Volume 2025 Volume 2024 Volume 2023 Volume 2022 Volume 2021 Volume 2020 Volume 2019 Volume 2018 Volume 2017 Volume 2016 Volume 2015 Volume 2014
Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 570-575, December 2019
The escalation in the level of municipal solid waste generation by mankind is the index of using natural resources in an unsustainable and ineffective manner while that pattern has continued and paved its way to the exhaustion of the natural resources and environmental changes. Pakistan is not confronted solely by the increase in population growth like the other developing countries but it has also an escalation in its Municipal Solid waste (MSW) generation. The concerned municipal corporation authorities are incapable to cope up with due to a boost in the increased urbanization. Energy from waste being renewable energy can generate a good enough amount of electricity; reduces greenhouse gas emissions, solid waste minimization as well as it’s a good source for a circular economy. RETScreen Expert Software support tool has been used in this study to determine the prefeasibility analysis of electricity generation from Peshawar city municipal solid wastes suggesting power plant having capacity assumed to be of 10 MW using city mix municipal solid waste it’s being analyzed that for a 10 MW system which can export 74,816 MWh of electricity to the grid and the revenue generation from that will be 11,970,503 CAD. While the GHG emission reduction would be 32,598 tons of CO2 having a simple payback period of 7.7 years with a cost to benefit ratio of 1.5 hence from the result its recommended to have a waste to energy facility for the Peshawar city municipal solid waste.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 534-542, December 2019
Due to the fast increase in energy of modern human being the desire for the clean renewable energy is increasing day by day. Electrical power generation from wind is promising source. But due to the large combination of wind forms in electrical power grid the stability and security are key issues for the electrical power engineers. Amongst the required grid codes for the power utilities LVRT is very important. According to LVRT the wind form should act as conventional power plant and connect to grid for some particular time to provide stability to grid at normal and fault time. In this paper we have developed a LVRT strategy for control of active, reactive power and DC link voltage of the variable speed wind turbine. The test bed system is 9 MW DFIG wind turbine attached to 120KV grid system by 30KM long 25 KV transmission line. The modelling and simulation is done by using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The control system is implemented by using PI controller using vector or field oriented control. The LVRT strategies implemented on test bed model are (STFCL), DC chopper, Rotor Crowbar and Hybrid strategy with using RSC control, GSC control and pitch control mechanisms. The hybrid strategy provide excellent solution for LVRT of DFIG wind turbine by controlling power (active and reactive) and voltage of DC link. The results of hybrid strategy during symmetrical fault is best and well suited to the LVRT requirements as compared of STFCL, DC chopper and crowbar.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 564-569, December 2019
From the past couple of years, the high-power conversion efficiency (PCE) of >25% and low-cost fabrication of single-junction perovskite photovoltaic cells have gained great attention from researchers. The bandgap tunability of these solar cells makes them an attractive and ideal candidate for tandem solar cell applications. The PCEs above than the single-junction solar cells theoretical Shockley-Queisser (SQ) radiative efficiency limit (31%-33%) can be achieved by harvesting a wide fraction of solar spectrum using multi-junction solar cells. In perovskite tandem (double-junction) solar cells, a wide-bandgap perovskite top cell is combined with either narrow-bandgap bottom cells of dissimilar materials like silicon (Si) and copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) or with low bandgap perovskite solar cell. In this work, we have simulated perovskite/Si (PVK/Si), perovskite/CIGS (PVK/CIGS) and perovskite/perovskite (PVK/PVK) tandem solar cells and estimated 28.73%, 20.31% and 26.06% PCEs. The highest conversion efficiency is shown by PVK/Si tandem cells among others because of the suitable bandgap for tandem applications. Our work will guide the researchers for obtaining ultra-high conversion efficiency solar cells.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 547-555, December 2019
In ad hoc network the unidirectional links and hidden node appear very frequently. There are few techniques that are used to avoid both unidirectional links and hidden nodes. Request to send/Clear to send (RTS/CTS) technique is used to avoid hidden link scenario and hello, blacklisting and reverse path search are used to avoid unidirectional links. In our research we opted for Dynamic source routing (DSR) which basically considers every route to be bidirectional, but as nodes moves frequently in ad hoc network these two problems occur. In the first part of the paper, we have implemented (RTS/CTS) and blacklisting techniques to avoid hidden links and unidirectional links to look into the improvement in the Dynamic source routing (DSR) by calculating certain parameters such as, Throughput (packet delivery at sink), End-to-End Delay, Network load and Packet delivery ratio. Furthermore our thesis also look into the link failure recovery, as nodes are continuously moving while data transferring as well so the node can move away from each other in these cases so the link broke down between the source and destination nodes so to avoid this scenario We implemented a mechanism of route recovery to efficiently tackle this problem. The result shows that the improved Dynamic source routing (Improved DSR) has shown more stability and performs very good overall in every performance parameter.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 556-563, December 2019
Abnormal switching transients are those transients that arise during unbalanced faults interruption e.g., single-line-to-ground (S.L.G) fault, double-line-to-ground (D.L.G) fault, or three-phase fault. Circuit-breaker is the first line of defense to face these abnormal transients. Whenever a circuit-breaker encounters these abnormal transients, it changes its state from close to open by moving away its closed contacts. Circuit-breaker try to block large amount of fault-current from flowing, and these transients appear in the form of multitude-voltage around circuit-breaker’ open contacts. This large amount of voltage is known as transient recovery voltage (T.R.V). This T.R.V is normally three to five-times of the rated operating voltage. Circuit-breaker failure/damage occurs only when it is unable to withstand this T.R.V for which it is designed. In this research, methodology is developed to correctly find the value of T.R.V by taking care of various abnormal and worst-case switching scenarios. T.R.V curtailment is a serious challenge for the power system experts. This study is a competent effort to address this challenge. Electromagnetic-Alternative Transient Program (EM-A.T.P) software is used for simulation of the test network IEEE-39 bus system.
