Volume 2025 Volume 2024 Volume 2023 Volume 2022 Volume 2021 Volume 2020 Volume 2019 Volume 2018 Volume 2017 Volume 2016 Volume 2015 Volume 2014
Vol. 9, Issue 12, PP. 193-201, December 2022
Currently, state-of-the-art reactors concept is based upon higher efficiency and better utilization of nuclear power. This energy is considered an alternate source replacing conventional methods. The materials used in nuclear power plants (NPP) suffer long term degradation due to radiation exposure and corrosive environments. This concerns the safety and reliability of NPP. The choice of material to sustain extreme conditions is crucial for developing safe and reliable systems. There are several candidate materials for advanced-generation reactors, out of which nano-dispersed oxides based have shown higher radiation stability at extreme irradiation conditions. This is due uniformly distributed nano oxides in the matrix having interfaces which make them a gutter for defects. The radiation damage is multiscale which requires integrated simulation and experimental techniques to understand and explain temporal/length scales for simulating the macroscopic nature of materials. For better visualization, it is necessary to have integrated multi-scale modeling and experimental approaches for explaining the associated mechanisms at atomic scales associated with dispersed oxides. This short review will summarize the current development state and modeling radiation damage studies to understand irradiation response of oxide-dispersed strengthened steels (ODS).
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 9, Issue 12, PP. 187-192, December 2022
In this study, we examined the impact of energies of 2.54 keV and 5 keV displacement cascades in molybdenum (Mo) using an atomistic simulation at 300 K. The simulation was carried out using machines learning developed spectral neighbor analysis potential (SNAP). We computed displacement threshold energy ( ), vacancy formation energy ( , interstitial formation energy ( ), interstitial cluster formation energy ( ), activation energy barrier of interstitial , activation energy barrier of vacancy ( ), elastic properties, i.e., shear, bulk, young modulus, poison ratio. The simulations for primary displacement cascades were performed over a statistical average of 20 independent molecular dynamics simulations such that peak time and the surviving number of defects are inversely proportional to the incident energy of primary knock-on atoms (EPKA). Additionally, it is established that the number of clusters (Nclusters) during displacement cascades is directly proportional to EPKA. Furthermore, it was revealed that the number of interstitial clusters is higher than the number of vacancy clusters. This research will provide atomic insight into the interactions of defects in Mo for the development of structural materials for high temperature applications.
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Vol. 9, Issue 12, PP. 181-186, December 2022
For 5G applications, a Microstrip Patch Antenna and its array of 1x8 are suggested. The 5G metal conducting Patch is built on a roger RT Duroid 5880 substrate with a standard thickness of 0.7123mm, a dielectric permittivity of 2.2 and loss tangent is 0.0009. The Antenna has a S11 parameter of -22.68dB and a bandwidth of 1.8 GHz. In order to increase the gain and bandwidth of proposed design, tapper line feeding is used to create an array of 1x8 elements for the desired antenna. The Antenna array is tuned to the same 30GHz frequency. With the array of antennas, there is a noticeable boost in gain and increase in bandwidth. Because of its small size, for 5G mobile broadcasting, the Microstrip Patch Antenna and its array of 1x8 elements are appropriate.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 9, Issue 10, PP. 173-180 October 2022
The dynamic stability of grid connected PV, wind and wave power generation system is presented in this paper. The power produced by wind power generation system is design in accordance to Permanent magnet synchronous generator and wave power generation design in linear induction generator. The induction generator works on Archimedes wave swing (AWS) principle. The output terminal of the hybrid system is connected through the common link of dc bus bar via voltage source converter (VSC). Though, this dc power is converted to the ac power through voltage source inverter (VSI). To smoothen the ripple, a supercapacitor (SC) is implied to power supplied to the power grid of distribution side. In this paper a control mechanism is suggested to maintain the balance between the generated side and grid side of the distribution network. In order to achieve the goal, convention tool of stability is applied to the system under various condition of disturbance and approves the effectiveness of the topology used for control and enhance the performance of the hybrid PV and wind generation system.
