Call for Paper, 25 January 2025. Please submit your manuscript via online system or email at

ISSN E 2409-2770
ISSN P 2521-2419

Numerical Simulation for Enhancement of output Performance of WS2 based Thin Film Solar Cells

Vol. 7, Issue 02, PP. 149-153, February 2020


Keywords: Sustainable, Photovoltaic, Simulator, Back Surface field, Reflector

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In this paper , Tungsten Disulfide is utilized for the development of an efficient model, using SCAPS one dimensional Simulator. Performance of the developed model is compared with other thin film solar cells currently under study. An efficient solar cell model with comparable photovoltaic parameters to the recent thin film models is obtained. Taking ZnO window layer material, ZnSe as buffer layer material, WS2 as absorption layer material and Mg as back surface field with back reflector a 20% efficient, design with 0.9Voc, 25 mA/cm2 current density and fill factor of 85% is developed.

  1. Sobab Khan, , Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, Center.For. Energy University of Engineering and Technology. Peshawar, Pakistan.
  2. Mudasar Rashid, , Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, Center.For. Energy University of Engineering and Technology. Peshawar 25000, Pakistan.
  3. Waqas Rahim, , Department of Electrical Engineering, CECOS University of IT and Emerging Sciences, Pakistan.
  4. Muhammad Aitezaz Hussain, , Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, Center.For. Energy University of Engineering and Technology. Peshawar 25000, Pakistan.
  5. Ahtasham Rahim, , Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, Center.For. Energy University of Engineering and Technology. Peshawar 25000, Pakistan.

Sobab Khan Mudasar Rashid Waqas Rahim Muhammad Aitezaz Hussain Ahtasham Rahim "Numerical Simulation for Enhancement of output Performance of WS2 based Thin Film Solar Cells" Issue 02 PP. 149-153 February 2020

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