Call for Paper, 25 January 2025. Please submit your manuscript via online system or email at

ISSN E 2409-2770
ISSN P 2521-2419

Effect of High Temperature on the Impact Ionization of N-Channel Fully Depleted SOI MOSFET

Vol. 1, Issue 3, PP. 48-51, Dec. 2014


Keywords: Impact Ionization, Fully Depleted, TCAD Transconductance

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High temperature effects on the impact ionization of the n-channel fully depleted (FD) SOI MOSFET are investigated over a wide range of temperature from 300  to the 600 K by using TCAD. In particular, we have studied the current voltage characteristics (Id-Vd and Id-Vg ) , threshold voltage (Vth)and transconductance (gm). By the simulation results, we have analyzed that impact ionization decreases with increasing the temperature and vice versa. Furthermore, we have observed that threshold voltage and transconductance are both inversely proportional to the temperature.

       Kaleem Ullah: CSSP University of Punjab Lahore Pakistan,

       Saira Riaz: CSSP University of Punjab Lahore Pakistan,

       M. Habib: CSSP University of Punjab Lahore Pakistan,

       F. Abbas: CSSP University of Punjab Lahore Pakistan,

       S. Naseem: CSSP University of Punjab Lahore Pakistan,

       G. Abbas: Bahauddin Zakarya University Multan Pakistan,

K. Ullah S. Riaz M.Habib F. Abbas S. Naseem G. Abbas

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