Pakistan and using statistical analysis techniques the influence on the total output power is analyzed under different scenarios.

  1. Muhammad Asif,, Department of Energy Management and Sustainaibility,US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E), UET, Peshawar, Pakistan.
  2. Tahir Junaid,, Department of Energy Management and Sustainaibility,US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E), UET, Peshawar, Pakistan.
  3. Zafar Ullah ,, Department of Energy Management and Sustainaibility,US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E), UET, Peshawar, Pakistan.
  4. Najeeb Ullah,, Department of Energy Management and Sustainaibility,US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E), UET, Peshawar, Pakistan.

Muhammad Asif Tahir Junaid Zafar Ullah Najeeb Ullah “Design Analysis of Mini/Micro Hydro Power Generation Plants in Northern Distric International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 8 Issue 02 PP. 63-67 February 2021

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