The increasing trend in the photvoltaic technology ask not only for efficient photvoltaic technology but also requires the best utilization of the solar power. As many factor effecting the performance of photvoltaic system such as Temperature, Dust depositon, Humidity, Tilt angle, wind speed. So a qualitative study is carried out to summarize the effect of these factors. Among all these temperature is the main culprit in degrading the performance of the Photovoltaic System. Due to dust deposition slightly reduce the open circuit voltage of the system while it significantly reduce the short circuit current and hence affecting the performance. Humidity has also negative impact on the performace of the PV system. Similar with increase in tilt angle the ability of the system to receive maximum irradiance decrease but it has the advantage of reducing the dust deposited on the photvolataic panel. Among all the parameters wind speed has positive impact on the performance of the system as it reduce temperature, dust deposition, humidity and hence improve the performance of the system.
Uzair Muhammad Naveedullah Haseenullah Said Ali and Tayyaba Sony Comparative Review of the Factors Affecting the Performance of Solar Photovolatic System International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 6 Issue 12 PP. 445-447 December 2019
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