© The authors retain all copyrights
This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 543-546, December 2019
Concrete is the key component that is usually used in construction as in the world containing 70-75 percent of natural rocks, sand and 10-15 percent of Portland cement. Concerns about global sustainability of construction technology and the efficient use of structural aggregates in concrete will help minimize construction problems. Because of the high cost of cement, construction has become more costly and due to CO2 pollution and other harmful heavy metals during the cement production process, it becomes environmentally dangerous, so we can partly replace the portend cement with fly ash created as solid waste by different industries and power generation plants. At dumping sites, this fly ash is dumped locally, causing air pollution. Because of its binding behavior, we use fly ash as a binding constituent. The purpose behind this research work was to evaluate the tensile and compressive strength of specimens while using different fly ashes in favor of environmentally friendly technique and to perform the properties of workout strength and the variation pattern with mixing in different proportions of different tests such as tensile and compressive strength after 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of healing. Cement was replaced by various types of ashes including coal ash, Vachellia nilotica (Kikar) ash, Dalbergia sisso (shisham) with different concentration of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 % of each. Results showed that when 10% of coal ash, Vachellia nilotica (kikar) ash, Dalbergia sisso (shisham) was used, concrete and mortar tensile and compressive strength increased with the increase in healing time. While the decrease in intensity was observed in samples with proportions of 20, 30, 40 and 50% with the same healing time. In addition the samples with coal, Vachellia nilotica (Kikar) ash, Dalbergia sissoo (shisham) ash, a decreasing trend in strength along with weight decrease was observed. By using coal ash upto 10% can reduce the 13.5% construction cost without losing strength properties in concrete. Such building materials can be used in lightweight buildings such as farm buildings for poultry and dairy farm buildings.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 529-533, December 2019
In this paper estimation of PFC (Primary frequency control) reserves and their adequacy has been investigated. Since Pakistan is aiming to add more renewable generation to its power system to reduce their dependency on fossil fuels and because of their concern about the environmental polution. And this renewable penetration adds variability and complexity to the power grid and doesn’t add inertia to the system. So therefore overall inertia of the system decreases in result of addition of renewables. When the inertia of the system decreases, frequency deviations increases because of the renewable forecast error and other contingencies in the grid. To study thiese frequency deviations expected scenario for Pakistan power system are created for current and future Pakistan power system. From these studies, estimation of PFC reserves are made in this paper for future Pakistan power system. This paper also explain the frequency instability arises due to high renewable integration in power system and their feasible solutions for future Pakistan power system.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 525-528, December 2019
A microgrid is a combination of distributed energy sources to generate power to the consumer or exchange electrical energy to the grid or working in a standalone system. The microgrid may be on-grid or off-grid. Distributed Generators (DG, s) are more reliable on-site selection. Therefore, a hybrid energy system came into existence. Like to combine solar PV, wind, small Hydro, and diesel generator and fuels cells. Solar PV, wind and diesel generator hybrid system are more analyzed previously in the research study. In this research PV, Batteries and diesel Gen are combined to make a hybrid system connected to the utility grid, which is economical and reliable. The potential resource data were downloaded from NASA through the homer tool. Homer software is used for the simulation to simulate and analyze the hybrid system.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 521-524, December 2019
Integration of renewable energy sources in power system has increased rapidly in recent years due to environmental effects such as climate change and global warming. Renewable sources provide clean and sustainable energy but it has some negative effects on power system. Renewable sources are mostly inertia-less sources and they increase instability in system. Frequency deviations are main indicator of their fluctuation because of their variable energy nature. To stabilize frequency, spinning reserves are there. Most of generators providing spinning reserves are fossil fuel generators, their operation is costly and not environment friendly. To minimize dependence on spinning reserves, demand side response is a method, which can provide frequency reserves cheaply and have a fast response. Demand side response is to shift loads of end users from peak hours to off-peak hours in response to frequency deviations or any contingency in power system with agreement with end users. This paper proposes the use of demand response through load management. Direct control method is used to control loads of end users. In response to frequency deviations, loads are ON/OFF to stabilize the frequency. For that purpose, a simple microgrid is designed in MATLAB/SIMULINK comprises of Solar PV and diesel generation sources. Loads are controlled through simple controller, which monitor frequency and act accordingly. Different scenarios are simulated, with demand side response and without demand side response. The results showed that with demand side response, frequency can be stabilizing quickly and system can be prevented from instability.
Syed Afzal Shah: Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (US-PCASE), UET Peshawar
Zafar Ahmad: Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (US-PCASE), UET Peshawar
Israr Uddin: Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (US-PCASE), UET Peshawar
Muhammad Nazeer: Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (US-PCASE), UET Peshawar
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Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 514-520, December 2019
Disaster is a sudden accident or a catastrophic calamity that causes incredible damage or loss of life. Disaster has different types like Tornadoes, Floods, Wildfires, and Earthquakes. When a disaster occurs, many people get injured and many people die due to delay in timely treatment. But in a traditional rescue system, rescue workers are unaware of suitable and nearest health centers (hospitals) per patient condition. Rescue teams need to be updated about the capacity of the hospital and to know the shortest route to bring disaster patients to the most suitable hospital in minimum possible time. If resources are not available or occupied once they have arrived, retransfer from one hospital to another will be required which takes longer time and in severe condition, the patient could die. Smart Resource Allocation and Information System increases the chances of life in disaster by providing timely treatment. With the help of Smart Resource Allocation and Information System, the rescue teams will be aware of the shortest path, availability of specialist per patient condition and capacity of the hospital where disaster patient is to be assigned. So, the application allows timely treatment and better resuscitation services for catastrophic victims. Our designed system provides the solution for patient load balancing and patient load migration, better utilization of available resources, especially in resource constraint scenarios.
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Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 507-513, December 2019
Maintenance and Overlay resolve medium distress, but reconstruction can be feasible and cost-effective because asphalt pavement deteriorated drastically with time and traffic. Therefore, pavements are required to be reconstructed or rehabilitated. Reuse of such construction waste is gaining popularity with the passage of time due to its benefits. The cost and shortage of virgin aggregate have encouraged the use of reclaimed asphalt pavement, and involved in regular practice in various countries around the world. Asphalt is 100% recyclable product in some states of US, but RAP usage has not yet been established in Pakistan. Therefore, in this research different percentages of aged aggregates are used in conjunction with virgin aggregates in asphalt mixtures. The virgin and RAP asphalt samples were then compared in terms of Marshall Stability, Rut resistance and indirect tensile strength (IDT). 22 samples including conventional and different RAP percentages were prepared for Marshall Stability, 10 samples for Rutting and 12 samples for IDT. It has concluded that the 60 percent RAP aggregate when used in conjunction with virgin aggregate in asphalt mixture gives improved Marshall Stability as compared to virgin aggregates when used in asphalt mixture, also the flow values of the 60 percent aged aggregate sample is neither open to rut of fatigue as compared to asphalt mixture prepared with virgin aggregate, and the indirect tensile strength of RAP mixture with 60% aged aggregate is high as compared to the asphalt mixture prepared with 100 percent virgin aggregates.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 496-506, December 2019
The aim of this research work is to conduct an extensive performance evaluation of a box type dual Booster Mirror solar cooker under tracking free conditions. To cope up with the need for continuous adjustment of the cooker during the cooking operation the optimal tilt angles of the Booster Mirrors have been calculated through numerical calculations for the location of 340 latitude. To evaluate the Performance parameters of the cooker, tests under tracking free conditions have been carried out and parameters such as, First and Second Figure of Merit, Cooking power, exergy efficiency and the Quality Factor, are evaluated for the BSC. Moreover, the cooker is tested on-field and different types of food items are cooked. The results indicate that orienting the Booster Mirrors at their respective optimal angles provides a viable and convenient alternative to the need for continuous tracking of the sun during cooking hours. With this technique the said cooker can be used for cooking 6.4 kg of 6 different dishes in a single day i-e. from 9:00 Am to 3:00 Pm in two batches.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 431-438, December 2019
In this paper the energy crisis of Pakistan is discussed with comparative analysis due to a continuous and wide gap among available system producing capacity and demand. The deteriorating of shortages (power) has become a main problem in the view of politics, showing the difficulties for persons and companies. It looms to weaken the reliability and legality of government and to additional pressure the societal fabric of the nation. The energy crisis did not arise suddenly. It is the straight consequence of impulsive and irresponsible energy policies over the last three years. These energy policies have obstructed the growth of low and plentiful domestic energy resources. They have also caused in very incompetent fuel mix selections, lack of energy and security of the economics. The country’s energy insolvency is eventually due to huge official and failure of the governance. This paper analyzes the issues confronting Pakistan’s energy sector and classifies the key elements of a hidden policy reply to address the nation’s tough energy crisis. In order to assess these diverse renewable energy alternatives a comparative analysis of SAARC countries is performed using a standard criteria framework that are likely to be decisive in the making of decisions. The assessment shows that completely the renewable energy system conformations are not economically viable in the country while the renewable energy local resources could bring down the price of energy. An improved understanding of the whole processes by which innovation occurs is important, both theoretically and to inform the policy makers to support innovation to attain more sustainable technologies.
