The research has been lead relating the use of carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets in retrofitting and strengthening of the reinforced concrete member. The present research was conducted by using the epoxy to reinforced concrete beams retrofitted and strengthened for flexural strength by using CFRP sheet. The selected cross-section of the beam having 2400 mm length with 150 mm width and 225 mm height and the beam tension reinforcement on the bottom was set on 2#4bar@1.5" with the 38.1 mm clear cover was set to the main flexural reinforcement. The studied beam was focused on flexural behaviour. The experimental study has shown that while the using of CFRP with epoxy will improve the rigidity and durability of the concrete beam. Their great deformability greatly improves the seismic properties of the beam structures. Under the reinforced RC beams showed a very large deflection by control beam before their failure. By using CFRP externally the rigidity of retrofitted and strengthened beams can be improved.
Ismail Shah Li Jing Shahid Ayaz Waqas Ali Abdullah and Nauman Khan Retrofitting of RC Beam Structure Member by using CFRP International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 7 Issue 10 PP. 350-355 October 2020
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