Waqas Ahmad, Awais Ahmad, Afraz Ahmad, Kamran Khan
Due to the rapid increase in energy demand throughout the world, the electrical distribution system is changing swiftly. An efficient and ecofriendly power system is the need of today’s technology dependent era. To achieve this, losses and carbon emissions of the system needs to be accounted for. Distributed Generation (DG) is one of the quickest solutions to this hasty growth of energy demand by providing quality and reliable power solutions. Micro generation is gaining more and more popularity in rural electrification due to its simplicity and easy installation. Power delivery to remote population of a country has always been a challenge. Because of difficult terrain and long distances, extending central grid to distant areas with less energy requirement is not an efficient approach. For these reasons rural inhabitants of Pakistan are facing power shortages and detachment.
This paper puts forward an approach to demonstrate the principles and operations of an off-grid solar power system for a government school situated at a remote village of Kam Shalman, Landi Kotal, in the province of KP. Far from the national grid and situated in a rough steep terrain, the place is never been provided with electrical power from the grid. RETScreen by Natural Resources Canada is used for simulation purposes. Weather data of the site illustrates solar photovoltaic (PV) a seemly option of powering the school. Aim of this work is to promote indigenous resources powered off-grid power generation, dodging costly and complex grid extensions. Results and outcomes are established on actual measurements to assess socio-economic impacts of small scale distributed power generation on rural life.
Waqas Ahmad Awais Ahmad Afraz Ahmad Kamran Khan “Decentralized Electrical Power System in Pakistan” International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 9 Issue 02 PP. 47-51 February 2022 https://doi.org/10.34259/ijew.22.9024751.
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