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Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 490-495, December 2019
Unstable soil has always been a hurdle in swift construction projects, which can only be eradicated by soil stabilization. Soil stabilization is used for a plethora of projects; however, it is more common in pavement construction, where the purpose is to enhance the strength of soil and to minimize the expenses by providing indigenous available materials. Thus the use of alternative materials like coal combustion product (fly ash) and agriculture waste (Rice husk ash) will certainly lower the cost of construction and therefore reducing the environmental hazards. Hydrometer analysis, Atterberg limits, modified proctor test and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests were carried out on the natural soil. Next three different percentages of fly ash (5%, 10% and 15%) were mixed with soil for the CBR test. In this study, the Rice Husk Ash (RHA) was also used for soil stabilization same as the percentages (5%, 10% and 15%) we selected in stabilization for fly ash. After finding CBR, the pavement was designed on natural soil and stabilized soil. The detail cost estimation was performed for 1km length and 7.62m wide road construction with specific thicknesses of designed road on natural soil and stabilized soil. In conclusion, the fly ash and RHA resulted in less thickness of road layers as compared to road design on natural soil. Furthermore, it was also concluded that the road construction cost using the fly ash and RHA is significantly less than the natural soil.
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Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 479-489, December 2019
Most of the industrial machines have reactive power during operation due to which these machines are facing low power factor. One of the important existing public sector industries (where heavy mechanical products are manufactured) of Pakistan is under study, which has a very low power factor i.e. in the range of 0.60 to 0.75. This low power factor not only increase the cost (when there is extra bill and power factor penalty in the rate clause) but also decrease electrical capacity of power distribution system. In the public sector organization, there are five loads in the public sector industry i.e. machine shop load, heat treatment shop load, non-ferrous shop load, gal/forge shop load and fabrication shop. In the proposed thesis, we have utilized capacitor bank in the existing distribution network .We investigated the shunt capacitor banks for Power Factor Correction (PFC). After analysis of the proposed distribution network in Matlab/Simulink software, it was found that using shunt capacitor bank in parallel with load, the power factor increased to 0.95, due to which proposed system and devices efficiency increased. The power losses decreased tremendously. Voltage drop has been reduced. Reduction in size of a conductor and cable reduced cost of the copper. Three different strategies (Central PFC, Regional PFC, Local PFC) are followed in this power factor improvement study and each one is then compared with the previous system.
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Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 471-478, December 2019
The extensive use of organic and virgin aggregates contributes to their resource exploitation. High priority must be given to the partial substitution of conventional aggregates with recyclable construction material, which must be environmentally responsible and should function equally too as the conventional material. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavements (RAP) is a great choice for the asphaltic wearing and asphaltic base courses of road pavements. In this research, the properties were determined for various combinations and proportions of virgin and aged asphalts. In this study, six blends which were the mixtures of virgin materials and RAP, were analyzed. The blends were designed with a wide variety of RAP blends from 0 to 100 percent by Marshall Method of design. The rutting performance of the blends was also determined in-order to check the deformation. The RAP content was combined with virgin aggregates in such a way that all the test samples had about the same gradation. RAP-containing mixtures showed significant variation and the properties indicated improvement with the increase in RAP material. The results show that up to 40 percent of RAP material can be used efficiently in the construction of wearing courses.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 466-470, December 2019
Due to electricity stealing, electricity providers in divergent territories particularly inside progressing ones are experiencing from massive losses. This work focuses on electricity energy metering technique which is prepaid with an additional function of theft detection and changing tariff time to peak time and off-peak time. The suggested system has two parts. First part is service main side which will be installed on pole and is connected to distribution lines through service line while second part is main meter which will be installed at consumer side on service main wire. The suggested meter is equipped with transmitter/receiver used for theft detection and GSM module which open the door for bidirectional communication between service provider, users, and main meter getting advantage of the pre-installed GSM framework. Electricity meter can be recharged by customers, simply scratching card and sending hidden code with the help of SMS utilizing GSM module. This work presents new techniques to cover meter tampering and bypassing. In case of theft detection, it will cut off supply, inform the service provider and will show the exact location of theft using GSM. The tariff time will be changed by service provider using SMS with the help of GSM module to meter. The bidirectional GSM communication using SMS is very helpful for user as well as service providers. In case of low balance and if remaining balance become zero, it will cut off supply and inform user as well as service provider.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 459-465, December 2019
Grid connected Photovoltaic (PV) system installations are rapidly growing around the globe to meet the increasing demand of electricity, leading to a high penetration to the electric grid. Tremendous efforts should be employed to sustain the operation of the PV system at the optimal level. Due to its non-linear nature, PV system can’t handle electrical faults, which may lead to voltage sag at DC side while simultaneously producing dynamics at AC side. This work offers techniques for improving the dynamic performance of the PV system by controlling voltage sag through the application of fuzzy logic based maximum power point techniques (MPPT) at DC-DC boost converter and the regulation of dynamics at inverter by using positive and negative sequence current controlling techniques during grid faults. In the event a fault occurs, fuzzy logic based MPPT controller will be activated, instead of the simple MPPT techniques. These techniques are implemented by designing 1 MW PV system in MATLAB/SIMULINK and validating the results by introducing faults in the implemented system.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 453-458, December 2019
With the increasing technological advances, the global energy needs are increasing exponentially. The ever increasing demand of electricity has compelled generation sector to highly depend on fossil based fuel but the irony is that the fossil fuel is not only costly but also pose hazard to environment. Therefore, shift towards Renewable Energy (RE) is vital for every country. Currently, RE sector in Pakistan is underdeveloped though some projects have been initiated in Pakistan to decrease reliance on fossil fuel and to lessen the energy shortage in Pakistan. Globally, many countries like Germany and China are heavily investing in renewable energy. Hence, it is important to know the status of renewable energy project growth in Pakistan in comparison to other countries. The proposed methodology aims to find the growth of RE in Pakistan energy mix in comparison to bench mark country as China, Germany, India and Saudi Arabia. This is done to understand the current progress of Pakistan in expanding RE projects, against certain developed and under developed counties. For this study, solar, wind and small micro hydro sectors of Pakistan has been considered. After analysis, the challenges and way forward for successful integration of RE in Pakistan is put forth by this study.. The results of this study will help the policy makers of Pakistan in choosing the right energy resource which is not only cost effective but also environmental friendly. This will help Pakistan in ensuring economic energy projects along with mitigation of greenhouse emissions.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 448-452, December 2019
In this research work, we have modeled and analyzed an existing 500 KV power station located at Shiekh Muhammadi, Peshawar in ETAP, using the actual real time data taken carefully for simulation in order to improve the voltage profile of the system using different techniques. It was revealed that voltage profiles of most of the buses are far below the nominal values with high losses causing considerable voltage drop at the bus. The optimization was very carefully performed by analyzing each simulation results in light of classical Newton Raphson technique in order to get the best possible optimized value without going through tedious iterations. Reactive power compensation using Static Capacitor Banks was used for voltage profile improvement of the power system. After performing optimization through above techniques, the voltages of all the buses including those with previously critical under voltage conditions, experienced boost in voltage to the nominal value with increased in real power supplied, thus improving the overall efficiency of the system.
