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ISSN E 2409-2770
ISSN P 2521-2419

Contemporary Challenges Facing Mobile Networks Operators: A Comparative Survey Reflecting Migration from 3rd Generation to 4th Generation of Mobile Communications Between Tanzania and other Parts ....

Vol. 3, Issue 3, PP. 6-18, March 2016


Keywords: Mobile Networks Operators, 3G, 4G, Migration, Challenges, Tanzania

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Nowadays in Tanzania, some telecommucation companies also known as Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) are investing heavily in mobile broadband technologies including new base stations, higher-bandwidth tower connections and new backhaul solutions to meet emerging 4G/LTE requirements. Fourth generation wireless systems(4G) are likely to reach the consumer market in another few years and it  comes with the promise that it will increased bandwidth, higher speeds ,greater interoperability across communication protocols, user friendly, innovative and secure applications. However, there are a lot of challenges which might lead to fading of the expected promises. Quantitative approach was used in this study whereby exhaustive literature review of thirteen (13) papers was conducted to compare and find out the relationship between the variables. Frequency and percentage were computed to find out the results. The findings show that mobile handset incompatibility, handoff issues, security and privacy issues, quality of service support problems, high billing to customers, complex infrastructure requirement, network spectrum problems, and mobile handset expenses are the challenges which might hinder MNOs from migrating from 3G to 4G.The study recommends that before deploying 4G network systems standardized environment  which will facilitate the seamless accommodation of the newly technology and therefore entrenching the possibility of  gaining from  the technology the  enticing advantages to both users’ and providers. 

  1. Joel Rumanyika,, College of Business Education (CBE) -Dodoma Campus, Department of ICT and Mathematics, P.O Box 2077 Dodoma, Tanzania.

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