Call for Paper, 25 January 2025. Please submit your manuscript via online system or email at

ISSN E 2409-2770
ISSN P 2521-2419

Blockchain: A Workable Distributed Energy Exchange Framework for Prosumers in a Micro-Grid

Haseen UllahMuhammad Uzair, Asfandyar Khalid, Junaid-Ur-Rehman

Vol. 8, Issue 08, PP. 232-236, August 2021


Keywords: Blockchain, Net-Metering, Payback period, Levelized Cost of Energy, Break-Even Point

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The rampant increase in demand of electrical energy with raising life standards owing to technological advancement coupled with already stressed power system infrastructure, has exacerbated the energy regime. Chasing this demand gap, many countries are heavily investing in non-renewable generating plants. On one hand, it will worsen the global climatic condition, while on the other hand it will further tense the power transmission and distribution systems. A better alternative is to invest in renewable DG’s along with the culture of energy sharing. Currently, net metering is widely used for energy sharing, yet the introduction of Blockchain will revolutionize this industry. A dedicated analysis based on payback, break-even point, levelized cost of energy, and rate of return has been carried out for both net metering and Blockchain system to find a workable distributed transactive energy exchange framework for con(pro)sumers in a micro-grid.

  1. Haseen Ullah,, Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pak Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E), UET, Peshawar, Pakistan.
  2. Muhammad Uzair ,, Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pak Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E), UET, Peshawar, Pakistan.
  3. Asfandyar Khalid,, Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pak Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E), UET, Peshawar, Pakistan.
  4. Junaid- Ur-Rehman, , Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pak Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E), UET, Peshawar, Pakistan.

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