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Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 445-447, December 2019
The increasing trend in the photvoltaic technology ask not only for efficient photvoltaic technology but also requires the best utilization of the solar power. As many factor effecting the performance of photvoltaic system such as Temperature, Dust depositon, Humidity, Tilt angle, wind speed. So a qualitative study is carried out to summarize the effect of these factors. Among all these temperature is the main culprit in degrading the performance of the Photovoltaic System. Due to dust deposition slightly reduce the open circuit voltage of the system while it significantly reduce the short circuit current and hence affecting the performance. Humidity has also negative impact on the performace of the PV system. Similar with increase in tilt angle the ability of the system to receive maximum irradiance decrease but it has the advantage of reducing the dust deposited on the photvolataic panel. Among all the parameters wind speed has positive impact on the performance of the system as it reduce temperature, dust deposition, humidity and hence improve the performance of the system.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 12, PP. 439-444, December 2019
Identification of traffic accident spots play a pivotal role in planning of roads and application of effective strategies in order to minimize the traffic accidents. This study puts into use the spatial distribution of the traffic accidents scattered throughout the area using spatial analysis and statistical approaches. The purpose of this research study is to analyze the traffic accidents occurring in the Hayatabad area of Peshawar. The fundamental objective of this study is to detect accidents hotspot in an observed area by a complex statistical algorithm. A methodology was developed in ArcGIS 10.2 to analyze the spatial patterns of traffic accidents and to identify hotspots. This study has conducted NNHA spatial clustering method in CrimeSTAT for the identification of hotspot clusters for accidents points in ArcGIS. Moreover, based on the detected hotspots, spatio-temporal tool like Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) analysis was performed in Crime STAT to create a temporal map of RTAs hotspots in ArcGIS. A geostatistical method known as Kriging Interpolation method (KI) was also used to assess the results computed by KDE. The results indicated that the roundabouts located in this area are the major hotspot of accidents, which includes Bagh-e-Naran roundabout, Phase-6 roundabout, Tatara Park roundabout and Jamrud road. Comparison of KDE and KI was performed and it was found that KI outperforms KDE in identifying hotspots. It has been concluded that these hotspots lacked the basic traffic controlling devices, which are necessary for controlling the speed and converging or merging of vehicles at these locations.
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Vol. 6, Issue 11, PP. 414-419, November 2019
Pakistan is suffering from acute energy crisis since last decades. There is a big gap between power supply and demand and the shortfall is about 5000 MW per day. This shortfall is badly affecting all sectors which consumes electricity like residential, commercial, industrial and agriculture etc. Among the total energy about 43 % is consumed by the residential buildings. This high consumption needs to be minimized so finding desirable and effective ways to minimize the energy consumption of existing residential buildings and to propose strategies that are energy efficient is the aim of this research work. Each household has its own energy consumption pattern which is affected by the socio-economic conditions, number of occupants, the age group and gender. Thus, figuring out a generalized procedure for the transformation of residential buildings into the energy efficient building becomes very challenging. The proposed methodology aims at optimizing the energy consumption of residential buildings and finding a generalized procedure that can be adopted to transform any residential building into a low energy building. The test site selected for the proposed work is situated at canal town Peshawar which is a residential building. To lower down the electricity consumption of the selected building different insulation materials and energy efficient equipment’s along with different retrofitting strategies are analyzed in this research work. The financial analysis is also carried out based on the KWH savings, with an improvement in energy consumption up to 30%.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 11, PP. 420-430, November 2019
The exhaustion of the fossil fuel supply of the world is an understood eventuality, considering the pace at which these resources are being exploited the world over. More so when the global energy requirements are increasing without much interruption; suffice to say the current state of operations in the energy arena is not going to last long. Alternative energy resources, in this worldview, provide an auspicious avenue of fulfilling the burgeoning human thirst for energy. The impact of these alternative energy resources utilization will be twofold: the satiation of the energy demand, and the culmination of the global warming resulting from the incessant use of the fossil fuels. The urge for alternative resources of energy is key to survival and demand of future. In comparison to all the alternative resources of energy, Hydro power present better results in terms of efficiency and long term viability.The viability of Hydro Power is subject to its high initial cost and major construction with no return in the initial phase of construction. This work is aimed at presenting the technical and financial aspects of Micro-Hydro power. The financial assessment is based on the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return and Benefit to Cost Ratio (B/C). Apart from the social benefits to the residents and improving the quality of life, the financial feasibility is tested on the basis the above parameters and results shows the micro hydro are feasible in the lights of mentioned parameters. The proposition is tested and implemented on three different case studies, i.e. Ajmera Hydro power plant, Bersa Payen and Sheri Dumrai HPP. The data shows successful results in the all the mentioned cases.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 11, PP. 406-413, November 2019
The aim of this paper is to provide the software-based materials selection approach for the micro channel heat exchanger for high-temperature industrial waste heat recovery. Industrial heat processing and heat recovery places increasing demand for material performance in extreme conditions. These extreme conditions accelerate the materials degradation in turn leading to performance and efficiency reduction. Therefore the development of new compatible materials demand material qualification for the miniaturized technology to function over a long period of time with full efficiency. This paper proposes methodology for the material identification and selecting appropriate material for the micro channel heat exchanger to recover high-temperature (>500℃) industrial waste heat. Thermally stable materials such as aluminum nitride, silicon carbide, alumina, tungsten carbide, tungsten alloys, and nickel and TZM alloys were observed to perform exceptionally well in extreme condition. Thus silicon carbide, aluminum nitride and molybdenum TZM alloys were selected as the most promising materials for micro channel heat exchanger recover high-temperature (500-750 ℃) waste heat from different industries.
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Vol. 6, Issue 11, PP. 399-405, November 2019
This paper carries out a comprehensive numerical investigation of turbocharger high-pressure ratio centrifugal compressor impeller. The aim is to study the effect of varying mass flow rate on the pressure ratio and efficiency from stall to choke using (3D) numerical simulations. The transonic SRV2 compressor developed by DLR (German Aerospace Center) has been used as the test case in this study. Numerical simulations have been performed using Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) based k-ɛ model to predict turbulence. Y-plus is kept 35 for the structured mesh near the boundaries. In first part, calculations were carried out for design speed of 50,000 1/min to study the suitability of ANSYS CFX in the design procedure and compared the results with experimental data and four other (3D) solvers. The numerical simulations showed that ANSYS CFX over predicts the experimental data by 9% in this compressor. The second part describes the effect of vaneless diffuser exit width on performance parameters of centrifugal compressor at design high rotational speed, which shows that decreasing vaneless diffuser exit width increases pressure ratio, isentropic efficiency and operating range from stall to choke.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 11, PP. 392-398, November 2019
Micro hydro power is considered as one of the lucrative options for electricity generation, it can work both autonomously and in Grid connected mode.Most of the MHP’s are built on obsolete technology due to which only a portion of flow is utilized for power generation. In micro hydro power plant Voltage and frequency of induction generator are not constant due to change in discharge of water.To overcome these issues technology is moving from fixed speed operation (FSO) to variable speed operations (VSO). Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) is the most suitable option for variable speed operation .In this research paper working and operation of DFIG in MHP system in Grid connected mode is observed which allow to compensate the variations in acceptable proportion while guaranteeing a good quality of electrical outputs.A control algorithm is developed which enable the stator voltage and frequency of DFIG to a constant value in spite of speed variation in driving shaft and load changes. A vector control technique is adopted for the regulation of rotor side converter (RSC) and grid side converter(GSC) to keep the voltages and frequency with in limits and also ensure the reactive power exchange with the grid according to the reference value.Operation of the established model is tested by different operating conditions in Simulink MATLAB.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 10, PP. 387-391, October 2019
The need for safety devices is increasing day by day in a fast-growing technology era. Many heating appliances involve oil fuel or liquefied petroleum gas burning in furnaces providing heat to the working facilities and our homes with controlled fires and careful management. The risk of blazing fire escaping from furnaces will cause potential harm and hazardous to our lives and damages to our houses. Remote acting fire valve (RAF) safeguard against the fuel being fed into the fire and prevent the total destruction by fire. The automated fire safety valve utilizes the temperature control sensor governed to minimize the risk of fire. The RAF with cut off temperature 66 ℃ or 90 ℃ depends on the model, the flow rate of 395 liters/hour with 2m head approved by BS5410. This paper demonstrates the operation, calibration, function, and Reworks of Remote Acting Fire valve (RAF), manufactured and assembled in Tesla Technologies Private limited Pakistan. RAF is a safety device designated to cut off fuels supply to heating appliances that may have malfunctioned. Failure and Reworks of RAF are the problems need to be resolved. The proposed solution to the rework problems at Tesla Private limited would be beneficial to the company and customers.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 10, PP. 379-386, October 2019
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is considered to be one of the greenest province of Pakistan. But the province is in a great threat of deforestation as majority of the population are cutting trees rapidly in order to meet their need of cooking fuel. Majority of the rural population are using firewood as their cooking fuel as they have no access to national gas transmission line and cannot afford the LPG cylinders. Installation of domestic biogas plant is one of the alternative green solutions to this problem. This research is conducted to evaluate the overall potential of biogas from cattle manure in KPK and to carry out the multi prospect assessment of current biogas plants in KPK. Potential of biogas from cattle manure was calculated from statistical data of KPK and literature review. Questionnaires were designed to conduct survey of 15 installed biogas plants in different districts of KPK. The total potential of biogas from cattle manure in KPK was found to be 532.9 million cubic meter per year. The equivalent potential of electricity generation from biogas is 1,344200 GWh per year. FATA regions have the highest potential of biogas which is 22 percent of the total whereas district D.I. Khan has a potential of 8 percent of the total. From the results of multi prospect assessment of current biogas plants it was found that 26.67 percent of the total plants were dismantled. 60 percent of the plants were fixed dome type while 40 percent were floating type. 40 percent of the plants were funded by the government, 33.33 percent by the NGOs and 26.67 percent were constructed by user on their own finance. 100% of the user agreed that biogas helps in firewood reduction. 92.86 percent of the users complaint about the maintenance of plant as a major challenge. 64.29 percent of the users wanted storage of biogas facility in the plant. On average, Rs. 2130 per month per household were saved in energy expenditure of cooking fuel with the help of biogas. 40 percent of plants users were satisfied, 33.33 percent were highly satisfied and only 26.67 percent responded as not satisfied.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 10, PP. 374-378, October 2019
Power Generators of high KVA rating especially that of hydropower plant are very much prone to the ground faults. Stator ground faults are the most common winding failure in generators. During stator ground faults, short circuit currents flow from the damaged phase to ground through the stator core. Experience has shown that stator ground fault damages are proportional to phase-to-ground fault current as well as fault duration. For that reason, Generator Neutral Grounding must be appliedin order to;
Limit phase-to-ground fault current.
