Traditionally bulk electricity is transmitted across vast distances through an alternating current (AC) transmission technology. However, transmission through an AC network has a number of disadvantages, including line losses and a poor power factor. To reduce transmission losses and compensate for power factor in the AC network, a frequent system upgrade is required, which comes at a considerable cost. High voltage direct current (HVDC) network for the transfer of bulk power across great distances could be an alternative. HVDC power transmission not only lowers overall costs but also improves system security during outages. The goal of this study is to simulate the hybrid bipolar HVDC transmission network, as well as its protection system, and examine the system under various fault scenarios. The protective mechanism developed in this study could operate the system in an unsecured way by isolating the problematic network part during operation. This research makes use of the MATLAB/SIMULINK as a simulation framework. First of all, the bipolar HVDC system was replicated. The rating voltage is in 500 kilo volts (KV) ranges. The use of bipolar HVDC transmission was that it works even if one line is not working properly. The short circuit fault on one and both of the lines in the system was analyzed. The system demonstrates fast response toward protection from fault by cutting transmission on that line.
Illeyun Zaman Abdul Basit “High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission and Protection System” International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 9 Issue 05 PP. 124-130 May 2022.
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