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ISSN E 2409-2770
ISSN P 2521-2419

Appraisal of Individual Understanding of Social and Ethical Circumstances; Information Technology Utilization

Vol. 1, Issue 3, PP. 64-69, Dec. 2014


Keywords: Computer Ethics, Technology Acceptance, Ethical Circumstances, Intention to Use, Attitude toward Usage, Customer Satisfaction

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During the growth of information technology (IT), we can define smart cards as an ideal device for any transaction such as e-commerce, banking, telecommunication, transportation and numerous other technologies. According to users’ security and customization, smart card enhanced the quality of services. Identify aspects that affect the use of smart cards is very significant for complex consumer, of course with respect to ethical interaction, where the main part in any decision-making process should be knowing the clients ethical and behavioral intention to employ smart cards. A short evaluation on ethical settings are introduced in this study to recognize individual understanding of ethical settings by utilizing smart cards and moreover,  a model has been adopted to developed from the ethical and social perspective based on previous acceptance models, ethical frameworks and ethical circumstances.

    Hamed Taherdoost, Shamsul Sahibuddin, and Neda Jalaliyoon

    Vol. 1, Issue 3, PP. 64-69, Dec.  2014

Hamed Taherdoost Shamsul Sahibuddin Neda Jalaliyoon

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