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ISSN E 2409-2770
ISSN P 2521-2419

Denoisation of ECG Signal using JADE and FAST ICA Comparison

Vol. 6, Issue 05, PP. 182-186, May 2019


Keywords: Blind Source Separation, Electrocardiography signals, Independent Component Analysis, Performance Index, Signal to Interference ratio

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Electrocardiograph signal is effective tool in diagnosis of cardiac related diseases and plays an important role in biomedical research. To diagnose the cardiac disease, the signal must be recorded properly. The addition of artifacts like Persistent noises, Burst noises and their types play an important in making it difficult to interpret and analyses the electrocardiograph signal. A Blind source separation (BSS) related technique named Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is the right solution for it. In this paper, different ICA Algorithms like JADE, FAST are used to de-noise the ECG signal from the artifacts and a comparison between both is shown which is done on the basis Performance Index (PI) using a dsp ICALAB toolbox in MATLAB.

  1. Syed Muhammad Ali Shah, , University of Enigneering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan.
  2. Dr. Syed Waqar Shah, , University of Enigneering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan.

Syed Muhammad Ali Shah and Dr. Syed Waqar Shah Denoisation of ECG Signal using JADE ICA and FAST ICA Comparison International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 6 Issue 05 PP. 182-186 May 2019

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