Volume 2025 Volume 2024 Volume 2023 Volume 2022 Volume 2021 Volume 2020 Volume 2019 Volume 2018 Volume 2017 Volume 2016 Volume 2015 Volume 2014
Vol. 3, Issue 11, PP. 83-86, November 2016
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Vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 61-67, August 2016
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Vol. 3, Issue 10, PP. 78-82, October 2016
© The authors retain all copyrights
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Vol. 3, Issue 12, PP. 87-91, December 2016
© The authors retain all copyrights
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 3, Issue 12, PP. 98-102, December 2016
© The authors retain all copyrights
This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 3, Issue 9, PP. 68-72, September 2016
© The authors retain all copyrights
This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 3, Issue 10, PP. 73-77, October 2016
In this paper we study the one–sided Hausdorff distance between the shifted Heaviside function and some generic growth function such as Turner–Bradley–Kirk–Pruitt function. Numerical examples are presented using CAS MATHEMATICA
N. Kyurkchiev, S. Markov, On the Hausdorff distance between theHeaviside step function and Verhulst logistic function, J. Math. Chem.54(1) (2016) 109–119, doi:10.1007/S10910-015-0552-0
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Vol. 3, Issue 12, PP.92-97, December 2016
The world’s largest user of industrial robots in production processes is automotive industry, because global competition in the market requires continuous automation and modernization of production processes in the automotive industry. The use of robots in the world is continuously increasing year by year, so it is expected that about 414.000 robot units will be used in 2019. China is the first country in the world in the application of industrial robots, and is increasing the use every year, so that we can say that the annual trend in the application of robots in China is exponential by function. The leading countries in the application of industrial robots, in addition to China, are: Republic of Korea, Japan, North America (USA) and Germany. The tendency of application of industrial robots in the automotive industry in the world is growing on annual and total level. High application of industrial robots in China has resulted in the development of the automotive industry. The estimate is that in the future China will become the largest user of industrial robots, meaning that China is planning to implement the modernization and automation of production processes in the automotive industry, but also in other industries including electronics industry, metal industry and plastics and rubber industry. The development of new technologies and innovations is leading to the development of robotic technology which has been increasingly used in the automation of production processes. This will, in return, lead to the development and application of "smart automation" or "smart factories" in the future that will, besides vehicles, also produce other high quality products in short time period and with large varieties.
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Vol. 3, Issue 7, PP. 55-60, July 2016
Waste heat is created as an outgrowth in many process such as driving vehicles, running, cooking, electricity generation, working on computer etc. if we perform any task in the result decay warmth is created. Now large amount of spend warmed is create by the industries. Thermoelectric generator is one of the system of the power generation. Thermoelectric generator is a system which change warmed straight forwardly into electricity by utilizing a procedure called the “Seebeck impact”. In this paper i will suggested a thermoelectric generator which will utilize waste spend heat sap by the place for development of electric power. This recommended system depend on thermopiles and is called as bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3). Every system have two types of cost such as device and running or maintenance cost. But this system have no running cost because decay heat is the input source for this system. In our proposed design we use the digital circuit of thermometer, voltmeter, ampere meter to find the graph between decay warmth and generated power. By obtaining these graph we can easily calculate the efficiency of our proposed system.
Sana Ullah Khan is a postgraduate student in Electrical Engineering Department University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan. Contact : +92-345-4840366, engrsanaullah51@gmail.com
Muhammad Iftikhar Khan is a Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering Department Univeristy of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan.