Muhammad Aurangzeb , Ai Xin , , Muhammad Fawad Chughtai, Muhammad Zeshan Afzal, Fawwad Hassan Jaskani
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Vol. 9, Issue 09, PP. 166-172 September 2022
Speaker Recognition is the work out obligation of authorizing a user’s demanded identity using physiognomies removed from their voices. This skill is one of the supreme valuable and standard biometric recognition practices in the world chiefly linked to zones in which security is a foremost concern. It can be used for confirmation, investigation, surveillance, reconnaissance, authentication, forensic speaker recognition and a numeral of associated accomplishments. Speaker recognition can be categorized into identification and verification. Speaker identification is the technique of influencing which registered speaker delivers an assumed utterance. Speaker verification, in contrast, is the technique of accepting or discarding the identity claim of a speaker. The progression of Speaker recognition involves of two segments i.e. feature extraction and feature classifying. Feature extraction is the method in which we extract a minor expanse of data from the voice signal that can be used in future to indicate each speaker. Feature classifying is the procedure of familiarize the system with features. Our proposed work consists of feature extraction from the voices of speakers through Mel frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and classifying them by Cartesian Genetic Programing (CGP) to get an efficient logic gates circuit and by Cartesian Genetic Programing Evolved Artificial Neural Network (CGP-E-ANN) to develop an efficient and novel system for speaker verification.
Faheem Ullah, Dr. Muhammad Irfan Khattak, Muhammad Israr, Khushal Khan, Naveed Ur Rehman, Muhammad Zia
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Vol. 9, Issue 09, PP. 156-165, September 2022
Energy is one of the most significant drivers for socio economics sustenance and is a perquisite for sustainable development in the today’s modern world. Pakistan is a developing country which is sixth most populous country in the world. For Pakistan energy shortfall has become a major constrain in the economic development. The supply and demand gap is 6,000 MW during the peak hours at electrified areas. while there are still one fourth (51 million) of population who have no access to electricity. To provide these rural communities electricity government of KPK has installed off grid minimicro hydro projects on the agricultural canals to ensure reliable, affordable energy to the rural parts of the country. The purpose of this study is to analyze the performance of MMHPs in fulfilling the energy demand of communities. This methodology of study is designed to transition from simple survey that focuses on measurement based outcomes to more comprehensive data collection methods. The survey contain all the information about current situation, proposed technologies, sources of energy, member of household, ages of dweller, number of appliances and use of appliance. These questionnaires also included micro hydro performance and issues related fulfilling the energy demand. The results show that most of the MMHPs were not installed properly as in almost every case the actual production production is less than 80% of rated power. It also shows that most of the electricity produced by MMHPs are consumed for lightning purposes. The results elaborate that MMHPs are able to produced maximum electricity during the summer season as the peak demand is also in summers. There is no proper arrangement for stability as well as safety of the system. Considering the satisfaction level most of the residence they are satisfied with the timely availability of electricity. Consideration of other sources is neglected. The improved MMHP installations require better funding for construction; the way tariffs are structured and revenue collected requires further improvement.
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Vol. 9, Issue 08, PP. 148-155, August 2022
The Model Predictive Torque Control is used as a control strategy for induction machine due its quick dynamic reaction, intuitive nature, and flexibility to integrate limitations. Model predictive torque control (MPTC), an upgraded form of Direct Torque Control (DTC), is a frequently used control method for induction motor drives. To reduce torque ripples, PI-based MPTC was traditionally used. It does not, however, solve the reliable and accurate tracking of speed. In this paper, a TSMC-based MPTC scheme is developed, which combines the features of TSMC and Model Predictive Control (MPC) to produce a robust and adaptable system that enhances tracking performance while minimizing torque ripple. The MPTC chooses the best switching states to minimize the cost function; the motor parameter behavior changes with time, and the variation in motor parameter affects the motor performance. To successfully suppress variation, a modified MPTC having torque variation updating mechanism is employed. The purpose of terminal sliding mode control is to soften the speed approach to the reference value. The result is demonstrated in Matlab/Simulink. The use of a TSMC-based Model Predictive Controller for rapid and quick dynamic torque response of an IM motor has been demonstrated through simulation results (MPC). For parameter uncertainties and speed variation, the proposed control strategy has a higher performance validity than conventionally tuned PI, SMC control schemes.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 9, Issue 08, PP. 144-147, August 2022
In this research the characterization of open cell aluminium foam with 20 pores per inch (ppi) of Alporas rout under mechanical loading is presented in order to provide a basic understanding with respect to pore size per unit length for the right selection in various engineering applications. For this purpose three point bending/flexural test and hardness test were performed on open cell aluminum foam to seek out their respective properties in each test. All samples and test procedure were performed as per ASTM standards. The captured results from the tests revealed that; the 20 pores per inch (ppi) exhibited 4.69 MPa bending strength at peak and 3.65 HRV1 hardness at 1Kg-force. Moreover the macro crack appeared at the central regime of the samples and ductile nature fractured was observed of three point bending test.