Provide a means of stator ground fault detection.
There are various generator grounding classes and types available. In this paper, high-resistance grounding has been chosen. High-resistance generator neutral grounding scheme based on a grounding transformer with a secondary resistor. The advantage of the distribution transformer resistor combination is that the resistor used in the secondary is of comparatively low ohmic value and of rugged construction as compared to obtaining the same result by installing a high-ohmic, low-current resistor directly in the generator neutral. This research introduces some important and applicable practices which came from few years of practical as well as theoretical studies and discussions with some national and international power system experts. The research was made on the hydro power plants installed at Tarbela generating unit. The important parameters concerning the high impedance grounding of the generator were calculated. These results will be a kind of ready references for neutral grounding transformer design calculations and analysis.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 10, PP. 365-373, October 2019
Conservation and management of energy and power in any sector especially in large institutes, is of much significance. Energy efficient electrical systems lead to energy efficient delivering systems by keeping the power losses minimum. Energy audit is the best solution for the energy conservation where the system is verified and observed to reduce energy consumption without any negative effect on the system. It is an energy audit of a given case study of an accommodation area, a Boys Hostel (ALI Hall) of Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan Pakistan. It is the comprehensive energy audit of hostel with tariff C-2b (29) T and 11.21 rupees per unit. Hostel is estimated as consuming 44836.42 units and cost of 502616 rupees. This survey and analysis suggests certain recommendations for energy savings and to reduce unit consumption up to 20098.572 and cost of 225305 rupees.
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Vol. 6, Issue 10, PP. 360-364, October 2019
Energy is a prerequisite for sustainable development in todays world. Pakistan is a developing country in the South East Asia with a population of more than 210 million. Pakistan is highly dependent on imported oil and gas since a long time. The share of installed renewable energy capacity uptil now is 6%. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) is one of the four provinces of Pakistan. KP is blessed with a significant amount of renewable energy potential which includes hydroelectric, solar, wind and biomass. This paper starts with Pakistan’s energy scenario including the current energy supply and demand gap. It is then followed by a discussion on the renewable energy potential across KP. Hydropower alone has a total potential of around 25000 MW. Average daily solar radiation for KP is found to be 4.99kWh/m2/day It was found that daily solar radiation remains high in the summer season from April-July and then falls in the winter season. In KP, Mardan receives the highest daily solar radiation in June and Chitral receives the lowest daily solar radiation in December. The province is also blessed with biomass. KP has total livestock population of 43 million including cows, buffaloes, sheep and goats. Waste from animals can be converted into biogas which can be used for cooking and heating purposes. Some parts of the province like Malakand, Buner, Haripur have also some wind potential which is enough to provide electricity to the nearby villages and communites. The paper then discusses reasons for energy shortfall followed by short term and long term measures that can be adopted by KP government to tackle energy crisis.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 10, PP. 354-359, October 2019
In recent decades, energy demand has grown exponentially. Fossil fuels, which today meet the bulk of global energy demand, can be gradually replaced by renewable energies, thus limiting its dangerous consequences such as climate change, environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources, etc. Solar energy can play an important role in the satisfaction of energy demand, especially in a heavily sun-ridden country. The current study focuses on the modelling and optimization of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) based on different organic fluids operating in a temperature range below 50-100 °C. The ORCs are a good choice to produce small-scale energy due to the lower temperature range of 50 to 99 °C. They are therefore simple and inexpensive. Flat plate (FPC) or evacuated tube solar collectors (ETC) can also provide the desired energy. In this work, two system configurations are analyzed. In configuration-I (C-I), the water from the collector outlet moves to the hot water storage tank (HWST) connected in series, while in configuration-II (C-II), HWST is not used. Therefore, the hot water from the solar collector outlet enters directly into the auxiliary heater (which will be lit if necessary, otherwise) and the water return from the heat exchanger will become the input of the solar collector. Working fluids suitable for a solar-powered ORC at a temperature of 100 °C or lower are selected using predefined criteria such as higher fluid densities, maximum cycle efficiency, safety and environmental data, a moderate temperature and inexpensive and uncomplicated equipment. The R125 and R245ca were found to be good fluids due to the minimum collector area for the desired yield and maximum efficiency, respectively. For the R125, the minimum required collector area is estimated to be 50 m² for the ETC and 68.14 m² for the FPC. For these areas, the optimized size of the HWST is estimated at 1350 L. System configurations are modelled and simulated in TRNSYS for the entire year, from January 1st to December 31st, to investigate optimal collector tilt, the smallest collector area for maximum solar fraction, and solar collector thermal efficiency. Monthly solar collector efficiency is calculated for both configurations. The results of the simulation showed that C-II gives a comparatively higher solar collector thermal efficiency and solar fraction. For both collectors, the maximum seasonal solar fraction is obtained at an inclination of approximately 14°. A thermal efficiency of evacuated tube solar collector is comparatively higher for C-II than that of C-I and one observes the same trend for FPC. In addition, the thermal efficiency of the ETC at 50 m² is higher than that of the FPC at an area of 68.14 m².
