Call for Paper, 25 January 2025. Please submit your manuscript via online system or email at

ISSN E 2409-2770
ISSN P 2521-2419

Novel Design of Optical Nano-Antennas to Enhanced Light-Absorption In Thin Film Solar Cell

Vol. 6, Issue 01, PP. 33-38, January 2019


Keywords: Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance, Nano-Antenna, Ligth Management Scheme, Thin Film Photovoltaics

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We propose a novel design of enhanced light-absorption schemes for thin-film solar cells based on optical Nano-Antennas whose parameter governing the features of localized surface Plasmon’s resonance and their effect on photosensitive possessions of the materials. The procedure of our design is based on excitation of collective modes of the optical Nano-Antennas whose electric field is localized between contiguous medium, collective modes is very productive to harness the long range of energy from solar spectrum with different and emerging material used in thin-film solar cells. We demonstrated theoretically substantial enhancement of solar-cell absorption spectral density in the whole spectrum range of the solar-cell operation equated to conventional structures commissioning anti-reflecting coating. We have been used COMSOL Multiphysics environment which is based on numerical finite element method (FEM). This approach is paramount substitute of anti-reflection coating and texturing in thin-film solar cells. Owing to less material usage along with efficient novel broad band light-harvesting structures, thin-film solar cells technically well-suited for large area fabrication techniques.

  1. Fazal E Subhan, , University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan, U.S Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E), Pakistan.
  2. Adnan Daud Khan, , University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan, U.S Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E), Pakistan.
  3. Fazal E Hilal, , University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan, U.S Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E), Pakistan.

Novel Design of Optical Nano-Antennas to Enhanced Light-Absorption in Thin Film Solar Cell Fazal E Subhan Adnan Daud Khan and Fazal E Hilal International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 6 Issue 01 PP. 33-38 January 2019

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