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Vol. 9, Issue 05, PP. 131-143, May 2022
This paper performs a simulation-based analysis on a DC and AC nanogrid network based on various case studies. Since the use of DC devices has increased, such as laptops, cell phones, LED TVs, etc., this study aims to demonstrate that DC nanogrid systems are better than their AC counterparts in terms of energy efficiency. An architecture for both DC and AC nanogrid is modeled in MATLAB Simulink. Both designs constitute a PV system with a grid-tied inverter, an electric vehicle, and various common domestic loads. A set of case studies are performed on both networks to validate that DC nanogrids are better due to fewer energy losses. Furthermore, an economic analysis is also performed to ascertain the viability of both networks. The simulation results confirm that the losses in a DC nanogrid are less than in an AC nanogrid. Moreover, the DC system can be more economical as well which establishes that DC nanogrid systems should be preferred to AC systems to ensure energy efficiency. The results of this study can be used for modeling future nanogrid systems.
Farrukh ibne Mahmood, Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen Afridi, Hamza Ahmad Raza, Hassan Abdullah Khalid
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 9, Issue 05, PP. 124-130, May 2022
Traditionally bulk electricity is transmitted across vast distances through an alternating current (AC) transmission technology. However, transmission through an AC network has a number of disadvantages, including line losses and a poor power factor. To reduce transmission losses and compensate for power factor in the AC network, a frequent system upgrade is required, which comes at a considerable cost. High voltage direct current (HVDC) network for the transfer of bulk power across great distances could be an alternative. HVDC power transmission not only lowers overall costs but also improves system security during outages. The goal of this study is to simulate the hybrid bipolar HVDC transmission network, as well as its protection system, and examine the system under various fault scenarios. The protective mechanism developed in this study could operate the system in an unsecured way by isolating the problematic network part during operation. This research makes use of the MATLAB/SIMULINK as a simulation framework. First of all, the bipolar HVDC system was replicated. The rating voltage is in 500 kilo volts (KV) ranges. The use of bipolar HVDC transmission was that it works even if one line is not working properly. The short circuit fault on one and both of the lines in the system was analyzed. The system demonstrates fast response toward protection from fault by cutting transmission on that line.
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Vol. 9, Issue 04, PP. 118-123, April 2022
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 9, Issue 04, PP. 111-117, April 2022
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Vol. 9, Issue 03, PP. 89-99, March 2022
Multilevel inverters used in medium and high power applications to convert DC power into AC power. We need such inverter which have fewer number of DC sources at input, minimum switching components in the topology and low THD at output voltage waveform. In this paper a single phase 27 level Asymmetrical multilevel inverter (AMLI) topology have presented, The three carrier disposition pulse width modulation (CD-PWM) techniques have used for the proposed 27 level topology, the topology was run in MATLAB/SIMULINK software.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 9, Issue 03, PP. 77-80, March 2022
Climate changes and monitoring landscape is a better interpretation of water used for human life around the world. In order to maximize optimal water use, it is important to study future scenarios of weather conditions. This research assessed the impact of landscape and climate change on water sustainability in the study area. Landscape changes of selected areas from 1988 to 2018 were analyzed and climate changes and drought conditions of the study area were determined. Runoff and groundwater changes were estimated using the Soil Conservation Services curve number. The landscape results show that in the study area between 1988 and 2018, barren land and built-up land increased while water bodies and vegetation cover decreased. The Mann-Kendall test shows a continuously decreasing trend in precipitation, indicates an increase in drought periods, caused more severe and extreme droughts in the last decade (2008-2018).
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Vol. 9, Issue 03, PP. 77-84, March 2022
Demand Side Management (DSM) is the most important strategy in micro grids. It allows the consumers to consume power in a more controlled manner and also assist the power generation side to balance the demand gap between the consumption and the generation. In this way not only the reliability of the power system and micro grid is increased but also the operational cost of the system gets minimized. Conventionally DSM is system specialized and therefore uses specific techniques and energy conservation system. Moreover, the currently used systems can handle a limited number of controllable appliances and therefore has a limitation. This article present DSM with load shifting technique on micro grids and the strategy is applicable to a large number of appliances. The forecast-ed data is formulated in the form of a minimization problem and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), a heuristic algorithm is used to solve the problem. Three different consumption zone have been considered (residential, commercial, and industrial) having different appliance connected to the grid. In the end comparison of the proposed system is done with two other techniques from the literature, which shows that the proposed system has better load shifting technique and has reduced the cost more efficiently.
