With the increasing technological advances, the global energy needs are increasing exponentially. The ever increasing demand of electricity has compelled generation sector to highly depend on fossil based fuel but the irony is that the fossil fuel is not only costly but also pose hazard to environment. Therefore, shift towards Renewable Energy (RE) is vital for every country. Currently, RE sector in Pakistan is underdeveloped though some projects have been initiated in Pakistan to decrease reliance on fossil fuel and to lessen the energy shortage in Pakistan. Globally, many countries like Germany and China are heavily investing in renewable energy. Hence, it is important to know the status of renewable energy project growth in Pakistan in comparison to other countries. The proposed methodology aims to find the growth of RE in Pakistan energy mix in comparison to bench mark country as China, Germany, India and Saudi Arabia. This is done to understand the current progress of Pakistan in expanding RE projects, against certain developed and under developed counties. For this study, solar, wind and small micro hydro sectors of Pakistan has been considered. After analysis, the challenges and way forward for successful integration of RE in Pakistan is put forth by this study.. The results of this study will help the policy makers of Pakistan in choosing the right energy resource which is not only cost effective but also environmental friendly. This will help Pakistan in ensuring economic energy projects along with mitigation of greenhouse emissions.
Adan Zahid Tayyaba Sony and Shehla Noor Assesment of Renewable Energy Sector in Pakistan International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 6 Issue 12 PP. 453-458 December 2019
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