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 10, PP. 347-353, October 2019
This research work presents two optimization algorithms to optimize the path and energy in the wireless sensor network. Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithms both are utilized to optimize the path and energy of a system, which is connected on a fifty nodes network deployed randomly on 100x100 meters region. The proposed scheme is for the constrained improvement problem, or more explicitly, a weighted spanning tree problem and its appliance to Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is examined here where definite exploratory discoveries on the energy improvement of the network have been exhibited.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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Vol. 6, Issue 10, PP. 339-346, October 2019
Solar-biomass hybrid tunnel dryer has been designed to dry different kinds of agricultural products.The dryer is comprised of three major parts, solar collector(inside the drying chamber), backup heating stove and an additional collector connected to the drying chamber through PVC pipes. This study presents the performance evaluation of the dryer. Collector average efficiency was found to be 29.7% and the drying efficiency for the system was 22.8%. The tunnel dryer was run on solar energy and solar-biomass energy for different set of tests. Different types of vegetables and fruits were dried in the tunnel dryer. A total of 7 solar-biomass hybrid tunnel dryer were constructed out of which 6 were installed in Swat KP Pakistan (Regions: Chikrae, Tal sar, Badalae, Jarro, Charbagh and Khwazakhela). Swat being the most effective area in respect of producing fruits. The post harvest losses are high. The total capacity of the dryer was found to be 75Kg.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 10, PP. 333-338, October 2019
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 10, PP. 324-332, October 2019
The utilization of the waste to energy technology was studied for Peshawar city, the data was compiled from the authentic data base of Municipal Corporation Peshawar. It includes the data from twelve different regions of Peshawar city. It is estimated that the flammable share of MSW of Peshawar city in tons will be 544.38 tons. Hence a power of 18.5 MW can be generated from MSW of Peshawar City by utilization of Plasma Arc Gasification Technique. It’s suggested that 18.5MW Power Plant will generate electricity @ 9 ₵/ KWh which is less as compare to current national average rate.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 09, PP. 314-323, September 2019
The incessant depletion of world energy resources and the global environmental deterioration are a good indicator of banishing the conventional energy extraction technologies in favor of renewable and sustainable options. Pakistan being an agrarian society is home to one of the largest proportion of population dependent on agricultural products and livestock to make ends meet. Fortuitously this also provides an abundant resource for biomass which can be utilized for generating biogas energy. In the era of renewable energy boom, the resource has poignantly not been fully utilized. Whatever portion of the biogas energy has been tapped is not proliferating across the country owing to the lack of knowledge about the impacts of this precious resource. This research endeavor attempted to investigate the impact the biogas technology is imposing on the households that have adopted it. A total of 162 households composed of both adopters and non adopters of the technology were surveyed in the Dera Ismail Khan District of Pakistan in addition to the meetings and discussions with the relevant stakeholders. Resultantly the factors vastly impacting the adoption of the biogas technology were uncovered. Accordingly the apprehensions and misconceptions of the households not employing the technology despite possessing the resources necessary also came to surface. It was found out that the technology had profound impacts on the environment, education, and the health of the adopting families. However the age, education level, and gender of the target population did not bear any correlation with the decision to adopt the technology itself. The major barrier to the adoption of the technology in the target area was the high upfront costs of the technology, and low awareness about the technology’s installation, and maintenance.
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Vol. 6, Issue 09, PP. 310-313, September 2019
Temperature is a key driving force in hydrological cycle, defining the extent of climate change. It causes the alteration in hydrological cycle process, limiting and intensifying the rainfall, increasing the rate of evapotranspiration and changes the crop pattern and duration over a region. Its future analysis is utmost to cope with negative effects of climate change over a specified region. This study also investigates, the future temperature pattern over Gomal River Basin (GRB). To undertake the study, downscaled daily temperature data of four General Circulation Models (GCMS) namely; bcc_csm1_1_m, mpi_esm_mr, ncar_ccsm4 and ncc_noresm1_m and their ensemble mean were first compared and validated with observed data for the period of 1980-2005. After that, temperature was projected for the mid-century (2020-2060) for the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 4.5. The analysis were carried out based on the four seasons; winter (December-February), spring (March-May), summer (June-August) and autumn (September-November). The results indicate that, the basin temperature was accurately predicted by the ensemble mean of the four GCMs with R2 value of 0.9. All the GCMs projected a warming in future in all seasons. Winter warming is more compared to other seasons. Proper adaptation strategies are needed to cope with the adverse impacts of global warming in the basin.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 09, PP. 305-309, September 2019
Pt-less electrocatalysts for the assistance in Oxygen Reduction Reaction, elucidating at the cathode of PEMFC have been widely researched. To be considered as an alternative this research work focuses two different classes of Non-Precious Group Metals (Non-PGM),carbon base supports and Metal Organic Frameworks have been synthesized and tested for ORR characteristics i.e Cobalt doped Graphitic Carbon Nitrides (Co-C3N4) and Zeolitic Imidazole Framework with iron as a dopant i.e Fe+2. Potentiodynamic steady state convectively diffusing the reacting material within the electrolyte is employed at varying rpm to attain Linear Sweep Voltammograms at 20 mV.s-1 in 0.1M KOH and 0.1 HCLO4 electrolytes are obtained at 400, 800,1200 and 1600 rpm. Charge transfer number is obtained, showing the rate determining step of the reaction kinetics of transport of ionic species in the Oxygen reduction.
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Vol. 6, Issue 09, PP. 300-304, September 2019
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 09, PP. 292-299, September 2019
The Friction plug welding (FPW), is a kind of process to join the two dissimilar/similar materials and no external heat is applied or no molten state involved. As no melting occurs, friction welding is not a kind of fusion welding process, but more than a counterfeit welding technique. The joint efficiency may be increased by interpolating heat source or pre-heating at the workpiece surface. The generation of heat flux at the mean surface is calculated by friction during the materials to consider the friction co-efficient. By changing the diameter of the plug, the land width can be changed to get an impact on the temperature profile. Mathematical and Analytical modeling has computed the impact of pre-heating. The temperature distribution values during the workpiece were computed for various plug diameters with various pre-heating temperature values from 250ºC-550ºC.
Preetam: College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China
Yan Chongjing: College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China Preetam and Yan Chongjing
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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Vol. 6, Issue 09, PP. 288-291, September 2019
This study presents one of the first analyses carried out on solar energy resource measurement using meteorological station established at University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Peshawar by World Bank under Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). Ground based direct normal irradiance (DNI) and global horizontal irradiance (GHI) were measured and analyzed for year 2017 and then compared with the data of satellite based solar model called SUNY. Ground based data was measured with the help of Kipp & Zonen CMP10 Pyranometer and Twin sensor Rotating Shadowband Irradiometer (RSI). Data of satellite based solar model (SUNY) was based on daily total monthly mean averaged over 15 years, starting from 2000 till 2014. The maximum value of ground based GHI was found for the month of June which was 6,415 Wh/m2 and minimum GHI was found for the month of December which was 1,605 Wh/m2. On the other hand, highest DNI was recorded in the month of April which was 5,884 Wh/m2 and lowest DNI was recorded in the month of January which was 1,718 Wh/m2. Comparison of the data showed higher values of GHI and DNI for satellite based model (SUNY) in most of the months. In February, March and April, ground based GHI and DNI were overestimated compared to satellite based model. Maximum difference of 1,346 Wh/m2 in GHI was noticed in November and minimum difference of -181 Wh/m2 was recorded in the month of March. On the other hand, maximum difference of 2,348 Wh/m2 in DNI was observed in the month of November and a minimum difference of -140 Wh/m2 was seen in March. This study will be helpful in further assessment of solar energy resource at any location in Pakistan as it will provide help for base-line studies. Moreover, it will also help in establishing any solar energy program particularly concentrating solar power (CSP) in Pakistan.