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Vol. 9, Issue 03, PP. 67-76, March 2022
Pakistan energy problems are complex and deep and are posing far reaching serious threats to its feeble economy and fugitive national security. Pakistan population is increasing rapidly but the power generation and transmission to cope with the population remains overlooked, despite having huge renewable resources like solar, wind, biogas and hydro-power plant sites. This study is about the comparative analysis of techno-economic feasibility of different hybrid renewable systems for remotely located off-grid communities of Pakistan. In this research two different sites that are rich in renewable resources are selected. The sites considered for modelling and optimization are located in Khyber district and Swat District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. At these sites different hybrid systems are designed using renewable and non-renewable resources like Solar, Wind, Micro-hydro, Batteries and Diesel generator using a software called Homer pro. Homer Pro is a designing software that combine the resources, components and economic calculations alongside different realistic constraints. The Homer Pro performs techno-economic feasibility analysis and study the performance of systems for their lifetime. As a result of the simulation, it provides an output solutions like total net present cost (NPC) and cost of electricity (COE), yearly energy produced and consumed, operating cost, losses, renewable fraction, life time of model and excess electricity produced. Based on all of these variables a most suitable solution for the desired location is selected.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 9, Issue 03, PP. 57-66, March 2022
There has been a growing concern in the energy avenues owing to the fast depletion of the conventional energy resources. Pakistan imports 1000 MW of solar PV panels annually, mostly for large scale solar applications. Close to one-fifth of the population being off grid makes Pakistan a perfect contender for distribution solar PV. Considering this interest, this paper endeavor focus on the factors causing the lag in solar PV adoption at community and household level. Solar PV adoption has a direct linkage with the socioeconomic standing of the subjects. The families who adopted solar PV technology reported an improved education, health, work, information access, social and world perception, and communication with outside world. These factors cumulatively affect the quality of life in the rural communities. The high capital costs associated with the adoption of solar PV technology is a major inhibitor of large-scale dissemination of the technology. The environmental gains occurring from the solar PV technology pertaining to the reduced fuel usage have been common. Skill level of the technicians in the rural circles was found lacking which cascades down to the negative perception creation from sub-optimum performance of the solar PV panels installed. However, the awareness regarding safe usage would be highly beneficial for eliminating any negative perception about the technology. The study analyzed 90 households from three different villages of District Dera Ismail Khan in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa through primary data collected by surveys.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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Vol. 9, Issue 03, PP. 51-56, March 2022
Pakistan depends too much on fossil fuels. Current energy shortage started a debate over mega dams’ erection as Pakistan cannot afford its dependence on fossil fuel for energy generation for too long. Besides hydro, Pakistan has potential for other renewable sources of energy, Wind energy is one of them. In this study socio-economic assessment of wind energy project and mega hydro energy project is done. Socio-economic assessment includes land acquisition, resettlement issues, capital cost, tariff and operation and maintenance cost, taking Tarbella dam and FFCEL as case studies. After comparison of every aspect in details it is assessed that relocation of displaced people proves to be disastrous in mega hydro energy projects along with disadvantages such as waterlogging and salination around reservoir. Other than that, mega hydro projects generate clean and cheap electricity and provides reservoir for water storage to avoid floods, water scarcity and for irrigation purposes. Wind energy is not so damaging socially, despite, few small social hindrances such as noise pollution and infrastructure. Wind energy capital cost is very high and requires high expertise, above all, the biggest problem lies in intermittent supply of power and smaller life span of the project as compared to mega hydro power projects. If relocation process of displaced people is handled properly in mega hydro energy projects the overall socio-economic benefits of mega hydro projects are more than wind energy projects in current scenario. Pakistan should build mega hydro energy projects currently, but to cope with the global community she should also focus on wind energy as well for future.
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Vol. 9, Issue 02, PP. 47-51, February 2022
Due to the rapid increase in energy demand throughout the world, the electrical distribution system is changing swiftly. An efficient and ecofriendly power system is the need of today’s technology dependent era. To achieve this, losses and carbon emissions of the system needs to be accounted for. Distributed Generation (DG) is one of the quickest solutions to this hasty growth of energy demand by providing quality and reliable power solutions. Micro generation is gaining more and more popularity in rural electrification due to its simplicity and easy installation. Power delivery to remote population of a country has always been a challenge. Because of difficult terrain and long distances, extending central grid to distant areas with less energy requirement is not an efficient approach. For these reasons rural inhabitants of Pakistan are facing power shortages and detachment.
