Electricity that is generated from coal, natural gas and fossil fuel has an impact on human health and also causes global warming. The integration of renewable energy sources with the grid is a good solution to these problems. This approach is known as smart grid. Sources of renewable energy such as wind or PV are not able to provide a continuous supply of energy to the load due to periodic or seasonal variations. Connecting these renewable sources to the grid can help in overcoming these problems as the grid will ensure continuous supply of power to the load. The smart grid can help in reducing the impacts on human health and effects on environment and can also help in increasing efficiency, reliability and security of the grid. Simulations were carried out on Matlab software and their results shows that the use of solar system with the grid helps in reduction of the electricity charges.
Maryam Shahjehan,
Waleed Shahjehan,
Muhammad Naeem Arbab,
Maryam Shahjehan Waleed Shahjehan Muhammad Naeem Arbab
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