Feroz Shah is a Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineerng Department University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Sadiq Ali is a Lecturer in Electrical Engineering Department University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
Arshad Ali Khan is a Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Department University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan
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Vol. 3, Issue 6, PP. 52-54, June 2016
Waste is the discard matters that comes from human activity and require proper disposal to avoid harmful effects to the environment.Though, there is still energy hidden inside the disposal and one need to recover that method because it is considered a green and clean renewable energy that can reduce greenhouse gas emission and lessen the effect of global warming. This paper provides an overview of the basic principle, steps involved in extraction of valuable energy from municipal solid waste (MSW) by using Air Fed Refuse derived fuel (RDF) gasification, benefits of gasification on environment and how gasification advances over incineration. MSW gasification is measured as the most prospective technology to replace incineration, because of the advantages, such as the strict control of pollution, significant volume reduction and enhances recycling rates.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 3, Issue 6, PP. 47-51, June 2016
Mathematical models of growth have been developed a long period of time. Estimating the lag time in the growth process is a practically important problem. In this note we provide estimates for the one–sided Hausdorff approximation () of the shifted step–function by sigmoidal function arising from Box–Cox transformation. We present a software module (intellectual property) within the programming environment of CAS Mathematica for analysis of growth curves. Numerical examples, illustrating our results are given, too.
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[15] A. Iliev, N. Kyurkchiev, S. Markov, On the Approximation of the Cut and Step Functions by Logistic and Gompertz Functions, BIOMATH 4(2) (2015) 1510101, doi:10.11145/j.biomath.2015.10.101
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[18] N. Kyurkchiev, S. Markov, Sigmoid functions: Some Approximation and Modelling Aspects, Saarbrucken, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2015), ISBN 978–3–659–76045–7.
[19] V. Kyurkchiev, N. Kyurkchiev, On the Approximation of the Step function by Raised-Cosine and Laplace Cumulative Distribution Functions, European International Journal of Science and Technology 4(9) (2016) 75–84.
[20] N. Kyurkchiev, S. Markov, A. Iliev, A note on the Schnute growth model, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development 12 (6) (2016) 47–54.
[21] N. Kyurkchiev, A. Iliev, On some growth curve modeling: approximation theory and applications, International Journal of Trends in Research and Development 3 (3) (2016) 466–471.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 3, Issue 6, PP. 36-46, June 2016
Recognizing handwritten character using computer is still consider a strong area of research. A fundamental problem in the field of Bangla character recognition is the lack of availability of Bangla handwritten character data set. In this thesis our main objective is to generate a larger dataset of Bangla character and as well as improving the recognition rate using Support Vector Machine. Support Vector Machines (SVM) is used for classification in pattern recognition widely. In our proposed method we applied support vector machine for increasing the recognition rate. A scanner is used to capture handwritten data sheet written in white paper by various people. After that several approaches used to generate the final data set for training and testing in SVM. A cropped image is scaled into 16*16 pixel matrix and then combing large number of image a dataset is produced. A binary classification technique of Support Vector Machine is implemented and rbf kernel function is used in SVM. This rbf SVM produces 93.43% overall recognition rate which is satisfactory result among all techniques applied on handwritten Bangla handwritten character recognition system.