This paper puts forward an approach to demonstrate the principles and operations of an off-grid solar power system for a government school situated at a remote village of Kam Shalman, Landi Kotal, in the province of KP. Far from the national grid and situated in a rough steep terrain, the place is never been provided with electrical power from the grid. RETScreen by Natural Resources Canada is used for simulation purposes. Weather data of the site illustrates solar photovoltaic (PV) a seemly option of powering the school. Aim of this work is to promote indigenous resources powered off-grid power generation, dodging costly and complex grid extensions. Results and outcomes are established on actual measurements to assess socio-economic impacts of small scale distributed power generation on rural life.
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Vol. 9, Issue 02, PP. 39-46, February 2022
In this proposition understanding the phenomenon of degradation and the process of degradation during the outdoor operation is presented to evaluate the PV array reliability. The value of studying degradation increases as it helps to establish acceptable standards and requirements for PV components with adequate guarantee times. With time, the major defects found in PV modules are decoloration, delimitation, glass breakage front grid finger oxidation and anti-reflective coating and back sheet bubbles. With the huge number of new solar energy, developers and site investors needed to make sure whether the panels matched the guarantee terms so that no degradation happened during the early phases of the photovoltaic plants operation, otherwise the panels would be repossessed. It led to a growing demand for laboratories that are capable of analyzing initial degradation as well as secret problem in solar PV panel and caregivers industries. The aim of this research is that we can easily predict the expected life of the solar panel and also the expected output power of the solar panel over a defined period to find the delamination ratio and quality of solar panel in the different area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. On the basis of which we can easily carry out the systems payback evaluation in that particular area and also assess the warranty period for that area. While two methods are followed to determine the rate of deterioration for the above mentioned reason, one is by finding the performance ratio while the other is by visual inspection.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 9, Issue 02, PP. 32-38, February 2022
Photovoltaic System (PV)) is one of the abundant sources of renewable energy available on the earth. The PV system plays a vital rule to cope with electric power demands without affecting the environments; as it is one of the green energies. To get the maximum power from the available PV system and to utilize its maximum efficiency; the control techniques of the maximum power point have a great contribution. But the Partial shading condition makes it more challenging because of the local and Global maximum power points. The first challenge to cope with: is to find those maxima and minima which can be done by having a variable voltage source across the load to achieve a varying voltage. In the same way, while varying the voltage from zero to a maximum limit; there were two different maximum points of the power observed i.e., local and global maximum points. The Conventional control techniques (Incremental Conductance and Perturb and Observe) were applied to the PV system for maximum point achievement. The Incremental conductance has achieved the power near the local maximum point while P&O has improved this Power comparatively more than IC but still, it has been stuck to the local maximum point. Cuckoo search algorithm was able to bypass the local maximum point and successfully achieved the global maximum Power Point. Moreover, the Cuckoo control technique has a better transient response as compared to IC and P&O technique.
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Vol. 9, Issue 02, PP. 28-31, February 2022
As Pakistan is confronting colossal energy emergencies since 2007 in view of the spontaneous strategies of government due to which monetary development of our nation is affected and numerous every day schedules are upset. To make itself an independent in electrical energy each association in Pakistan is utilizing numerous strategies like generators UPS and so forth Numerous associations use generators as another fuel source however the cost of raw petroleum continues to change and are for the most part high which canot be managed and power got by this strategy is expensive. Different strategies like UPS are not intended to run weighty loads and can be utilized for a setback of an hour or two or on the off chance that you need to expand its reinforcement superior grade and more batteries are required which turns out to be over the top expensive. This paper will introduce the plan and examination of a biogas plant. Biomass (human waste) can be utilized as a restoration fuel source to deliver reinforcement energy for power interference. Biogas plant cost investigation will likewise be incorporated to show its financial proficiency.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 9, Issue 02, PP. 22-27, February 2022
In smart grids the term non-technical losses impose challenges to perform classification, optimization, data analytics and regression analysis in almost all areas of real world research. The primary raw data suffers from an un-uniform distribution of one class over the other class in case of machine(ML) and Deep learning(DL). The data imbalanced, Overfiting, high False positive rate, handling of high dimensional data and generalization error impose chalanges for the industries and academia to detect the thieves of electricity efficiently. The aim of this article also to present comparative analysis of the approaches from the reference of data preprocessing, algorithms, models and hybrid paradigms for the coeval imbalance data analysis, overfitting, genersalization error, and high Fasle Possitive rate and the comparative study of different techniques and its application area.
