This paper deals with exploration by team of multi-robots in unknown, unstructured and dynamic environments at the same time. The goal of the research is to minimize the total exploration time taken by team of robots to complete the mission and to achieve faster re-planning of their planned path in case of sudden changes in the environment as robots move through the environment. The proposed exploration approach is fully distributive in the sense that all robots are assigned separate regions in an unknown environment with each robot exploring its assigned region. As a first step the environment is partitioned into different regions as available number of robots and then each robot in a team is assigned its separate region for exploration. The proposed approach has been tested in different simulation environments with varying number of robots. Comparison with another approach proves the superiority of the approach in terms of reduction of exploration time in unstructured and changing environments.
Saad Javed Muhammad Tahir Khan Yasim Ahmad "Multi-Robot Exploration in Unstructured and Dynamic Environments" International Journal of Engine Vol. 7 Issue 03 PP. 189-196 March 2020
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