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Vol. 3, Issue 5, PP. 32-35, May 2016
This paper describes the presentation of a stepper motor in the pitch control system to regulate frequency. The controller sense the frequency deviation. If the frequency deviation is positive the stepper motor will recommend the motor to pitch the turbine blade slightly away from wind pressure. Similarly if the frequency deviation is negative the stepper motor will recommend the motor to pitch the turbine blade slightly towards wind pressure. The blade pitching is performed by another motor. The frequency controlled by conventional hydraulic mean is costly complex and quite slow in response. They consume enough time during big load changes. In this research a stepper motor is being used for frequency control. A stepper motor is economical capable of fast action and easy to control. The position of the stepper motor is controlled by a PI Proportional Integral controller. Thus a proposed frequency control system incorporating a stepper motor in pitch control system is modeled, designed and simulated in Matlab/ Simulink. The frequency control through stepper motor improves the Transient and steady state performances are enhanced and moreover it reduces frequency spikes.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 3, Issue 4, PP. 26-31, April 2016
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 3, Issue 4, PP. 19-25, April 2016
This article presents a high gain patch antenna with negative refractive index (NRI) superstrate for the application of Radio frequency energy harvesting system. Triangular split ring resonators (TSRR)-strip line are used as a NRI superstrate to enhance the gain of the patch antenna. It is demonstrated that the proposed triangular split ring resonator (TSRR) structure metamaterial yields negative value of an effective refractive index that over the frequency range of 774 MHz to 974 MHz. The negative refractive index structure is applied as a superstrate to a microstrip patch antenna. The simulation results show that the gain is effectively improved by 2.326 dB (85.96 %) after the incorporation of negative refractive index metamaterial superstrate on to the conventional patch antenna. The results illustrated that the gain of the proposed antenna is enhanced over the desired frequency band 935 MHz to 960 MHz. The air gap between the antenna and superstrate was also studied by applying the theory of Fabry-Perot (F-P) resonant cavity to obtain the optimum air gap of 55 mm to achieve the maximum gain. The proposed antenna is also fabricated and tested, the measured results shown that have good agreement with the simulated results in term of S -parameters and radiation characteristics.
This Research work is funded by Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia Grant No. is FRGS/2/2013/ ST02INTI/ 02/01.
K.A. Devi: INTI International University Nilai, Malaysia, kavurik.adevi@newinti.edu.my
Ng Chun Hau: INTI International University Nilai, Malaysia chunhau.ng@s.newinti.edu.my
C. K. Chakrabarty: Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Kajang, Malaysia, chandan@uniten.edu.my
Norashidah Md. Din: Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Kajang, Malaysia, norashidah @uniten.edu.my
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 3, Issue 3, PP. 6-18, March 2016
Nowadays in Tanzania, some telecommucation companies also known as Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) are investing heavily in mobile broadband technologies including new base stations, higher-bandwidth tower connections and new backhaul solutions to meet emerging 4G/LTE requirements. Fourth generation wireless systems(4G) are likely to reach the consumer market in another few years and it comes with the promise that it will increased bandwidth, higher speeds ,greater interoperability across communication protocols, user friendly, innovative and secure applications. However, there are a lot of challenges which might lead to fading of the expected promises. Quantitative approach was used in this study whereby exhaustive literature review of thirteen (13) papers was conducted to compare and find out the relationship between the variables. Frequency and percentage were computed to find out the results. The findings show that mobile handset incompatibility, handoff issues, security and privacy issues, quality of service support problems, high billing to customers, complex infrastructure requirement, network spectrum problems, and mobile handset expenses are the challenges which might hinder MNOs from migrating from 3G to 4G.The study recommends that before deploying 4G network systems standardized environment which will facilitate the seamless accommodation of the newly technology and therefore entrenching the possibility of gaining from the technology the enticing advantages to both users’ and providers.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 3, Issue 2, PP. 1-5, February 2016
2D numerical simulation of normally off vertical N-channel JFET with novel internal lateral gate configuration designed on a 9.4 ?m, 7 × 1015 cm?3 doped drift layer is presented. The study covers an interval of blocking voltages ranging from 600 V to 933 V for various temperatures and channel widths. The effect of elimination of vertical JFET gates and variation in channel width on the on-state/breakdown performance is carefully investigated. The device performance has been compared in terms of blocking voltages, specific on-state resistance and maximum output current density in the temperature range from room temperature up to 473 K. Normally-off operation with blocking voltage (Vbl) of 933 V is demonstrated for a gate voltage of -20 V. The goal of this work is to predict the performance of lateral gate VJFET configuration and have a deep insight into the relationship between the device’s electrical/thermal characteristics and channel thickness. The detailed investigation reveals that lateral gate configuration offers less resistance to leakage current reducing the blocking capability of the device. Though, it’s excellent on state performance in terms of high saturation current (1.23A) and low on-resistance (3.6 m ?) makes this VJFET an excellent device for fast power switching applications.
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