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Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 9, Issue 01, PP. 17-21, January 2022
State estimates play a dominant role in almost all fields of engineering and technology, unambiguously. It plays a great role in many physical systems, where system measurements are uncertain. Instead, there are the highest requirements for the development of powerful algorithms that can lead to limited evaluation errors when the loss of the package occurs at the exit of the system, say, e.g., Data loss is the major issue of control and different areas of engineering which degrade the efficiency of the system[1-2]. The minimum mean square formula is used to minimize the error that occurred. Kalman filter is an iterative process it predicts the system state and will update its state after each step. Kalman filter is mostly used in challenging problems of data loss to overcome the effects of loss therefore it updates after estimating the actual state, infrequently it is quite challenging if the input is lost for a known duration of time. Data loss in the systems states is quite challenging and degrade the efficiency of communication and control systems. The most dominant method for the recovery of lost samples in the case of estimating the state of the system are OLKF and CLKF[3-4]. The CCLKF utilize the 3 strategies, Normal Equation, LDA, and LGA, using AR model, ARMA, and ARMAX(Auto regressive moving average with exogenous input) If the input is lost for a known time The effective technique is AR(where only previous measurements are used), ARMA (previous measurements and moving average), ARMAX(modal has more parameters for executing data loss i.e input, the noise we consider its results is best ) The accuracy of ARMAX must be higher than ARMA and AR Model but this technique is computationally expensive so there must be a trade-off between precision and simulation time In many systems the parameters increase the accuracy of the system increases but computational time also increase. Computation of this extra information bears an observable increase in Computational time. It will be verified after simulation that ARMAX will recover more efficiently as compared to AR and ARMA because the model parameter will increase in the case of (ARMAX) model (i.e exogenous input, noise, and regression to previous data) It is considered that ARMA model is Efficient as compere to AR but computationally expensive to overcome the problem of efficiency and computational time we will evaluate the linear prediction coefficients of ARMAX model and compere the results with AR, ARMA and ARMAX model using open-loop and compensated closed loop Kalman filter.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 9, Issue 01, PP. 08-16, January 2022
Service quality is a dependent factor that can impact the loyalty of mobile network company’s customers. There are different dimensions of service quality as imposed by SERVQUAL model. This model suggests that every network company should enhance their service quality if they want to retain their customer’s loyalty for a longer period. A sample of 500+ users of Ufone mobile network company have been taken through online questionnaire survey and the purpose is to analyze the response of people regarding different service quality dimensions and their impact on customer’s satisfaction. Regression and correlation analysis has been done along with ANOVA test to confirm the validity of hypothesis created in this research. Main facts figured out thorough this research are that customer satisfaction is dependent upon some specific factors that are considered as the indicators of service quality. Some of these are reliability, empathy, network quality. The aim of this research is to acknowledge Ufone network about the quality measures they can implement to achieve higher satisfaction from their customers.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Authors disclose no conflict of interest or having no competing interest.
Vol. 9, Issue 01, PP. 01-07, January 2022
This paper presents a low profile multiband Microstrip Patch Antenna with an interlaced nine slots for 5G millimeter wave communication. The strucutre is built on a Rodger 3003 substrate having dielectric constant of 3 and loss tangent of 0.0010. The proposed design resonates at multiband mmwave frequencies i.e. 28GHz, 52GHz and 60GHz offering a bandwidth of 1.04GHz, 1.2GHz and 1.1GHz and radiation efficiency of 93.6%, 88% ,84% respectively at each resonant frequency.The return loss is -16.8dB at 28GHz, -16.1dB at 52GHz and -52dB at 60GHz.The antenna is imprinted on a Rodger 3003 substrate having dielectric constant of 3.0 and loss tangent of .0010.The single element maintains a compact size of 10x10x.324mm3.The 2x4 Array configuration has an overall volume of 28 x 16 x 0.324mm3 with an enhanced maximum achieved gain of 15.2dB at 27GHz, 12.4dB at 39GHz and 13.3dB at 60GHz. The proposed array arrangement has a return loss of -22dB at 27GHz, -32dB at 39GHz, and -35.01dB at 60GHz spot frequency. The array exhibits a maximum radiation efficiency of 92% at 27GHz.
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This article is open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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