Our world has been changed a lot over the past few years. Only a few decades back and you will see that communication among people was not an easy task at all. Thanks to the advancement in technologies especially the networking techniques that have made the lives of the people so comfortable. Now due to these computer networks, communication with your family, friends, and colleagues is so easy all across the globe. This communication is not only limited to the entertainment or information anymore. Wireless Body Area Networks has made it possible for the doctors to keep in touch with their patients and check their health conditions while staying miles away from them physically. This application of Computer Networks is impacting so many lives in the world in a very positive way. This technology is helping people in getting better health services without taking the time to go to their doctor or changing their daily routine. This application has so many benefits but at the same time it is also facing challenges and secure transfer of the data is one of the challenges and researchers are working to make sure to keep data of the patients secure.
Sajjad Hussain Majid Ashraf "A Revolution in Health Sector using Wireless Body Area Networks" International Journal of Enginee Vol. 7 Issue 04 PP. 203-206 April 2020 https://doi.org/10.34259/ijew.20.704203206.
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