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Vol. 6, Issue 09, PP. 280-287, September 2019
This paper gives a brief review of the concept of sensor networks which has become feasible due to large scale development in micro electro-mechanical systems technology and wireless communications. First of all, sensor node deployment and sensor networks applications are presented, and then various issues regarding sensor node lifetime are discussed. Then, to solve sensor node issues, various energy conservation techniques, their advantages and limitations are discussed. The energy conservation techniques are compared using MATLAB and best routing protocol is shown. Lastly, wireless power transfer to replenish sensor node battery is discussed. A review of wireless power transfer history and various development in this technology is also given to solve the energy issue of sensor node. Research issues for efficiency improvement of wireless sensor network are also discussed.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6 Issue 09 PP. 275-279 September 2019
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 09, PP. 269-274, September 2019
In this article, rectangular shape Micro strip Patch Antenna (MPA) with cut edges is proposed at 2.4 GHz for ISM and Wi-Fi application. The proposed antenna is designed on fr-4 material having standard thickness of (h=1.6mm), relative permittivity (ɛr= 4.3) and loss tangent 0.02. PEC is used as a conducting element for radiating patch and ground plane. The volume of proposed antenna is 58 x 58 x 1.6 mm3. The proposed antenna resonates at 2.4 GHz having return loss -21dB, gain 3.14dB and efficiency 41%. For achieving good performance of antenna 4 x 4 Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG) structure is used. By utilizing EBG structure as a ground plane a discernible improvement occur in the performance of proposed antenna. Proposed antenna with EBG structure gives gain up to 68.14dB, return loss -32dB and efficiency 85%. The antenna and mushroom type EBG is designed and simulate in CST microwave studio.
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Vol. 6, Issue 08, PP. 258-268, August 2019
In this paper five different control strategies for grid tie inverter in PV based DG systems have been implemented in MATLAB/Simulink for comparative analysis puropose to evaluate the performance. The control strategies are “inner loop PI controller with outer loop PI controller in NRF”, “Inner loop PI controller with outer loop PI controller in SRF”, “inner loop PR controller with outer loop PI controller”, “inner loop Hysteresis controller with outer loop PI controller”, “inner loop Repetitive controller with outer loop PI controller”. The performance have been evaluated in both static and dynamic conditions and from the results it is evident that PI controller in SRF, PR controller and Repetive controller perform best in both static conditions as well as in case of disturbances coming in either from PV side or grid side.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 08, PP. 253-257, August 2019
Due to the environmental concerns the focus is on clean energy generation globally. Hydrokinetic is one such emerging technology that is clean and abundantly available in Pakistan. Also we have energy crises so in areas where these resources are abundant if fed from locally generated electricity, the load on central grid can be reduced. This paper focuses on a battery-less system for hydrokinetics. PMSG is used and then a rectifier to convert its output to DC. This changing DC is then converted to a fixed 12 volts and regulated. Eliminating storage the output of this converter is fed to a UPS which changes it to alternating current of fixed voltage and frequency.
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Vol. 6, Issue 08, PP. 249-252, August 2019
The desire and required place for providing electricity i.e. Homes, industries, markets, etc. are far away from the place where electricity is produced (power stations). It results in low efficiency and also increases the cost. It has so many dis-advantages. It may also have environmental and security issues as well. The primary objective of this resaerch is to evaluate and reduces the percentage loss. The power loss is performed for different locations. The result shows the appropriation of distributed generator in to power system.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 08, PP. 244-248, August 2019
There is alot waste heat from power consuming companies. This waste heat is added to atmosphere, which is unusable and it adds to global warming. Most of energy sources are consumed by energy sectors. These sectors are energy spending sectors all over world. Consequently, they are answerable for the discharging huge quantity of heat to the atmosphere. This heat is called waste heat which is in form of hot exhaust gases or other hot discharges. Since high prices of sources and wastage of heat made us to think that to recover its energy. It will benefit us from two perspectives in which first one is decreasing carbon amount in discharges and second one is this energy is cheap. Moreover, decreasing the ecological impact. Heat recovery via thermoelectric modules enables us to recover the waste contents with energy. Thermoelectric generator (TEG) is a semiconductor device. TEG module is made which produce electrical voltages whenever thermal gradient is developed on its surfaces. The study of TEG performace is presented in this paper. Voltage, current and power produced are the performance charateristics of TEG. The increase and decrease of temperature difference on both the surfaces of TEG module will show the output results increasing and decreasing respectively [1].
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Vol. 6, Issue 07, PP. 235-243, July 2019
Tariq Ahmad: Research Assisstants, USPCAS-E, UET Peshawar, Pakistan
Inzamam Ul Haq: Research Assisstants, USPCAS-E, UET Peshawar, Pakistan
Ahmad Amin: Research Assisstants, USPCAS-E, UET Peshawar, Pakistan
Abdul Basit: Assistant Professor, USPCAS-E UET Peshawar, Pakistan
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 07, PP. 228-234, July 2019
Electricity demand is continuously increasing due to dependency of industrial, commercial and residential users on advance technology. To address this issue is the prime need of time. Modern trend is to harvest energy from renewable sources such as wind, PV etc, which is environmental friendly and economical comparatively. However, as Renewable-Energy- Sources (RES) are sprinkled in small scale by the nature, so usually it is difficult to get a scalable amount of energy. Furthermore, the power quality is much affected due to varying nature of these RES sources. To get maximum efficiency and reliable operation from RES, different inverter topologies are presented. This paper highlights four types of Multilevel-invertertopologies commonly used for smoother, reliable and efficient operation of renewable energy sources (RES) in medium and high power applications. These are NeutrallPoint-Clamped-(NPC) or also called Diode-Clamped MultiiLevel-Inverter(DCMLI), Flying-Capacitor(FCMLI), Cascaded-Inverterr(CMLI) and a Hybrid/ Mixed MultiiLevel-Inverter topology(HMLI/MMLI). Each topology when used with renewable energy sources has its own features with corresponding advantages and disadvantages. This review is based on controlling methodologies, Total-Harmonic-Distortion (THD), construction complexity and components need for the respective topology. Multi-level-inverter (MLI) has the advantage of extinguishing the need of passive filtering at the grid side, and hence efficiency of the grid and cost minimization can be achieved.
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Vol. 6, Issue 07, PP. 224-227, July 2019
Concrete greater consumption in construction due to its high strength releases greenhouse gas emissions both directly and indirectly. In order to reduce the effects of global warming, this research work objective is to construct concrete that can absorb carbon dioxide without affecting strength and life span of concrete structures. Therefore to absorb CO2, Zeolite is added to cement which would help CO2 absorption from environment and hence decrease the overall CO2 content. Moreover concrete has heavy weight and has higher thermal conductivity. Efforts are made in order to make concrete lighter and energy efficient. Introducing foam material in form of polystyrene beads can decrease its density as well as make it energy efficient as its insulation properties will be enhanced. The blocks will be tested for Tension, Compression, and Thermal Insulation as well for CO2 absorption. Addition of zeolite for absorption of CO2 and EPS beads for Insulation properties is an innovative approach and helps in a cleaner and healthier environment.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 07, PP. 221-223, July 2019
Plastic is used in abundance due to its various beneficial properties. All forms of consumed plastic become waste and require large areas of land for storage. The low biodegradability of plastic and its presence in large quantity negatively affects the environment. Researchers have developed numerous techniques to recycle plastic. However, each technique has its own demerits. Such as use of solid plastic waste as aggregates in concrete, affects the concrete mechanical properties. Therefore, the objective of this research work is to regain concrete strength by using steel fibers in combination with PET plastic aggregates and investigate its effect on mechanical and thermal insulation properties of concrete. Different specimen were tested for compressive and tensile strength to find out the effect of plastic aggregates incorporation as fine aggregates replacement on strength of concrete. There was noticeable decrease in the compressive and split tensile strength of concrete at 20% replacement of sand by PET plastic aggregates. Steel fibers were also added to the concrete mixes which increase the strength of concrete mixes. After getting satisfactory results of mechanical properties, finally specimen were tested for thermal insulation properties. Results showed that thermal conductivity of samples decrease considerably with addition of plastic aggregates and it leads to good insulation properties of concrete.
