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ISSN E 2409-2770
ISSN P 2521-2419

Improving Efficiency and Stability of Organic Solar Cell


Vol. 7, Issue 10, PP. 375-378, October 2020


Keywords: Organic solar cells, Bulk Heterojunction, PIF8BT: PDI, Buffer layer, Power Conversion Efficiency

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Efficiency and stability are the main challenges of organic solar cells. In this research novel structure is investigated for organic solar cell which has improved efficiency and improved stability. Blend of  PTB7 and PCBM elements was used for the active layer of cell. Thickness of this layer was varied from 80nm to 200nm and selected the optimized thickness of 90nm. On which the cell has maximum efficiency of 12.24 %. The influence of window layer material such as Zinc oxide (ZnO) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) with various electrode materials including Indium tin oxide (ITO), Fluorine tin oxide (FTO), aluminum (Al) Silver (Ag) and Gold (Au) with different combinations have been investigated with the objective to enhance the absorption and PCE of the cell. Also varied the thicknesses of these different layers and selected the optimized thickness on which the cell had maximum efficiency. The structure of the proposed scheme was observed with ITO/Al as top and bottom electrode with thicknesses of 125nm and 100nm respectively and found that this holds the highest performance parameters including Jsc=0.130(mA/m2), Voc= 1 (V), FF=94.1% and ƞ=12.24% respectively as compared to different electrode combination and window layers with the same photoactive absorber material PTB7: PCBM. This indicates that the proposed structure can be a good choice for replacing less efficient in-organic cell.

  1. Muhammad Zeeshan , , Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar , Pakistan.

Muhammad Zeeshan Improving Efficiency and Stability of Organic Solar Cell International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 7 Issue 10 PP. 375-378 October 2020

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