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ISSN E 2409-2770
ISSN P 2521-2419

An charging Interface for Lithium ion Batteries Compatible with Current in-use UPS System

Vol. 7, Issue 01, PP. 27-30, January 2020


Keywords: Li-ion, BMS, Uninterrupted power supply, lead acid battery

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This work put forward the use of Lithium ion batteries as an energy storage medium with the existing uninterrupted power supplies, design for lead acid batteries by introducing an interface which takes care of different necessary parameters of Lithium Ion batteries is proposed. Li-ion battery has different voltage level per cell and demands more sophisticated control and safety measures as compare to Lead Acid battery. The interface will take its input from the UPS and will accordingly adjust its output for the Li-ion battery. The interface consists of a converter and a battery management system (BMS) for safe charging and discharging of Li-ion battery. A Li-ion battery pack topology is also proposed in the work, which ensures maximum energy extraction from the battery pack being used in UPS without compromising the life of battery pack and other constraints.

  1. Asad Nawaz Khan, , Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advance Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan.
  2. Alamgir Ahmad Khattak, , Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advance Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan.
  3. Muhammad Safdar, , Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advance Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan.

Asad Nawaz Khan Alamgir Ahmad Khattak and Muhammad Safdar An charging Interface for Lithium ion Batteries Compatible with Current in-use UPS System International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 7 Issue 01 PP. 27-30 January 2020

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