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Vol. 6, Issue 07, PP. 217-220, July 2019
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Vol. 6, Issue 06, PP. 212-216, June 2019
Electricity is a basic need of humans in this modern era and plays a role of a backbone in our daily life as well as in the economic growth of a country. The efficiency of a power system is very important parameter which helps in analyzing its overall performance. So due to this reason effective and efficient utilization of solar energy is very important. Heat losses occurs in solar panels which reduces power output and hence overall efficiency is decreased. These heat losses can be utilized in such a way that works as waste heat recovery system. This system uses light and heat energy of the sun. When sunlight strikes the PN Junctions of solar PV panels, photovoltaic electricity is produced. Whereas, heat of sun and heat losses in the solar panels can be utilized and temperature difference is created by different means so as to generate electricity using thermoelectric cells (TEC) which works on the principle of Seebeck effect. Electricity generated from both sources can be common pooled and feed to the load either directly or it can be stored in batteries. This makes the system more effective and efficient.
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Vol. 6, Issue 06, PP. 208-211, June 2019
Pyrolysis is one of the widely used technique among the thermal conversion processes of biomass. Biomass in the form of agricultural residues is prevalent in new renewable energy sources, especially in view of its broad potential and rich use. In this paper, the pyrolysis of chickpeas and peanut shells in laboratory-scale tubular furnace reactors is studied, which is considered to be an effective method to utilize agricultural residues in China. The effects of raw material ratio and reaction temperature on the distribution of pyrolysis products are described quantitatively, as well as some characteristics of these products produced in the tubular furnace reactor system developed in this study. The main constituents of bio-oil are categorized into three kinds including aromatic compound, carbonyl compounds and carboxyl compounds that were analyzed with 1H NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance characterization). The maximum yield of bio-oil, about 44.80% from the peanut shell biomass, and 10.3% from the waste of chickpeas by weight was extracted, at a flow rate 10 L/min of N2 at a reaction temperature of 500°C was achieved.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 6, Issue 06, PP. 202-207, June 2019
The discussion in this paper is about the possible use of microwave pyrolysis technique as an energy-capable alternative to present heating techniques in biomass waste processing and treatment for renewable energy system. The wreck tires have relevant disposal or recycling issues under environment and financial and sustainable modes. These techniques can be a challenging for manufacturing and intellectual learning researches. In this competition, pyrolysis is a latest, strong substitute to the reprocessing of useless tires, until unless it will be possible to produce value adding results. In any case, upgrades in warmth exchange innovation are fundamental to enhance the plenitude of the procedure. Here we are describing the usage of microwave radiation (MW) as one of the most beneficial heating skills for pyrolysis. Whereas, there are different techniques for the process of the waste tires in previous era, such as crushing to get crumbs and rubber powder, burning them in cement furnaces for thermal power generation, re-stepping, decomposition by chemicals Heat degradation of rubber materials. The important and valuable chemicals in commercial use are derived from oils which are obtained from pyrolysis process by subjecting the pyrolytic oils to a fraction distillation at a temperature of about 207 ° C (under atmospheric) pressure for the product of at least one commercially valuable Chemical to isolate at least one commercially valuable chemical. Some of the selected chemicals from the group, consisting of paraffin, naphenes, olefins and flavorings. Particularly valuable chemicals that can be extracted from ripe pyrolytic oils are benzene, toluene, xylene, styrene and lime dl. The distillation fraction, which boils above 204 ° C, can be used as an extension oil in the production of various rubber and plastic parts. An improved process for producing the carbon black by microwave pyrolysis (MWP) of used rubber tires is also revealed. The recovered products which have high commercial value indicates advantage over traditional, more destructive disposal methods, and it also advice the very great capability for measuring the process and feedback to the commercial as well as industrial level.
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Vol. 6, Issue 06, PP. 196-201, June 2019
Solar photovoltaics pose as a major technology in shifting reliance from non-renewable to renewable energy resources. Soiling is a key issue which is further escalated by dust blowing as a result of road infrastructure development in urban environments. The Peshawar Bus Rapid Transit Corridor (BRT) project provided a chance to carry out this study aimed at corelating scale of infrastructure development with heightened PV losses and formulating ways to cope with the problem. A site offering an urban topography located at a distance of 1.2 km away from the BRT route was identified. The soiling station at this site was operated for one month and the data was processed to identify the prevailing soiling loss trends. The soiling station recorded losses in excess of 20% within the first 2 weeks of operation. It was found that clouds and strong winds had no significant role in retarding the losses. However, frequent rainwater cleaning at one instant reversed the losses back to 0%. It was thus established that cleaning the modules with water on a two week basis during large scale road development works in and around urban areas could keep the losses within a bearable limit.
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Vol. 6, Issue 06, PP. 192-195, June 2019
Modular multilevel converters are the prominent candidates for high voltage direct current transmission systems. They offer high flexibility, modularity and flexibility in their operation. The main problem of multilevel converters are the circulating current in the converter and arm’s voltage balancing in steady state and dynamic state. An easy and flexible control scheme is introduced in this study which eliminates the even order harmonics in the circulating current and reduces the circulating current. The model is implemented in Simulink/Matlab and the results confirm the efficiency of the proposed model. , the response of the controller is also presented in result section, which manifest its ability to control the current and eliminate the even order harmonics.
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Vol. 6, Issue 05, PP. 187-191, May 2019
Pakistan is facing a decade long worst crises of energy. The demand supply gaps, heavy dependence on imported fossil fuel and inefficient consumption patterns are major thematic reasons of crises. Energy conservation is a low hanging fruits which can be materialized to answer the crises. This is a joint academia and industry projects, where detailed energy audit of educational facility of University of Engineering and Technology Jalozai Campus was carried. The significant energy consumer areas of educational building like lighting, Heating and cooling system and generation plants were deeply investigated. In additions, the male and female boarding houses were audited. Based on Illumination Engineering Standards and ASHRAE level III benchmarking, various energy conservations measures were recommended including efficient lighting system, installation of occupancy sensors, office appliances scheduling and transition towards energy efficient fans. The suggested recommendations implementations are capable to save a 22.3% of electricity in the facility. The economic analysis shows a payback period six to eighteen months for various conservation measures. In addition, a behavioral training and mobilization drive is highly recommended to build the conservation culture on gross root level as integrated part of societal practices and cultural values.
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Vol. 6, Issue 05, PP. 182-186, May 2019
Electrocardiograph signal is effective tool in diagnosis of cardiac related diseases and plays an important role in biomedical research. To diagnose the cardiac disease, the signal must be recorded properly. The addition of artifacts like Persistent noises, Burst noises and their types play an important in making it difficult to interpret and analyses the electrocardiograph signal. A Blind source separation (BSS) related technique named Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is the right solution for it. In this paper, different ICA Algorithms like JADE, FAST are used to de-noise the ECG signal from the artifacts and a comparison between both is shown which is done on the basis Performance Index (PI) using a dsp ICALAB toolbox in MATLAB.
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Vol. 6, Issue 05, PP. 176-181, May 2019
The applications of Power quality at industrial and commercial scale is very important to be assured for the customer. But due to some reasons the load power system destructed like Sags of voltage, destruction of harmonics, irregularity in the voltage waveform and transient. Sensitive devices of power may also be harshly effected by voltage sags and change in the harmonics. Due to increase the heat in the power system devices and electrodes problem of harmonics could occur that may lead to failure of different speed drives and spin pulses in motors. The necessary requirement in the power system is decrease in harmonics. The use of DVR (Dynamic Voltage Restorer) in the power system devices is the source of reduction of this problem. To overcome the disturbance of voltage Sag and harmonics, it is the efficient and economical solution. Reduction of Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) will increase the quality performance of power system. Dynamic Voltage Restorer is used in this paper. Reduction in % THD and voltage sag are successfully corrected by using DVR on MATLAB/SIMULINK Software Package.
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